Peperomia raindrop is an adorably compact houseplant perfect for apartment-dwellers and others with limited space. It has glossy, heart-shaped leaves that are deep green in color. It usually stays under one foot tall, and doesn’t require a lot of attention.

Other names for peperomia raindrop include coin plant and coin-leaf peperomia. It’s often mistaken for Chinese money plant because of similar foliage shapes, but this plant is native to Peru and Columbia.
Light Conditions
Peperomia raindrop prefers guarded or filtered light, so position it near an east or west facing window. Avoid placing it directly in strong sunlight. Be sure to rotate it regularly so it grows straight up instead of leaning towards the sun.
Peperomia raindrop also grows well under LED or fluorescent plant lights. However, don’t leave them on 24 hours a day. Plants need some darkness to grow well.
Water Needs
Determine if it’s time to water your peperomia raindrop by sticking your finger two inches into the soil. If it feels dry, your raindrop plant is ready for a drink.
Watering once a week during the spring and summer should be sufficient. Cut back on watering in the winter. Once every 10 to 15 days is ideal.
As with all plants in the peperomia family, avoid overwatering your raindrop plant. Although its leaves are thick and hearty, its roots are delicate and prone to rot if they become oversaturated.
Soil and Fertilizer Tips

Peperomia raindrop needs a fast-draining soil to keep its roots from becoming waterlogged. Mix your own by combining equal parts of perlite and peat moss. You can also buy a premixed soil designed for growing African violets.
Once a month, feed your peperomia raindrop a diluted liquid fertilizer. Look for one that has NPK 20-20-20 or NPK 10-10-10 on the label. Avoid fertilizing during the winter months when the plant isn’t actively growing.
Temperature and Humidity Requirements
Peperomia raindrop grows best in a moderate temperature environment between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18-27 degrees Celsius). Avoid placing a raindrop plant too close to a heater or air conditioning vent, as it cannot handle sharp temperature fluctuations.
Average home humidity is fine for a peperomia raindrop plant, but occasional water misting will help recreate the humid environment of its natural habitat.
Potting and Repotting Peperomia Raindrop
Peperomia raindrop has a relatively weak and shallow root system, so avoid repotting it unless it’s absolutely necessary. Handling the delicate roots can cause them to break and stunt your raindrop plant’s growth.
Every two to three years, however, you should repot your peperomia raindrop so that it has soil with fresh nutrients. Avoid repotting it in a too-large container. Peperomia raindrop plants prefer tight containers over those with wide margins around the root ball.
Natural terra cotta pots are a great choice for raindrop plants. They absorb excess water quickly, which then evaporates. This helps keep the plant’s soil at just the right moisture level.
When to Prune Peperomia Raindrop
One of the beautiful things about peperomia raindrop is that it doesn’t have any strict pruning requirements. It’s a relaxed plant whose appearance remains relatively stable. Be sure to remove faded flowers and any brown or withered leaves on a regular basis.
Peperomia Raindrop Propagation
It’s easy to create more raindrop plants via stem or leaf cuttings. Peperomia raindrop polybotrya propagation is best done during the spring or summer. Only prune your plants with sterile pruning shears or scissors.

Stem Cuttings
Trim a healthy stem with two or three leaves and remove the leaves at the bottom of the stem. Dip the cut end into rooting hormone and place the stem into the same potting mix you used for the main plant. Keep the soil damp and within a few weeks, you should see tiny new leaflets appear.
Leaf Cuttings
Prune a healthy leaf from the mother plant. You can leave some stem attached or simply use the leaf. Cut the leaf in half across its width and dip the cut edge in rooting powder. Insert the leaf’s cut edge into the soil first, about a centimeter or two into the soil.
Water the soil thoroughly and cover the leaf cuttings with a plastic bag. Remove the bag for a few hours twice a week to avoid excessive moisture buildup or mold growth. After a few days you should see new roots emerging from the cut edges. Once multiple leaflets develop, transfer the plant to a new, small pot.
Common Peperomia Raindrop Problems
Red spider mites and mealy bugs are the two primary pests that affect peperomia raindrop. If you see small yellow spots on your raindrop plant’s leaves, it’s probably from these bugs drawing sap from its leaves. Spray the plant with neem oil after wiping the leaves down with a damp cloth.
If you notice wilting leaves or rotting stalks, it’s likely from overwatering your plant. Allow the soil to dry out and plan to water it less frequently
Peperomia Varieties
Peperomia Orba
Peperomia Ruby Cascade
Peperomia Hope
Peperomia ferreyrae
Peperomia Ginny
Peperomia Clusiifolia
Peperomia Graveolens
Peperomia Rosso
Peperomia Watermelon
Peperomia Caperata
Peperomia Obtusifolia
Peperomia Raindrop FAQs
If you see raindrop plant leaves falling off, it usually means that the soil has gotten too dry. This causes the roots to wither, which weakens the plant. Give it a good soaking and allow it to drain. You may still see leaves dropping for a few days, but the plant should begin to recover.
Peperomia polybotrya raindrop is rare in some areas, but quite easy to find in others. If you have trouble finding raindrop plants, look for online plant retailers.
Misting isn’t an essential part of peperomia raindrop polybotrya care, but your raindrop plant will probably appreciate an occasional spritz of water—especially during dry weather. Since the raindrop leaf plant grows naturally in damp tropical forests, it prefers humidity a little higher than the average home.
Yes, but peperomia raindrop flowers appear as thin, tail-like, white or green blooms. Be sure to prune the flowers after they fade, to avoid fungal or bacterial growth.