The Monstera Adansonii, Swiss cheese plant, is a tall, dark green plant with its roots tied to the thick forests of southern Mexico.

It has become popular as a decorative houseplant thanks to its beautiful heart-shaped leaves and fenestrations, or holes, that appear in the leaves as the plant matures. It is from these holes that the plant gets its common name – Swiss cheese plant. . But note that the plant may pose a risk to pets when choosing whether to grow it in your home.
Monstera Varieties

Monstera adansonii is just one of the different species in the Monstera genus commonly used as houseplants. Others include:
- Monstera deliciosa: The leaves of the Monstera deliciosa are a lot bigger than those of the Adansonii, another distinguishing fact would be that the holes on the deliciosa would be longer and narrower.
- Monstera obliqua: The obliqua, is a rare variant of the Adansonii. Its leaves are thinner and you can tell them apart by the excess holes found on the leaves of the obliqua as it is much more than the holes found on the Adansonii.
- Monstera borsigiana: When looking at the Monstera borsigiana, think of the deliciosa, but a version that grows faster and looks smaller.
The Swiss Cheese plant is a climbing plant in its natural habitat. It requires sunlight, suitable temperatures and humidity, and the right growing medium to stay healthy.
When providing sunlight for your Swiss Cheese plant, ensure that it is indirect. You could block the rays of the sun with a light curtain. And even if it does take direct sunlight, you should limit it to only a few hours a day. This is because the leaves of the adansonii plant can get scorched within a short period of time.
Southern Mexico is known for its warm temperature and high humidity, and these are the conditions that are most favorable for the proper growth of the Swiss cheese plant. Try as much as possible to simulate that experience for the plant.
That would mean keeping a temperature that is above 4.44 degrees celsius or 40 degrees in Fahrenheit. A great spot to store your swiss cheese plant would be a bathroom with access to enough light.
If for some reason the conditions of the bathroom are unsuitable for your Monstera, ensure you get a good working humidifier.
Soil/ Potting Mix
Choose a container for this plant that allows water to drain away freely from holes at the base, and fill this with a reasonably free-draining potting mix. A peat-free mix is the sustainable and eco-friendly choice.
This is not a challenging plant to care for as long as it is grown in the right place. The key things to think about are watering, feeding, pruning, and repotting when required.
Swiss cheese monstera does require that you keep it moist. But be careful not to overdo it, as Monstera adansonii does not do well in waterlogged conditions.
Well, I recommend using a semi-diluted liquid all-purpose fertilizer every month. This is best for the Monstera Adansonii.
However, after potting your swiss cheese plant, leave it for a period of 6 months without applying fertilizer. In fact, use the fertilizer after the 6 months has elapsed.
This plant has a tendency to overgrow so you might need to prune it often to keep its size in check. Other than pruning for size, pruning needs will be minimal on the whole. You can simply remove any dead lower leaves as required to keep the plant looking neat.
The pot or container you use should have enough holes for proper drainage. Remember, the goal is to leave the plant soil moist, not water logged.
Whatever container you intend to use should be just a little larger than the Swiss cheese plant’s root ball.
You will usually need to repot this Monstera every couple of years. It is best to do so in the spring where possible.
Common Problems
By understanding and following the requirements and guidelines listed above, youcan ensure healthy growth and avoid some common problems.
Black Leaves
We already established that the Swiss cheese plant doesn’t require direct sunlight. Well if for some reason, it gets exposed to excess sunlight, it would suffer from “leaf burn”. To avoid leaf burn, keep the plant out of direct sunlight.
Yellow Leaves
Overwatering or poor drainage for your Swiss cheese plant is the most common cause of yellow leaves on a Monstera. This can lead to root rot. Check the soil before watering the plant and let it dry up a little before your next watering.
Common Diseases And Pests
There are a few pests that could trouble your plant, however, they aren’t fatal to the plant. Look out for plant diseases like blight, rust, and root rot, though, since these are more problematic.