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12 Indoor Vine Plants You Should Grow in Your Homes 

Indoor vine plants are a pleasant delight to most homes. They can be grown with ease in hanging baskets or pots. These hanging vine plants come in a wide variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. Here are a few you can grow indoors. 

1. Philodendron hederaceum var. hederaceum

Philodendron hederaceum var. hederaceum
Botanical Chapel
Botanical NamePhilodendron hederaceum var. hederaceum
Common NamesPhilodendron micans 
OriginCentral America and North America
Plant TypePerennial vine plant 

Philodendron micans are stunning viney house plants you can grow with ease. They are known for their deep green leaves and heart shape. These leaves can change to maroon depending on the weather. 

Be careful when handling them as they can be toxic. They grow in areas with bright indirect light and moderate watering.

2. Scindapsus pictus ‘Exotica’

Scindapsus pictus 'Exotica'
Botanical NameScindapsus pictus ‘Exotica’
Common NamesSatin pothos
OriginSoutheast Asia
Plant TypeIndoor vine plant, perennial 

Scindapsus pictus ‘Exotica’ or Satin pothos is not a pothos variety. It belongs to the Scindapsus genus but shares similar features with pothos plants. This includes thick heart-shaped velvet-colored leaves with silver variegations.

When compared to the pothos, the Scindapsus variety is slower in growth. It does well in bright but indirect light. And watering should be when the soil is dry.

3. Peperomia prostrata

Peperomia prostrata
World of Succulents
Botanical NamePeperomia prostrata
Common NamesString of turtles, turtle shell plant  
OriginSouth America 
Plant TypePerennial, trailing plant 

String of turtles is an awesome vining houseplant. It is great for small spaces as they grow as long as 2 feet. They feature delicate light green leaves. Its leaves resemble turtle shells tied together. This is where it gets the name “string of turtles” from. 

Grow the Peperomia prostrata in a pot or hanging basket. They grow in areas of low lighting and bright light. They are nontoxic and would need moderate watering. 

4. Epipremnum aureum

Epipremnum aureum
Botanical NameEpipremnum aureum 
Common NamesPothos plant 
OriginAsia, Australia, and parts of Africa
Plant TypePerennial vining plants

The Pothos plant is one of the most popular vining plants grown indoors. They are easy to grow and care for. Epipremnum features thin green leaves carried by slim long branches.  They are heart-shaped and are perfect in hanging baskets.

It helps to grow the exotic plant in low lighting. But they can survive bright, indirect light. Water the plant when the soil is almost dry. Which should be once a week. 

5. Philodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’

Philodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’
Botanical NamePhilodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’
Common NamesBrasil Philodendron
OriginSouth America 
Plant TypePerennial trailing plant

Brasil Philodendrons are hybrid cultivars from the philodendron genus. They are native to rainforests in South America (Brazil). Its distinguishing feature includes light green variegation on its dark foliage. Regardless, it looks a lot like the heart-leaf philodendron. 

Like most philodendron varieties. They need bright but indirect light to grow well. Watering should be done once a week. It can be toxic when eaten so be careful when growing them. 

6. Monstera adansonii

Monstera adansonii
Foliage Dreams
Botanical NameMonstera adansonii
Common NamesSwiss Cheese Plant 
OriginSouth and Central America
Plant TypeVine hanging plant 

The Monstera adansonii is the 2nd most popular of all Monstera genus species. It is distinguished from other Monstera by its large fenestrations. These fenestrations resemble the holes on swiss cheese (hence the name).

It is toxic to both people and pets, so be cautious around them. Light requirements should be bright but filtered. And average watering should be done. 

7. Senecio peregrinus

Senecio peregrinus
Botanical NameSenecio peregrinus 
Common NamesString of Dolphins
OriginSouthwest Africa
Plant TypeVining succulent plant 

String of Dolphins is a gorgeous viney plant. It is a succulent plant that features light green foliage. These foliage resembles falling dolphins and is easy to care for.  They are best grown in hanging baskets and need regular pruning.

Grow your Senecio peregrinus in a room with bright direct sunlight. They can survive little neglect so little watering is needed.

8. Scindapsus treubii 

Scindapsus treubii 
Botanical NameScindapsus treubii
Common NamesMoonlight 
OriginSoutheast Asia
Plant TypeSucculent vining plant 

Scindapsus treubii is a succulent species of the Scindapsus genus. It has unique succulent leaves that have a silver hue. You can grow them indoors in pots or hanging planters. You should be careful around them as they are toxic. 

These vining houseplants need bright but filtered sunlight. They also need frequent watering to keep them flourishing. 

9. Dischidia nummularia 

Dischidia nummularia 
Botanical NameDischidia nummularia 
Common NamesString of Nickels 
Plant TypeEpiphytic vining plant 

String of Nickels is a special vining plant. It is a tropical epiphyte that grows on other surfaces. It also has climbing characteristics which make them special.  They get their name from their oval-shaped leaves, These fleshy leaves resemble nickels. 

They grow in airy potty mixes in a hanging planter. Little watering is needed and they love bright filtered light. They are non-toxic around pets and people. 

10. Senecio radicans 

Senecio radicans 
Altman Plants
Botanical NameSenecio radicans 
Common NamesString of Bananas
OriginSouth Africa 
Plant TypePerennial vine plant 

Senecio radicans are a lot like the Senecio peregrinus. They both have similar leaf structures. However, the Senecio radicans look more like bananas than dolphins. They do have a faster growth rate. And are easier to care for. 

Expose them to at least 4 hours of direct sunlight each day. They are drought resistant, so little watering is needed. 

11. Hoya carnosa

Hoya carnosa
Botanical NameHoya carnosa
Common NamesWax plant
OriginAustralia and East Asia
Plant TypeVining perennial plant 

The Wax plant or Hoya carnosa is a remarkable plant species. It is the most common of the hoya genus. Its features include wavy green foliage, and long, thick vines. They are native to tropical East Asian regions.

Grow them in a small pot with rich, well-draining soil. They love filtered bright sunlight and moderate watering.    

12. Monstera karstenianum 

Monstera karstenianum 
Botanical NameMonstera karstenianum
Common NamesMonstera peru
OriginSouth and Central America
Plant TypeVine hanging plant 

This rare Monstera peru plant is a lot different from its cousins. It doesn’t have fenestrations and is blessed with dark variegation. The leaves are small and are carried by slender vining stems. 

Grow this stunning plant in bright, filtered light. Ensure you water when the soil is dry and use well-draining soil. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What indoor vine plant is the fastest growing?

The pothos plant is the fastest-growing vine plant. It can grow at a rate of  12 inches per month.

Do vine plants need regular pruning? 

Yes, most vine plants tend to grow out of proportion. Regular pruning is encouraged. 

Can English ivy live in low light?

The English ivy Viney plant does well when grown in low lighting.

How often should I water a vine plant?

Most indoor vine plants would need watering once every 4 days at least. 

Why do vines turn brown?

Overwatering is the cause of most vine plant issues. Avoid overwatering them.