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How to Care for Peperomia Rosso

Peperomia rosso is a type of tropical succulent native to South and Central America. Its variegated dark green leaves fan above red stalks which grow in a rosette pattern. 

How to Care for Peperomia Rosso

Other names include peperomia rossa, peperomia Eden rosso, and rosso peperomia.

It’s an easy-growing houseplant with only a few special requirements.

Keep reading to learn peperomia rosso care tips that will keep your plant happy and healthy.  

Light Requirements

Peperomia rosso usually thrives in a home with adequate light. Fortunately, rosso peperomia grows best in partial shade—that is, near a window where it can receive bright, but indirect light. 

Peperomia rosso sunlight cannot be direct in the afternoons, as too much light will burn its leaves. This plant can also thrive in a lower light room, but you may notice your peperomia rosso losing color. You can solve this problem by positioning it under a fluorescent light.

Light Requirements

Water Requirements

Learning how to water peperomia rosso can be tricky as the soil must dry a bit between waterings. They dislike soggy soil, but cannot survive an extended drought. It’s time to water when the soil is about 50 to 75 percent dry. If you prefer to adhere to a schedule, peperomia rosso watering should happen once every 10 days or so.

Soak the soil thoroughly, until water flows through the drainage holes, but don’t allow the plant to sit in the overflow. Cut back on watering when the plant is dormant in the wintertime. 

Avoid watering the plant’s rosette crown as it’s prone to black mold rot—especially during cold weather. For the same reason, peperomia rosso care doesn’t include regular misting with water. However, you can spray them if you need to clean the leaves or you want to increase the air’s humidity level.

Soil and Fertilizer Requirements

Peperomia rosso needs a well-draining soil to prevent soggy roots. Grow it in a houseplant potting soil that contains peat moss. These plants also grow well in standard cactus or succulent potting mixes. You can make your own peperomia rosso soil mix by combining equal amounts of perlite and peat moss. A layer of gravel in the bottom of the pot helps keep air circulating around the fine roots.

Peperomia rosso only needs fertilizer during its active growing season, from spring to fall. Add slow-release fertilizer granules to the pot, or apply a balanced 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer every two weeks. 

Soil and Fertilizer Requirements

Temperature and Humidity Levels

Peperomia rosso does well in normal room temperatures, approximately 65 to 80 degrees F (18 to 27 degrees C). Avoid placing this plant near heating or air conditioning vents, where extreme temperature fluctuations can occur. 

The ideal peperomia rosso humidity level is average to high, so it’s a great bathroom house plant. If you live in a hot, desert climate, peperomia rosso will prefer being placed on a pebble and water tray that adds humidity to the environment. Just make sure the bottom of the container stays above the water level.

Potting, Repotting and Pruning

Peperomia rosso roots like being a little root-bound, where they conform to shape of the plant container. However, if you see roots peeking through the pot’s drain holes, it’s time to move your plant to a larger container.

Choose a new pot that is only slightly bigger than the root ball. Be careful handling peperomia rosso roots while potting or repotting, as they are fragile and easily damaged. Even if peperomia rosso doesn’t seem to be outgrowing its container, repot it in the springtime every other year or so, to refresh the soil.

A peperomia rosso plant is fairly short, and probably won’t need pruning unless it grows taller than 12” (about 30 centimeters). Be sure to prune it with a sterilized knife or scissors. Peperomia rosso cannot withstand heavy pruning, so try to only remove damaged or dead foliage as needed. 

Propagating Peperomia Rosso

Propagating Peperomia Rosso

Peperomia rosso propagation is an easy process, especially if you’re already familiar with propagating African violets from cuttings. Simply cut off a long stem with a couple of large leaves. Poke the stem into a container filled with seedling starter soil or fresh, clean compost. 

Firm the soil around the stem and place the container in a warm place that receives indirect sunlight. Within a month, you should see new growth and can transfer the plant into its permanent container. Adding some rooting hormone can help your peperomia rosso cuttings take root.

Peperomia Varieties 

There are over 1,000 varieties of peperomia, including:

  • Peperomia argyreia, or watermelon peperomia, has green leaves with silvery, watermelon-like stripes.
  • Peperomia caperata rosso has wrinkled, heart-shaped leaves with red, orange, or purple veins.
  • Peperomia moonlight has heart-shaped leaves with a metallic-like sheen.
  • Peperomia prostrata, or String of Turtles, features tiny rounded leaves that resemble turtle shells.

Peperomia Orba
Peperomia Ruby Cascade
Peperomia Hope
Peperomia ferreyrae
Peperomia Ginny
Peperomia Clusiifolia
Peperomia Graveolens
Peperomia Watermelon
Peperomia Caperata
Peperomia Obtusifolia

Peperomia Rosso FAQs

Does peperomia rosso flower? 

Peperomia rosso does grow flowers, but they’re not particularly attractive. In fact some plant owners will pinch them off because they don’t really add anything to the plant’s appearance. A peperomia rosso flower looks like a thin green or brown spike. It’s relatively unusual to see blooms on an indoor peperomia rosso houseplant. 

Why is my peperomia rosso wilting?

Wilting can be from over or under watering. Look for additional signs to determine which is the cause of the wilting. If you’ve overwatered your peperomia rosso plant, you’ll see rotting stalks, yellowing leaves, and mold growth on the soil’s surface. If you’ve underwatered, the leaves will feel brittle and have brown tips, and the dry soil may pull away from the sides of the pot.

Is peperomia rosso toxic to cats, dogs or children?

Peperomia rosso and its many varieties are considered non-toxic to both children and pets. Horses even graze on them when they’re used as a ground cover. Dogs and cats sometimes vomit after eating peperomia rosso, but that’s usually because they ate too much, not because of any toxicity.