Flowers are the gems of any garden, but how often do you come across blue flowers? They are one of the rarest colors of flowers seen worldwide.

So if you have some blue flowering plants in your garden, consider yourself lucky. Blue flowers look completely different in the eyes of the pollinating bugs that see them in UV, and they just happen to be bees’ favorite color of flower to visit.
Why Is the Color Blue So Rare in Nature?
Blue is a very common color on earth since the sky and ocean are mostly blue. However, when it comes to plants and animals, the color is rare, and we often wonder why.
The main reason for this is there isn’t a true blue pigment found in nature. The blue you see in some few plants and animals is more a trick of the light.
Plants like hydrangeas, who change color depending on the soil acidity, can look blue by altering another color found in their blooms, mainly the red pigment called anthocyanins.
In animals and plants, the color blue is a trick of physics, light, and your eyes, not a true color.
20 Types of Blue Flowers
You now know that there is no true blue pigment in nature. But we can still enjoy the color blue in a few flowers found around the world.
Here are some of the most loved and best representations of blue flowers.
Light Blue Flowers
Light blue flowers are some of the most popular blue flowers since they appear to be more true blue than other shades of blue flowers.
1. Stiff Blue-eyed Grass

Despite its name, the Sisyrinchium demissum is not grass at all. In fact, the flower is a member of the Iris family.
They grow in almost any soil and are known to attract birds to your garden. According to Nature North, you have to be a morning person to witness these delicate flowers opening their blooms.
2. Glory-of-the-Snow

Scilla section Chionodoxa, known by its more common name, Glory-of-the-snow, is a white-blue colored flower. Unfortunately, though, it is a perennial flowering plant, which means it grows year after year.
It blooms in spring and provides your garden with a lovely bee-friendly section which is ideal if you have other veggies or fruit trees that need pollination. Read more at Gardenia about these light blue flowers.
3. Love in a Mist

Love in a Mist, also known as Devil in the Bush, depending on where you’re from, is a flowering part that is a member of the Ranunculaceae family. The flower’s full name is Nigella damascena, and it produces charming flowers from late spring onwards.
It’s important to note the flower is toxic to humans when consumed. So keep children away from this plant, and read up on how to care for Love in a Mist at The Spruce.
4. Scabiosa ‘Butterfly Blue’

As its name indicates, the Scabiosa columbaria is a blue-colored flower that butterflies favor. They grow throughout most of the year with vigorous growth in autumn.
These flowers have a few varieties that range from white, blue, and pink. They are decorative flowers with no known medicinal use. Read up about them over that The Gardener.
5. Hydrangea

Hydrangea is one of the most interesting plants when it comes to its flowers. They actually change the color of their blooms depending on the soil’s acidity levels.
Hydrangea macrophylla are large bushy plants that produce massive blooms composed of smaller delicate flowers. Better Homes & Gardens notes that you should grow hydrangeas in a pH of 5.5 or lower in order for the plant to produce blue blooms.
Dark Blue Flowers
Dark blue flowers are a bit rarer than other blue flowers but are loved in most gardens. Try to find some of these flowers to add a rich blue tone to your garden.
6. Desert Bluebells

These annual flowers are one of the easiest flowers to grow in almost any garden. They thrive in full sun and are very drought tolerant.
Their full name is Phacelia campanularia and is one of the bumble bee’s favorite flowers. If you’d like to know how to care for them, read Gardenia’s guide.
7. Sweet Pea

You might not have seen blue sweet pea flowers yet, but these bushy climbing plants come in all colors except yellow. Their blue variety is a rich deep dark blue that is very fragrant.
Remember that the fruit of the sweet pea is not edible. You can read up on Lathyrus odoratus at Missouri Botanical Garden’s blog.
8. Columbine

Aquilegia or better known as Columbine flowers are hummingbirds’ best friends. They can self-sow if you allow them, making it easier for you to have a flush of Columbines year after year.
Garden Express has a guide on how to grow them in cool climates.
9. Blue Delphiniums

Delightful to look at but toxic when ingested, these Delphiniums are a beauty in the garden. It is best reserved for gardens where children won’t roam since they can also cause skin irritation when handled without care.
These flowers range from white to deep blue, and more information can be found from Almanac.
10. Siberian Iris

The tall grass-like plants produce 5 deep blue-violet blooms on each stalk and are perennial. Candide has a complete overview to read up on these easy-to-grow plants since they thrive in most gardens and climates.
Small Blue Flowers
Small blue flowers can be just as big of a statement as that of towering or tall blue flowers, here are some of the world’s favorites.
11. Forget-Me-Nots

