Philodendron Florida Ghost is native to South America. Philodendron pedatum is considered a rare variety prized for the unique shape of the plant’s leaves, much like the Philodendron Martianum. The color shifting of the foliage as it matures adds to the plant’s visual appeal.

Philodendron Florida Ghost Appearance
The Florida Ghost Philodendron has a vining growth habit featuring longer stems than other Philodendron varieties. At maturity, the plant reaches a length of between 2 to 5 feet (61 cm to 1.5 meters). Provide this plant with a trellis to climb or grow it in a hanging basket. The foliage has several lobes and the shape of each leaf varies from others on the same plant. The foliage begins as white, then turns yellow-green. Mature leaves end their color shift at dark green. Each leaf grows between 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) long. Blooming is rare, but the purple flowers grow to 12 inches (30.4 cm) long.
Florida Ghost Philodendron Light Requirements
The Florida Ghost plant prefers a spot in a North-facing window with bright, indirect light. Provide equal hours of sunlight and dark for optimal growth. When daylight becomes shorter, supplement lighting with a grow light. Place the light 5 inches (12 cm) away from the plant to avoid damaging the foliage.
Florida Ghost Plant Water Needs
Water your plant once per week, or when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry. Follow this routine during the spring and summer. Water until the moisture runs through the pot’s drainage holes, but never let the soil become soggy. From winter to early spring, water the plant no more than three times total.
Soil and Fertilizer Requirements

Provide your Philodendron Florida Ghost a well-draining soil mixture with organic matter. Create a mix by combining potting soil amended with equal parts peat and perlite. The Florida Ghost plant also grows well solely in peat moss. Feed the plant once per month with a fertilizer high in nitrogen, diluted to half strength. A slow-release fertilizer, used as directed, also works well. The nitrogen provides nutrients to the plant’s large leaves and keeps the plant healthy.
Florida Ghost Philodendron Temperature and Humidity
Keep temperatures between 65 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 35 degrees Celsius). Avoid exposing your Florida Ghost plant to frost, air conditioning vents, or cold drafts that damage the foliage. Average household humidity is sufficient but low humidity results in browning of the leaves’ edges. Supplement low humidity by placing a tray filled with pebbles and water under the plant’s pot.
Florida Ghost Philodendron Propagation

Propagate your Florida Ghost plant by cuttings. Snip a 5 to 6-inch-long stem with two top and two bottom leaves or nodes. Let the cutting sit for a day to form a callous over the cut end. Remove the bottom leaves and plant the exposed nodes in a small container filled with sphagnum moss. Stake the cutting for stability if needed. Keep the moss moist, but not soggy. Once the cutting is established, with its own root system, transplant the cutting to a pot filled with the recommended growing medium.
Philodendron Florida Ghost Pests and Diseases
Mealybugs are common pests to watch for on your Florida Ghost plant. The soft, oval, wax-covered insects feed on plants by piercing them. Mealybugs excrete a sticky honeydew, which coats the plant and produces black, sooty mold. Spot treatment with 70 percent or less rubbing alcohol is the most effective course of action. Use a cotton swab dipped in the alcohol and wipe away the insects. Treat the plant with an insecticidal soap for more advanced infestations.
The Philodendron Florida Ghost is a rare variety among the popular Philodendron house plants but is worth the hunt for its unique beauty. While it may be hard to find, caring for one is much simpler. You won’t regret adding the stunning plant to your collection.
Philodendron Florida Ghost FAQ
Yes, all Philodendrons are considered toxic and should be kept away from pets and small children.
Repot your plant every two to three years or when the roots begin to grow out the pot’s drainage holes. Refresh the soil to provide new nutrients and encourage growth. This is a good opportunity to take cuttings for propagating new Florida Ghost plants.
When grown upright, in pots, use a trellis or moss pole for the plant to climb on. Both provide adequate support. The advantage of a moss pole is the ability to mist the moss, which provides added humidity and moisture for the plant as it climbs.
Along with following the recommended watering schedule, ensure you pour the water directly into the soil and not on the plant’s leaves. Excess moisture sitting on the foliage often leads to leaf fungus issues. If water does get on the leaves, gently wipe it away with a paper towel or clean cloth.
Yes, another method to propagate Philodendrons is by air layering.