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How to Care for Peperomia Ruby Cascade

Peperomia ruby cascade features round two-tone leaves cascading down long vines. Perfect for hanging baskets, ruby cascade Peperomia has glossy leaves that are dark green on top and deep garnet red underneath. 

Ruby cascade peperomia is a small, slow-growing plant that only reaches 3 to 5 inches tall. However, its vines may eventually descend several feet below the pot if you follow these Peperomia ruby cascade plant care tips below.

Light Requirements

In nature, Peperomia ruby cascade light requirements are balanced. It grows well in a dappled combination of sun and shade. Many types of peperomia prefer being several feet away from a window, but the ruby cascade variety needs to be closer to its light source. 

Consider placing your Peperomia ruby cascade on a south-facing windowsill, or at most, six inches away from the window. Protect it from harsh, direct light as it’s sensitive to strong sunlight.

Water Requirements

As a semi-succulent houseplant, Peperomia ruby cascade must be allowed to dry out between waterings. It actually prefers to stay dry most of the time. 

A good Peperomia ruby cascade water schedule is approximately once every 7 to 10 days in the spring and summer, and once a month during the fall and winter. However, before you water, stick your finger in the soil to see if it’s dry an inch or two below the surface. If it still feels damp, wait a few more days to water.

Soil and Fertilizer Requirements

Peperomia ruby cascade grows best in a well-aerated soil with plenty of drainage. Fill the container with a 50/50 mix of peat compost and perlite. You can also use peat moss and perlite, but Peperomia ruby cascade grows better in compost than ordinary potting soil. That’s because, in the wild, it naturally grows in decomposing plant material and leaf litter.

The Peperomia ruby cascade species only needs fertilizer during its spring and summer growing seasons. Apply a mild liquid fertilizer diluted by half every two weeks during this timeframe. Avoid fertilizing during the fall and winter.

Temperature and Humidity Levels

A native to tropical climates, Peperomia ruby cascade is found in Central and South American rainforests where it climbs up trees and rocks. As a houseplant, Peperomia ruby cascade continues to thrive with warm temperatures and high humidity levels. It’s fine indoors or out, but if the temp drops to 50F (10C), bring your plant indoors.

As long as your Peperomia ruby cascade succulent plant isn’t in direct sunlight, it can tolerate humid summer weather. In fact, it’s one of the rare peperomia varieties that enjoy being misted with water a couple times a week. Use a fine spray so that the droplets evaporate quickly.

Placing your Peperomia ruby cascade pot on a shallow tray filled with pebbles and water is another way to increase humidity through evaporation. 

Potting, Repotting, and Pruning

Peperomia ruby cascade is a slow grower, so repotting and pruning aren’t part of routine maintenance. In fact, you probably won’t need to remove it from its original pot for two or three years. 

It’s time to repot when you see roots growing up out of the soil. Transfer your Peperomia ruby cascade plant to a container that’s two or three inches bigger for best results. Be cautious when handling ruby cascade’s delicate roots and stems—it’s surprisingly easy to damage them.

Propagating Peperomia Ruby Cascade

The division method is the easiest way to propagate Peperomia ruby cascade. When it’s time to repot your plant, carefully break the clump apart and place each section in its own small pot. 

Another Peperomia ruby cascade propagation method is stem-tip cutting. Select several growing stems and cut them just under a leaf node. Remove the leaves from the bottom one-third of each stem and place stems in water. In 3 to 5 weeks, new roots should begin to show. 

Troubleshooting Peperomia Ruby Cascade

The most challenging part about Peperomia ruby cascade plant care is keeping rot away. It’s very sensitive to overwatering, resulting in rot throughout the roots, stems, and leaves. 

If the leaves on your Peperomia ruby cascade are losing color, it’s because they’re being bleached by too much direct sunlight. Find another location where the light is not so intense.

When the leaves closest to the soil look wrinkled, it’s a sign that it’s time to water your ruby cascade. If the leaves look yellow, cut back on fertilizer and flush the soil with water to remove excess minerals.

Peperomia Varieties

Peperomia Orba
Peperomia Hope
Peperomia ferreyrae
Peperomia Ginny
Peperomia Clusiifolia
Peperomia Graveolens
Peperomia Rosso
Peperomia Watermelon
Peperomia Caperata
Peperomia Obtusifolia

Peperomia Ruby Cascade FAQs

Is Peperomia ruby cascade rare?

Ruby Cascade is a relatively uncommon plant. You might see a Peperomia ruby cascade at Home Depot—in a hanging basket—but don’t be surprised if it’s hard to find. Look online for rare plant shops on Ebay and Etsy, or check your local Facebook Marketplace. 

Does Ruby Cascade like to be root bound?

Yes. Part of proper Peperomia ruby cascade care is keeping it slightly rootbound in a smaller pot. Placing it in a large pot will cause root shock—a condition that prevents it from growing.

Does Peperomia ruby cascade flower?

You may never see your Peperomia ruby cascade bloom, as plants in the peperomia family rarely bloom when kept as houseplants. You may see small, round pink flowers in the spring months, but they’re rather insignificant. Many people pinch flowers off so that the plant’s energy can channel into creating more abundant ruby leaves.

Is Peperomia ruby cascade poisonous to cats?

No! Peperomia ruby cascade is safe for cats, dogs, and children. It will not harm them if accidentally ingested.