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Monstera Obliqua: How To Grow And Care

The Monstera Obliqua is a member of the ever-popular Monstera genus. With its peculiar leaf structure and aesthetic appeal, it is indeed a rare beauty with roots tied to the deep tropical forests of South and Central America.

The fenestrations of this swiss cheese plant variant distinguish it from other Monstera variants,  since this plant can have more holes than actual leaf tissue. 


Although caring for the Monstera Obliqua might seem like a lot of work, it becomes easier with the more understanding you have. 

To grow it successfully you need knowledge of its basic requirements  – especially when it comes to light, temperatures and humidity and soil or potting mix. 

Light Requirements

The Monstera Obliqua’s light requirements are quite high. In fact, the swiss cheese plant requires a total of 7 hours a day in a room with enough bright indirect light. 

The fragile leaves of the obliqua could get burned when exposed to excess direct sunlight for too long, so ensure that you avoid direct sunlight as much as possible. 

Try placing your swiss cheese plant in a well-lit room with little access to direct sunlight. The bathroom is oftentimes the best choice when looking at the options. 

If your plant isn’t getting enough indirect light, you can tell from its leaves as they could begin turning yellow or start wilting. 

Temperature and Humidity Requirements 

In the deep tropical South American forests where the Monstera Obliqua thrives, it is exposed to warm and humid climates of at least 20 degrees celsius. As such, you should ensure you provide a similar climate for your obliqua while indoors.

If humidity is too low inside your home for your Monstera Obliqua Peruvian plant, then you can do one of these things;

  • Place the swiss cheese plant in a suitably light bathroom or kitchen, or a porch or conservatory where humidity is naturally higher. 
  • Get a humidifier for the room your obliqua is in.
  • Group houseplants together. 
  • Mist the plants.
  • Use pebble-filled water trays below the pots of your Monstera. 

Soil/ Potting Mix Requirements 

Picking the right soil for the Obliqua is key to healthy proper growth as the Obliqua plant needs a rich quality soil mix to flourish.

A peat-bfree potting mix that shares certain characteristics with peat-based potting mix without the environmental damage would be the perfect soil mix for the cheese plant. Peat alternatives like coir, like peat, have good water retaining abilities which allow enough time for the obliqua plant to absorb enough water. 

Other ingredients for your potting mix should be moss or bark and loam soil. Loam soil is a great ingredient for your mix because its loose texture allows for the plant’s roots to spread out when searching for nutrients.


Caring for this plant mostly involves getting things right when it comes to watering and feeding. 


Water Monstera Obliqua according to need. This will vary greatly from one location to another, but in general you will water this plant a maximum of twice every week during the hot seasons and a maximum of once every 2 weeks during cold seasons.

In all you do, ensure that the soil mix remains moist, not wet. Overwatering your obliqua could lead to the stems collapsing or stunted growth.

Great practice for checking the water content of your soil is to feel the soil with your fingertip. If after feeling, you discover that the top layer of the soil is dry, then you can water the plant. 


When compared to its Monstera genus counterparts, the Obliqua requires less fertilizer. This is because the obliqua cheese plant grows in a rather slow manner. 

Feed your obliqua plant every 2 weeks to one month during the spring and summer.  

For the winter , avoid feeding the Monstera obliqua entirely during the ‘rest’ period.. 


As we have already established, the Monstera Obliqua is a slow-growing plant, so not much pruning is required. 

When placed in its natural habitat, the Monstera obliqua can reach a height of 6-10 feet. But its slow growth means it would take quite a while to reach this height.

Pruning is still required to give it a full healthier look. By trimming its dead leaves you create space for new leaves to flourish.

Trim the back of its nodes during the growing season to ensure it doesn’t outgrow its living space. Also, when getting rid of dead leaves, trim them off, from the stem. 

Common Diseases And Pests

The Monstera Obliqua is quite delicate and could suffer from a wide variety of diseases. Some of these diseases include a mosaic virus, leaf scorch, molds, and root rot. 

Spider Mites also affect this delicate beauty by feasting on the exotic, fenestrated leaves which could even, in extreme infestations, kill your swiss cheese plant.    

Check your Monstera obliqua plants often for signs and symptoms of diseases or pests and If you notice the diseases or pests spreading to areas of the plant’s tissue, do ensure you cut the affected areas of the plant.


All species of the Monstera genus are harmful to pets and humans when eaten.The obliqua is no exception.

When eaten, it could lead to irritation in the mouth. Although for humans, a large portion would need to be eaten to be very harmful.

However, it is advised that you keep all Monstera species away from children’s and pets’ reach. If you notice a child or pet has eaten an obliqua leaf, ensure you call a doctor and watch them for any signs or symptoms that may develop.