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Hoya Macrophylla

Hoya macrophylla is native to Eastern Asia and Australia. Other names associated with this Hoya variety are Hoya browniana, Hoya clandestina, and Hoya macrophylla white margins. It’s considered one of the rarer types of Hoya plants.

Hoya Macrophylla Appearance

Hoya macrophylla is a trailing vine growing 5 feet (1.5m) in length, The plant’s large leaves reach 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 cm) long and 1.5 to 4 inches (4 to 10 cm) wide. Macrophylla Hoya leaves are fleshy and waxy with dark-green coloring. As they mature, the leaves often feature strips of white, yellow, or pink.

Blooms appear in the spring and summer, producing cream or white clusters of star-shaped flowers. The flowers release their scent at night when their natural pollinators come out. The scent is said to resemble that of the hydrangea.

Hoya Macrophylla Light Requirements

Hoya macrophylla and Hoya macrophylla variegata are sensitive to sunlight because of their large leaves. Indirect light or morning sun, from an east or west-facing window is best. Aim for at least four hours of filtered sunlight per day and supplement with a grow light if natural light is not available.

Watering and Soil

Hoya macrophylla grows naturally in hot and arid conditions. Mimic this climate by allowing the soil to dry to the bottom of the pot between watering. Use a soil meter to ensure accuracy. Water thoroughly once or twice a week during the growing season.  Drain any excess collected in the tray to avoid root rot.

Grow the macrophylla Hoya in a well-draining, airy soil mixture of two parts peat and one part perlite. Cactus soil is also acceptable. Ensure the pot has drainage holes to avoid soggy soil. Keep the soil’s pH level between 6.8 and 7.2. Repot this Hoya plant every two years once it becomes root bound. Allowing some root congestion encourages blooming.

Temperature and Humidity

Keep room temperatures for Hoya macrophylla between 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 26 Celsius) during the spring and summer growth months. During winter temperatures of 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 15 degrees Celsius) are acceptable.

Humidity of above 40 percent will keep the macrophylla Hoya healthy but it will tolerate up to 90 percent humidity if available. For added air moisture, use a humidifier, or place the plant’s pot on a tray filled with gravel and water.

Pruning and Propagation

Remove dead leaves or vines to maintain the plant’s health and keep energy into viable foliage and blooms. Use sharp, sterilized shears to avoid disease or damage.

Propagate Hoya macrophylla by choosing a healthy vine with two nodes or leaves. Expose the nodes by removing the bottom leaves, keeping one leaf attached. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone and insert it into a pot filled with sphagnum moss. Keep the moss moist but not soggy during this period. Cover the pot with plastic wrap to maintain humidity and place the pot in a space 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius).

Hoya Macrophylla Pests and Disease


Mealybugs are a common pest the macrophylla Hoya attract. Yellow or curling leaves is a sign of infestation. Check the stems and leaf axils for small bugs to confirm their presence. Quarantine an infected plant to reduce the risk of spread and treat it with neem oil or horticultural oil as directed.  

Overwatering Hoya macrophylla is the leading cause of fungal leaf infections. Yellow and black leaves are visual signs of a fungal presence. To correct the issue, first remove any infected leaves. Reduce watering and move the plant to a location with more indirect sunlight and air flow. If the problem persists, spray the plant with a fungicide for houseplants.

Hoya macrophylla is an impressive plant thanks to its large leaves with varying color streaks. It does not need as much humidity as other Hoya varieties, but the large foliage is susceptible to fungus and some pest infestation if not monitored. Its easy care makes it an excellent addition to any houseplant collection.

In a rush? Here are 10 Hoya varieties for beginners to discover:

Hoya carnosa

Hoya wayetii

Hoya australis

Hoya kerrii

Hoya curtissii

Hoya obovata

Hoya publicalyx

Hoya Linearis

Hoya lacunosa

Hoya krimson queen

Hoya Macrophylla FAQ

Why are the Leaves on My Hoya Macrophylla Soft and Misshapen?

Soft or misshapen leaves often occur because of plant stress during leaf production. Stress factors include overwatering, incorrect temperatures, or acclimating to a new environment after being moved.

What is the Hoya Macrophylla’s Growth Rate?

The macrophylla Hoya has a slow growth rate with a shallow root system.

Are Hoya Macrophylla Toxic?

No. The Hoya macrophylla and Hoya macrophylla variegata are not considered toxic to pets or humans.

Can Hoya Macrophylla Be Grown Outdoors?

Yes, this Hoya plant is considered a tender perennial and will grow outdoors in USDA zones 10 and 11. Ensure to place them out of direct sunlight to avoid damaging their leaves.

Should I Mist My Hoya Macrophylla?

To increase humidity and moisture, mist the air around the plant in the morning. Avoid heavy misting directly on the leaves as this can lead to fungal issues.