Monstera have become the go-to choice when it comes to houseplants . There are almost 50 different Monstera species out there, so you will be spoiled for choice – with a range of stunning options that make wonderful foliage plants.

1. The Most Popular Monstera Variety – Monstera Deliciosa
This is the most popular of all the Monstera varieties, It can be found growing in tropical regions of Central America and can also be found in most florist outlets in the United States with ease.

Monstera deliciosa features large foliage with beautiful-looking fenestrations that are super exotic-looking.
The leaves of the Monstera deliciosa are quite large as they can grow to a length of 3ft. They are also easy to grow and easy to care for.
The fruits produced by the deliciosa at their full maturity are quite edible and could attract the presence of pollinators to your yard. Note, however, that it can only grow outdoors in USDA zones 10-12.
2. Monstera Adansonii
Next on our list is Monstera Adansonii, the 2nd most popular member of the Monstera genus. Known asswiss cheese plant , it features beautiful, dark green foliage with near-perfect looking fenestrations that are just the perfect fit for giving that all-natural feel to your living space.

When it comes to height, the adansonii is quite smaller than the deliciosa. However, this beautiful species is blessed with fast-growing habits indoors and can measure as high as 8ft.
3. Monstera Acuminata
You might have a hard time searching for the Monstera acuminata as it is quite rare. However, this beautiful plant species might be the perfect ornamental plant for small living spaces.

The acuminata is similar to the adansonii in several ways butthe acuminata is a lot smaller and more compact.
It features dark green foliage with beautiful fenestrations and can grow as high as 7ft and as wide as 2ft while indoors and are native to the tropical regions of Central and South America.
4. Monstera Karstenianum
The Karstenianum, is a perfect choice if you want a Monstera houseplant that doesn’t develop fenestrations as they mature.

Also known as Monstera Peru, because of its origins tied to the deep forests of Peru, the Monstera karstenianum doesn’t require much care for proper growth, thereby making it the perfect houseplant for a person who’s always on the move.
The Monstera karstenianum features deep green luxurious looking leaves with no fenestrations, and they are quite small, growing as high as 2-4ft at the most.
5. Monstera Dubia
The Monstera dubia is another great choice if you are searching for a climbing house plant with few or no fenestrations.

The leaves of the dubia (also known as the shingle plant ), are quite small and heat shaped. And are quite variegated. And on average, the Monstera dubia plant can grow as high as 3ft.
Something cool about the dubia is that it grows in whatever directions its stems face, so it can potentially be trained to suit your design style
6. Monstera Siltepecana
Monstera siltepecana is prized for its variegation. It is often called the Silver Monstera due to its silver variegated foliage.

The siltepecana features dark green leaves that are glossy and are well fenestrated, giving that lush jungle look.
This is another Monstera species that is fairly widely available. They require little care and can grow as high as 6ft indoors.
7. Monstera Obliqua
This beautiful fenestrated houseplant is very rare, possibly the rarest of the Monstera species.

The fenestrations on the obliqua’s leaves are quite extreme as they are more fenestrations on the leaves than actual leaf tissue.
Due to their rarity they are also quite expensive. Though their delicate, thin leaves might make it a bit difficult to care for, a
ll in all the Monstera obliqua is an excellent plant for your living space.
8. Monstera Standleyana
The Monstera standleyana is another rare species of the Monstera genus native to South and Central America.
The most remarkable thing about the Monstera standleyana is its weird and unpredictable foliage.

Each individual leaves of the standleyana can assume various weird colorations and fenestrations.
You might find it a stadleyana plant with white or yellow speckles, stripes, and splotches all on the same plant.
It doesn’t grow that high as it can reach a maximum height of around 5ft.
9. Monstera Pinnatipartita
Monstera pinnatipartita is a rather unusual type of Monstera that can sometimes be challenging to find. This South American beauty gets its name from its large, feather-like leaves.

In the wild tropical forests, the pinnatipartita can grow as high as a whopping 66ft. However, while indoors the pinnatipartita has a maximum height of 6ft.
It features big dark green leaves that are spaced in slits in the middle or feather-like
10. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma
This plant is not a member of the Monstera genus. It is on this list though because it shares a similar appearance with members of the Monstera genus.

Also known as ‘Mini Monstera’, Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is quite tiny and is riddled with as many fenestrations as the deliciosa.
Its leaves are dark green and the fenestrations on them are just a little larger than the frustrations on a typical Monstera plant.
The Mini Monstera can be found in the tropical forests of Africa and Asia and can grow to a height of about 8 feet when grown indoors. They are quite elegant work well in many homes.
The plants listed above are just some popular Monstera varieties to consider, but avid houseplant collectors may discover yet more species and cultivars within this genus.