Monstera ‘Peru’hasn’t been scientifically classified and there is some confusion over its proper name, but it has become a popular decorative houseplant in different temperate climate regions around the world.

This plant is most commonly referred to as Monstera ‘Peru’ or Monstera karstenianum, but it hasn’t actually been confirmed to be a member of the genus MonsteraIn Europe, it is commonly classified not as a monstera at all but as a ‘devil’s ivy, or Epipremnum. It is frequently sold as Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Marble Planet’. Some sources even classify this plant as a Philodendron, though this seems to be an error.
Monstera ‘Peru’ Identification
Monstera ‘Peru’ strongly resembles Monstera siltepecana, a confirmed species that sports more heart-shaped and lighter colored leaves. It’s also similar to the juvenile form of Monstera pinnatipartida, but can be told apart from this species by the fact that it never develops leaf splits. A plant identification tool can help you figure out what you’ve got on your hands.
Though there is some confusion over which part of the world it hails from, Monstera ‘Peru’ is clearly a tropical rainforest species. This means it’s probably used to a warm, humid and rainy environment where it receives limited light. It likely climbs taller trees in its natural habitat.
Our goal, when growing this as a houseplant, is to mimic those natural tropical forest conditions as closely as we can. This means looking at light, temperatures, humidity and potting mix to provide the right environmental conditions.
In its natural rainforest habitat, wherever that may be, Monstera ‘Peru’ is unlikely to receive much direct sunlight. The majority will be blocked out by taller trees, which is why the species has developed a climbing growth pattern to gain height and benefit from higher light levels.
In the home, your Monstera ‘Peru’ will appreciate plenty of light, but it can be sensitive to direct sun. If you do want to give it some direct rays, be sure to acclimate your plant gradually to prevent it from burning. Too little light and the leaves will become sparse, which ruins your plant’s nice appearance.
Tropical jungles are just that: tropical and hot. Luckily that works out well for us houseplant enthusiasts, as we tend to keep our houses at temperatures that are perfectly fine for plants from these areas. Room temp works well for your Monstera ‘Peru’, although a little warmer shouldn’t be a problem for this one either.
Make sure you avoid exposing your plant to cold. Mine has been fine with temperatures around 15 °C/59 °F so far and is still actively growing, but I would expect it to stop developing if things drop below 10 °C/50 °F.
For the best results, just avoid placing your Monstera ‘Peru’ near chilly windowsills, drafty hallways and A/C units.
Like other tropical plants, this one won’t respond well to very low air humidity. It’s not overly fussy, but if your home gets quite dry (which tends to happen during the winter months), you may have to take some special measures to prevent your Monstera ‘Peru’ and other tropicals from suffering.
It’s handy to get a cheap humidity meter first to see where you’re at. If the humidity is below 40-50%, you can consider running a humidifier, grouping plants together or using a humidity box or cabinet.
Soil & Planting
This species is definitely an aroid, so your best bet in terms of soil is to treat it as such. A well-draining, airy mixture is the way to go!You can also use a mixture of potting soil, perlite and orchid bark for mine.
You could also consider a soil-less mixture like 5:1:1 (5 parts orchid bark, 1 part sphagnum moss, one part perlite) or just pre-mixed aroid soil. As long as excess water can drain well and plenty of oxygen reaches the roots, your Monstera ‘Peru’ should thrive.
First off, as with almost all houseplants, you should always use a container with a drainage hole for your Monstera ‘Peru’. It’s sensitive to standing water and can easily succumb to root rot if its pot doesn’t drain.
This is one of those vining species that allows you to choose whether you prefer to let it hang down or climb. If you like the look of a hanging planter, this may be a good choice for that. If you prefer your vining plants to climb, make or purchase a moss pole for your Monstera ‘Peru’.
Tip: Are you having trouble with your Monstera ‘Peru’? Try having a look at the guide to troubleshooting for Philodendrons. Although this plant is probably not a Philodendron, it’s quite similar in terms of its care and the problems that can pop up with it.
The key to success with aroids like this one is to keep their soil lightly moist, but never wet. Too dry and the leaves will start curling due to thirst; too wet and you risk root rot.
You shouldn’t water on a schedule, as a plant’s needs vary between the seasons and according to factors like light levels and air humidity. Instead, learn to recognize whether your Monstera ‘Peru’ is thirsty. Check the soil moisture with your finger or by gauging the weight of the planter. Soil still damp or pot still feels heavy? Wait a little longer.
You’ll likely end up watering your Monstera ‘Peru’ about twice a week during the hottest summer months and possibly as little as once every two weeks during winter.
Monstera ‘Peru’ doesn’t require a lot of fertilizer. Still, because it is a quick grower, a little boost will be appreciated during the growing season to help it along. You can use a balanced, organic liquid houseplant fertilizer. Just dilute it to half strength and apply while watering once a month or so during the summer months.
Stop using fertilizer during winter or if your Monstera ‘Peru’ isn’t growing well. It won’t be able to use the nutrients you provide, allowing them to damage the roots.
Propagating your Monster ‘Peru’ really couldn’t be easier. You can simply snip a vine at any point using clean scissors to take a cutting. As long as it has a node (and preferably a leaf or two), it’ll regrow.
Cuttings can be placed in water to root, or you can plant them directly in soil. If you go for the latter option, it helps to dip the cutting in rooting hormone and to place it in a propagator or just a clear plastic bag. The increased humidity and warmth work well to stimulate rooting.
Some houseplant enthusiasts also like to propagate in pure sphagnum moss, perlite or LECA. In the end, it all depends on your own preferences! If you’re not sure, why not take multiple cuttings from your plant and test what works well for you?
Is Monstera ‘Peru’ Toxic To Cats And Dogs?
Aroids like this one tend to contain oxalic acid, which can be irritating to the mouth and throat if your furry friend chews them. In extreme cases, swelling can occur that warrants medical intervention, but it’s not very likely: once the burning sensation starts after the first few bites, your pet will likely decide it’s not worth it.
In short: technically, Monstera ‘Peru’ isn’t toxic, but it can cause your pet pain. Be sure to offer plenty of water and keep an eye on pets or children if you think they may have chewed one of your aroid houseplants.