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Philodendron Martianum: Beautiful Blooms and Foliage 

Philodendron Martianum is native to Brazil. The plant is also known as the Flask Philodendron and Fat Boy due to its thick petioles. The Martianum Philodendron’s blooms are larger and more attractive than many from other Philodendrons.

Philodendron Martianum Appearance

The Martianum Philodendron has a non-vining growth habit. The plant’s leaves are stiff with a leathery texture. Philodendron Martianum grows to a height of over 3 feet (1 meter), making it a great choice for a floor plant. The creamy-white blooms are shaped like a hooded cup. The flower’s color is accented with deep red down the throat of the blooms. 

Philodendron Martianum Sunlight Requirements

Proper Philodendron Martianum care requires 70 to 80 percent of the plant’s light to come from filtered or indirect sunlight. Choose an East or West-facing window for the best conditions. Supplement a lack of natural lighting with a grow light, especially in the winter months. 

Water Requirements of the Martianum Philodendron

These Philodendrons store water in their thick petioles, making them drought tolerant. Follow the soak and dry watering method, letting the soil’s top two to three inches dry out between waterings. Watering the plant every 7 to 10 days is a good starting schedule, which you can adjust as needed. Ensure the soil is moist but not soggy. Excessive moisture in the soil makes the plant susceptible to root rot. 

Soil and Fertilizer Requirements

Create a mixture for your plant of organic-based soil amended with perlite. Add in fine gravel to increase drainage if the organic matter becomes compacted. Feed your Martianum Philodendron with fish emulsion or a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer diluted to one-third strength. Feed once every 3 to 4 weeks from spring to fall. Withhold fertilizer during the winter months when the plant goes dormant. 

Temperature and Humidity Levels

Propagate the Philodendron Martianum in spring by taking a cutting from a basil branch on a mature plant. Plant the cutting in a pot with a soil mixture of 50 percent peat and 50 percent perlite. Keep the soil moist and place the pot in indirect sunlight. Once the cutting is established with a root system, care for it like a mature plant.

Root division in the early summer is another method for the successful propagation of a Martianum Philodendron. Remove the plant from its pot and gently separate the root ball at points of natural division. Use sterilized shears to help separate the roots if needed. Ensure each new division has at least two leaves for photosynthesis. Let the divisions sit for two to four days to let any cuts callous over. Plant each new division in its own pot, backfilled with the recommended soil mixture. Feed the plants with diluted fertilizer to encourage new growth.

Common Pests and Diseases

Aphids, mealybugs, and scale are common pests to watch for. Look for insects on the underside of the foliage and on the stems. Sticky honeydew, and the resulting black, sooty mold, are also signs of infestation. Treat the plant neem oil, as directed. Avoid using the oil on young plants and do a test patch on your plant 24 hours before treating the infestation to ensure no adverse effects.

Erwinia blight and pseudomonas leaf spot are common diseases that affect the Philodendron Martianum. Erwinia blight shows up as water-soaked markings on the foliage. Leaves turn black and wilt as the disease advances. Pseudomonas leaf spot appears as brown spots with yellow halos.To treat these conditions, isolate the plant to prevent spread to other house plants. Prune any affected leaves to stop the disease from progressing. Reduce plant waterings for a few days and ensure no moisture gets on the leaves. Increase air circulation around the plant. Resume normal waterings after a few days, once the disease is eliminated.

Unlike many Philodendrons, the Philodendron Martianum offers both attractive foliage and stunning blooms. The plant makes an excellent indoor plant as well as an addition to your outdoor garden in the right conditions. The plant’s drought tolerance makes it a great choice for drier climates.

Philodendron Martianum FAQ

Are Martianum Philodendrons Toxic to Pets and Humans?

Yes, all Philodendrons are considered toxic and should be kept away from pets and small children.

In what Climates Will A Philodendron Martianum Grow Outdoors?

These Philodendrons grow outdoors in USDA zones 10 and 11.

When Should I Repot My Martianum Philodendron?

Proper Philodendron Martianum care suggests repotting the plant every two years or when the roots begin to grow out the pot’s drainage holes.

Why are There Dark Patches on My Philodendron’s Leaves?

Dark patches on foliage often signifies exposure to cold. Trim any affected leaves and move the plant away from cold drafts or windows.

Why are the Leaves of My Philodendron Martianum Pale?

Insufficient sunlight is the leading cause of faded foliage. Move the plant to a brighter location, but not in direct sunlight. Use a grow light to supplement lighting if needed.