Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is an evergreen tree-climbing vine native to the Solomon Islands.
They are sometimes called devil’s ivy or variegated philodendron. The pothos ‘Pearl and Jade’ is used as a hanging basket or small potted plant.
These are easy to grow plants perfect for your indoor space.

Description of Pearl and Jade Pothos
Pearl and jade pothos are variegated in green, grey, and white. The leaves at the top of the vine have faint grey stripes on them.
Underneath the leaves, there are faint yellow stripes.
The leaves are two and a half to three inches long and one and a half to two inches wide. Pearl and jade pothos grows to be two to seven feet indoors.
Each leaf is heart-shaped and waxy.
Golden versus Pearl and Jade Pothos

Golden pothos has green leaves with yellow variegation. It is one of the types of pothos found in the wild. It can grow to be five to fifteen feet long indoors.
Jade versus Pearl and Jade Pothos

Jade pothos is another pothos found in the wild. It has solid dark green leaves. Jade grows to three to eight feet indoors.
Marble Queen versus Pearl and Jade Pothos

Marble queen pothos has green leaves with white variegation. It is the plant that pearl and jade pothos came from.
Marble queen has larger leaves and is found in the wild. Marble Queen grows to one to four feet indoors.
Neon versus Pearl and Jade Pothos

Neon pothos is also found in the wild. It has bright chartreuse green leaves that are solid. It grows to be two to six feet long indoors.
Glacier versus Pearl and Jade Pothos

Glacier is smaller than most pothos and grows more slowly. It has grey-green leaves with white and slivery grey variegation. It grows six to eight feet long.
N’Joy versus Pearl and Jade Pothos

N’joy is patented and has well-defined areas of green and white on its leaves. It does not have speckles or spots. It grows up to ten feet in length.
Manjula versus Pearl and Jade Pothos

This pothos has flecks of cream, white, light green, and silver. The leaves are wavy at the edges. It grows to be two to five feet long indoors.
Pearl and Jade Pothos versus Philodendron

Pothos plants are often confused with philodendrons. The leaves of the pothos are sort of heart-shaped, large, thick, textured, and waxy. Philodendrons have very heart-shaped leaves, which are softer, thinner, and smoother. The pothos and philodendrons are not related.
Pearl and Jade Pothos Care
These are easy plants to grow. They grow inside in most of the United States as they are only hardy to zone 10. They are great beginner plants that help absorb indoor toxins and clean the air.
Because pearl and jade pothos are vines, they make nice hanging baskets. They can also be grown in regular pots, however. Any hanging basket or pot must have drainage holes. Some plants are sold growing on wood poles. In the wild, pothos cling to trees. They are not parasites but get what they need from the rain and organic matter that gets caught on the vines.
Pothos need medium-filtered light. They will burn in direct sun. Pearl and jade will do okay in low light for long periods, so are good office plants. They also do well in fluorescent light.

Pearl and jade needs well-draining soil. Buy a good quality general potting mix. You can mix two parts potting mix and two parts perlite to improve the drainage.
Water the plant until water runs out of the drainage holes. Let the top one inch of the potting mix dry out between waterings. Water less during winter, but do not let the soil dry out entirely.
Pearl and jade pothos like a humidity of forty percent or higher. If your plant has brown tips, the humidity is too low. Mist leaves in the morning to increase the humidity. Let the leaves dry out by evening to prevent fungal diseases and mold.
This plant is comfortable in the same range of temperatures we are, from 65-80 degrees F. Keep pearl and jade pothos out of drafts.
Fertilize every two weeks with a balanced water-soluble fertilizer mixed at half strength from spring to fall. In the winter, reduce fertilizer to once a month.
Weekly Maintenance
When you water your plant, it is a good idea to dust the leaves with a soft cloth. Check the underside of the leaf for any pests or pest eggs. Check the leaves and vine for any signs of a problem. The earlier you catch pests, diseases, and other problems, the better.
Pearl and jade pothos can take over if allowed to. Prune the plant when most of the leaves are at the tips and the stems are long. Cut back to as little as two inches long. If you cut it back just past a node, the stems will be bushier.
Even the best potting mix loses its ability to drain well as it ages. You should remove your plant from the pot once every two years and replace the old potting mix with fresh potting mix.
When you remove the plant, look at the roots. If they fill the pot or are growing in a circle, repot using a bigger pot.
The plant needs a bigger pot if the roots are growing through the drainage holes, too.
Propagating Pearl and Jade Pothos

Pearl and jade pothos is easy to propagate. Simply cut a four-to-six-inch piece of vine with at least two leaves on it.
Cut the vine just below a node. You can root the cutting in water or in moist potting soil.
Cover the container or pot with a plastic bag to increase the humidity around the cutting.
You can remove the plastic bag when the cutting has developed roots. Roots grow in about four weeks.
Diseases of Pearl and Jade Pothos
The most common disease this plant gets is root rot. This is caused by overwatering. Let the top one inch of soil dry out between waterings.
Pests of Pearl and Jade Pothos
Pearl and jade pothos do not have many pest problems. Mealybugs are sometimes a problem, but insecticidal soap will get rid of them. Be sure to get the soap on all parts of the plant, including the underside of the leaves.
Common Problems With Pearl and Jade Pothos

While pearl and jade pathos are easy to grow, there do suffer from some problems.
Leaves dropping even if watered
The plant is pot-bound and should be repotted.
Brown leaf tips
The plant needs more humidity. Try misting the leaves in the morning, or setting up a pebble tray under or near the plant. Take a large saucer and fill it with pebbles. Put water in it until just the top of the pebbles are dry. Place the pot and saucer holding the pothos on the pebbles. As the water evaporates, it creates a humid microclimate for the pothos. Refill the water in the pebble saucer often so it doesn’t go dry.
Yellow leaves
Your pearl and jade pothos might have root rot. Pull the plant out of the pot and look at the roots. If they are gone or brown and mushy, the plant is dead or dying. Discard the plant and all the potting soil. Do not use the pot again until it sits in a bath of one part bleach and nine parts water for thirty minutes to kill the root rot organisms.
Curling leaves
Your plant has root rot and is dying.
Brown Spots
You are overwatering and that stresses the plant. As a result, the leaves get brown spots.
In conclusion, pearl and jade pothos is a common, easy-to-grow houseplant. It looks good in a hanging basket with the vines trailing over the edge and toward the ground. Pearl and jade pothos grow quickly and may need to be pruned if they grow too much. The cuttings are easy to root for more plants.
Frequently Asked Questions
We get the same questions about pearl and jade pothos over and over again. Here are the questions we are asked most often.
Yes, it is poisonous to humans and pets. Place it somewhere they cannot reach it.
Pothos in general are easy to find at big box stores and nurseries. Pearl and jade pothos is common. You can also buy it online.
No. Pearl and jade pothos, and most pothos, rarely bloom in the wild and never indoors. No blooms mean no seed, so you have to propagate this plant from cuttings.
These plants grow quickly. Pearl and jade pothos can put on a foot of length each month until they reach their size limits.
Pearl and jade pothos do not bloom indoors.