Hoya lacunosa is native to Indonesia, Singapore, China, and other regions. Also referred to as Hoya suaveolens, its name is inspired by the sunken veins present on the foliage. One of the smaller Hoya varieties, it can be grown outdoors in zones 10a to 11b.
Hoya Lacunosa Appearance
Hoya lacunosa’s vines grow to 5 feet (1.5 m) in length. The deep-green leaves are oval-shaped and fleshy, with variations of lacunosa featuring variegated or frosty leaves.
Blooms are star-shaped, white, and have a fuzzy texture. Flowers grow in clusters of 15 to 20 flowers and release a strong, cinnamon-like fragrance. If grown outside, the blooms attract butterflies and other pollinators.
Hoya Lacunosa Light Requirements

The lacunosa Hoya prefers medium to high light conditions. Grow in indirect sunlight near a bright, south-facing window for optimal growth and blooming.
Supplement low light with a full-spectrum, LED grow light if needed. Hoya varieties with variegated leaves require more sun exposure as only the dark-green parts of a leaf make chlorophyll.
Watering and Soil
Water Hoya lacunosa when the top two to three inches of soil feels dry. Test soil moisture by using a moisture meter or by inserting a finger into the soil up to the second knuckle. The reading should show low moisture, or the soil feels dry.
Lacunosa is somewhat drought tolerant, requiring more water during active growth, but less during the winter. After watering, drain the drip tray of excess water to avoid root rot.
Grow the lacunosa Hoya in a well-draining potting mix amended with your choice of perlite, pine bark, sand, and peat.
Use a potting soil for orchids if mixing your own is not preferred. The pot requires drainage holes to avoid soggy soil. For hanging baskets, one made of coco fiber provides additional airflow for healthy roots.
Feed the Hoya with organic material, such as bark, or a slow-release fertilizer for houseplants.
Bi-monthly feedings with orchid fertilizer during growth will suffice. Do not fertilize during winter.
Temperature and Humidity
Place Hoya lacunosa in a room with temperatures between 68 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 25 degrees Celsius).
Avoid temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) and cold drafts to decrease the chance of damage or dormancy.
Humidity levels of 60 percent or higher will encourage optimal growth and blooming of the lacunosa Hoya.
Supplement low humidity with a room humidifier or by placing a tray filled with gravel and water underneath the plant’s pot.
Pruning and Propagation
Prune dead leaves or vines on Hoya lacunosa to maintain the plant’s health. Use sharp, disinfected shears to avoid disease or damage.
Prune after blooming has stopped and avoid deadheading spent flowers as the plant will bloom from these spurs again.
For easy propagation of Hoya lacunosa, trim a healthy vine 3 to 4 inches long with at least three leaves attached.
Remove the bottom two leaves to reveal the node. Place the cutting in a glass filled with enough water to immerse the nodes but not the leaves.
Add rooting hormone to the water to speed up root formation. Once roots grow 1 to 2 inches long, plant the cutting in the appropriate soil mixture.
Hoya Lacunosa Pests and Disease
Typical pests of the lacunosa Hoya include mealybugs and spider mites. Control infestations with either a horticultural oil or neem oil, applying as directed. Several applications may be necessary depending on the severity of the infestation.
Root rot is common when Hoya plants are overwatered. The condition causes stunted growth and eventual death of the plant if not treated. To kill the bacteria caused by root rot, mix one part 3 percent hydrogen peroxide with two parts water. Pour the mixture into the plant’s pot, moistening soil thoroughly.
Hoya lacunosa is a compact Hoya plant with an enticing fragrance released in the evening. It is easy to grow providing its lighting and soil requirements are met. It is available in many varieties, each with their own unique appearance.
In a rush? Here are 10 Hoya varieties for beginners to discover:
Hoya Lacunosa FAQ
The term “leggy” refers to a growth pattern of abnormally long stems and sparse foliage. The cause of this condition is inadequate lighting conditions. To correct the issue, move the plant to a location with more indirect sunlight or supplement with a grow light.
Lacunosa typically blooms in spring through fall. Plants growing in warmer climates may bloom year-round.
There are many unique varieties of this Hoya species. Some varieties include H. lacunosa var. pallidiflora, H. lacunosa eskimo, H. lacunosa ruby sue, and H. lacunosa tove.
The lacunosa Hoya has a moderate to fast growth rate provided all its light, temperature, and watering needs are met.
The two Hoya varieties are close cousins and are similar in growth rate and needs. H. krohniana differs from H. lacunosa in two ways: krohniana is native to the Philippines and it features heart-shaped leaves instead of oval foliage.