The Pink Arrowhead plant is a tropical, vining plant grown often as a houseplant. Native to Mexico and South America, Syngonium “Pink” is easy to care for and adapts well to indoor environments. The plant is closely related to the Philodendron.

Pink Arrowhead Plant Appearance
The foliage of the Pink Arrowhead plant changes shape as the plant matures. The leaves start with an arrow shape, hence the plant’s name, but develop deep lobes over time. The leaves’ color also changes as the plant ages from dark green, to white, to lime green, to a bright pink. A mature plant reaches a size of between three to six feet tall and one to two feet wide. Blooms indoors are rare but outdoor plants may produce white flowers in the summer.
Syngonium Pink Sunlight Requirements
Provide bright, indirect sunlight for the Syngonium Pink plant. Diffused sunlight through a sheer curtain works well for this plant. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight as the harsh light will both bleach and scorch the foliage. Plants with variegated leaves tolerate a little more sunlight than those with darker leaves.
Watering the Pink Syngonium Plant
During the spring and summer months, when the most growth occurs, water your Pink Syngonium plant when the top two to three inches feels dry. During fall and winter, reduce the waterings to only enough to keep the plant hydrated. Grow the plant in either an unglazed terra cotta or clay pot which will wick up excess moisture and help avoid root rot.
Soil and Fertilizer Requirements
Use a well-draining potting soil to grow your Pink Arrowhead plant. The soil should allow moisture to absorb quickly and not pool up on the soil’s surface. To improve poor-draining soil, amend the soil with peat or perlite. Feed the plant once per month, in spring and summer, with a liquid fertilizer. Withhold feedings during the fall and winter.
Temperature and Humidity Levels
Maintain temperatures between 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 to 26.6 Celsius). Average humidity levels are adequate but higher levels benefit the plant’s health and appearance. To supplement low humidity, place the plant in either a bathroom or kitchen where humidity is naturally higher. Placing a pebble tray under the plant also works well.

Pruning Your Pink Arrowhead
Trim back long and leggy vines to between six and eight inches long to encourage fuller growth. Pinch off growing tips a few times a year to shape the plant and create a bushier Arrowhead plant.
Pink Syngonium Propagation
Propagate your Arrowhead plant by taking a cutting from a healthy, mature plant. Choose a stem with several aerial roots attached to increase your chances of propagation. Snip a cutting a few inches long and place the cut end in a glass of clean water. Keep the cutting in bright, indirect sunlight and change the water out every few days to keep it clear. Roots will form in a few weeks. Once the roots grow to between two to three inches long, you can transplant the cutting into a pot filled with soil or continue growing it hydroponically in a larger vase.
Common Pests and Diseases
Pests to watch for are spider mites, mealy bugs and aphids. Aside from spotting the insects themselves, the presence of sticky honeydew indicates aphids and mealy bugs.
Spider mites will leave fine webs on the plant. Eliminate infestations by either spraying the plant in the shower to remove the insects or by treating the plant with neem oil.
Root rot is the most common disease with Pink Arrowhead plants. Rot is caused by soggy soil due to poor drainage and overwatering. Reduce waterings and improve soil drainage if needed. For advanced cases, repot the plant in fresh soil after trimming away any dark and mushy roots.
The Pink Arrowhead plant is an easy-care houseplant that adapts well to most home environments. The changing foliage shape and color makes this a fun plant to add to your collection and enjoy as it matures.
Pink Arrowhead Plant FAQ
No, the Arrowhead plant is considered toxic to pets and should be kept away from them as well as small children.
The plant is well suited to outdoor growth in USDA zones 10 to 12.
The Arrowhead plant grows well in soil or hydroponically with only water.
For mature plants, place the plant a few inches away from the window where the plant is exposed to filtered or bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight will force the leaves to turn greener.
To encourage optimal growth, provide a minimum of six hours of filtered light per day. Once a month feedings, from spring to early fall, with a liquid fertilizer also encourages healthy growth.