The Water Lily Lotus plant is typically grown as an outdoor plant in ponds or large water features. With the correct lighting conditions and temperatures, the dwarf variety does well as a houseplant. Native to Asia, Australia, and North America, the Lotus plant makes a great house plant grown hydroponically.

Water Lily Flower Appearance
Outdoor Lotus Water Lily plants can grow up to six feet tall and four feet wide but the indoor dwarf versions stay smaller. The foliage is large and deep green, which floats on the water’s surface when grown in ponds or hydroponically. The blooms, which the plant is prized for, are large and showy. The flowers appear in summer and can be white, pink or yellow.
Water Lily Flower Sunlight Requirements
The Water Lily Lotus prefers between four to six hours of direct sunlight per day. Some varieties of Lotus won’t bloom with less than six hours of sunlight per day. Choose a South-facing window if possible. If this exposure is not available, place in your sunniest window and supplement with an LED growth light for the remainder of the sunlight needed.
Growing Lotus in Water
Your Water Lily Lotus flower will thrive best when grown in water. Choose a shallow, but wide, glass bowl with a six to eight inch depth. Place some small pebbles or glass beads at the bottom of the bowl to give the plant’s rhizomes something to cling to. Change the water every two to three weeks or when it becomes murky. Using a glass container makes it easy to see when the water needs to be refreshed. Feed the plant with a hydroponic fertilizer once per month from spring to fall. Do not fertilize the plant in the winter.
Temperatures and Humidity Levels

Keep temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 32 Celsius) for optimal growth. A place in a sunroom with lots of South-facing windows is ideal. Average household humidity is fine as long as the plant’s water levels are kept topped up.
Pruning the Water Lily Lotus
Prune expired blooms to encourage new flower production. Remove any dead or dying leaves as needed. When pruning, trim the stems back to within one to two inches from the rhizome.
Propagating the Water Lily Flower
Propagate the Water Lily Lotus in the early spring, before flowering occurs. Take a cutting two to four inches long with at least two “eyes” to sprout roots. Place the cutting in a glass filled with water, enough to submerge the eyes and grow roots. Change the water at least once a week until roots form. Once the roots are established you can transplant the cutting outdoors or into a larger indoor vase.
Common Pests and Diseases
When grown indoors, aphids and spider mites are pests to watch for on your Water Lily Flower. Rid the plant of small infestations by wiping the insects away with a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol. For larger infestations, treat the plant with neem oil.
The Lotus Water Lily is a water plant known for its stunning blooms. While the plants are often associated with outdoor ponds, they grow well indoors as well in the right conditions. Add a touch of outdoor beauty to your indoor space by growing this enchanting flower in your home.
Water Lily Lotus FAQ
The Lotus Water LIly Plant will grow outdoors in USDA zones 4 and 10.
If planting in a pond, ensure the soil on the bottom is loamy or sandy soil for optimal growth.
Lotus grows well hydroponically, so watering consists of topping up the water level and changing out the water when it becomes murky.
On average, the Lotus plant takes two years, once planted, to mature and produce blooms.
The most common colors are pink or white, though the plant will bloom with blue or red flowers as well.