These delicate but vibrant blue flowers’ names are perfect since you won’t forget how they liven up any garden. Once you plant Myosotis scorpioides, they will self-seed for years to come, according to Gardening Know How.
12. Brunnera

Brunnera macrophylla is known as Brunnera or sometimes as Jack Frost. They thrive in shady areas and have heart-shaped leaves to compliment the tiny blue flowers.
If you have a lot of shade in your garden and need some blue color, read RHS’ article on how to care for Brunnera.
13. Grape Hyacinth

These plants get their name, not from their color, but rather from the way the small blue flowers are arranged at the end of each flower stalk, resembling bundles of grapes.
Muscari grows from fleshy bulbs, and according to Gardening Know How, they spread vigorously. So, if you don’t want your garden taken over by them, plant them carefully and remove them as needed.
14. Georgia Blue

The Georgia Blue plant is a very easy flowering plant for beginners to plant in their gardens since they require very little maintenance. Veronica umbrosa flowers from late spring to early autumn.
Therefore, it is ideal if your other flowers are dying off or going into dormancy. Read more about these blue flowers at Gardener’s World.
15. Siberian Squill

The Spruce has a great overview on how to care for and grow these small brilliant blue flowers that are arranged on top of a short stalk. Scilla sibirica is native to Russia, and they don’t get much higher than 8 inches when in full bloom.
They are frost-hardy. So they are ideal if you live in a colder climate.
Edible and Medicinal Blue Flowers
Not all blue flowers are just for show, some of the plants that produce blue blooms are edible or produce fruit and seed that have medicinal qualities.
16. Flax

Flax plants that produce the flax seed often used in food and oil, have a very delicately blue-colored flower. The plant grows fairly easily and is almost like a wildflower.
Its scientific name is Linum usitatissimum and if you want to grow some yourself, read American Meadow’s guide to growing your own flax.
17. Salvia

Salvia is the family name for a few plants that all produce flowers ranging from white to violet, and of course, blue. Azure Sage produces sky-blue blooms for instance.
On the other hand, common sage, used as a herb for food and other medicinal tinctures, produces light blue to purple flowers. Gardener’s Path has a complete guide and overview on how to grow, harvest, and use Salvia.
18. Bluecrown Passionflower

Passionfruit has a very interesting-looking flower that has white petals with striking blue filaments. They are an evergreen climbing plant and are officially titled, Passiflora caerulea.
Learn how to care for these stunning plants that produce sweet fruit at Gardenia.
19. Lungwort

Pulmonaria officinalis are known most commonly as Lungwort. However, they are also known by other names like Mary’s Tears or Jerusalem Sage, even though it is not a part of the sage family of plants.
The flower has a variety of medicinal uses, from being an antioxidant to a digestive aid. You can learn more about its properties at Plant Ayurveda.
20. Star Flower

Borage or Star Flower is a plant that produces white, blue, or pink blooms. All parts except the roots are edible, and the flowers are often used as an edible garnish on top of interesting dishes.
Gardening Know How will guide you on where and how to grow these easy-going plants.
Flowers are like art, and like art, what’s beautiful to you might not be as beautiful to the next person. However, the most popular blue flowers are the Forget-me-nots and Blue Hydrangeas since they are easily grown and are not too much maintenance.
If you send someone a bouquet of blue flowers, you will be giving the message of trust and commitment. Blue flowers can also be a token of love that will go on forever.
Or, if they’re sent to a grieving friend, you’re letting them know you will be there for them, no matter what.
Blue roses are not naturally occurring and are genetically modified. They symbolize uniqueness, secrecy, or mystery.
If they are combined with red roses that symbolize love, the bouquet of blue and red might mean secret love, or that you have an admirer.
The best blue flowers for a wedding are dependent on where you live, i.e. which flowers are available to you and what your preference is.
If you want to go for a delicate small blue flower throughout your arrangements, try adding in some forget-me-nots. Larger blue flowers like the blue hydrangeas are also readily available in most places.
Steer clear of toxic blue flowers, such as the Sweet Pea or Blue Delphiniums since they can cause skin irritations or are harmful if accidentally eaten by your guests or their children.
Blue flowers are rare in nature and are thus highly sought after by most gardeners. They are loved by most pollinating insects and even a few different birds since they look incredible through their specialized eyes.
While some blue flowers are found on medicinal plants, there are also a few toxic plants. So make sure you always read up about the blue flowering plants you’d like to add to your garden.