Neon Pothos, scientific name Epipremnum aureum ‘neon’, is native to the Solomon Islands. It also grows well in other subtropical climates like Australia and Asia.

This variety is called neon due to its bright-green, neon leaves. As a houseplant, the Neon Pothos is considered low maintenance.
It’s a great choice for beginners, as well as busy people.
Neon Pothos Light Requirements
Neon Pathos is adaptable to a variety of partial-light conditions. This houseplant prefers indirect light to keep its neon leaves bright and healthy.
Too much sunlight can cause the plant to become leggy. Place your plant near a bright window, but out of the direct sun.
Soil Types for Pothos Care
The soil for a Neon Pothos must be well-draining for optimal growth. Standard houseplant soil works well but you can increase the soil quality by adding one of the following to your soil before planting:
- One part perlite
- One part orchid bark
- One part peat
Neon Pothos prefer soil with a Ph between 6.1 to 6.5. A Ph one or two levels lower is also acceptable.
While you can grow this houseplant in water jars, the growth rate will be much slower than Pothos grown in soil.

Watering Your Neon Pothos Plants
Root rot is the most common problem people experience with this plant. Rot often occurs if the roots are left standing in water or their soil is too soggy.
The easiest way to avoid soggy soil is to grow it in a pot with bottom drainage holes. When watering your Neon Pothos plant, only water until the soil is moist.
If excess water collects in the drainage tray, drain the tray immediately.
Good Neon Pothos care includes a regular watering schedule. Test if your plant needs watering by placing a finger into your plant’s soil.
If the top two to three inches is dry, it’s time to water. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and wilt, you are overwatering. If your neon leaves begin to curl and become lifeless it can mean too much watering.
Neon Pothos Temperature and Humidity Needs
Being native to subtropical climates, all Pothos, neons included, prefer moderate to above average temperature and humidity levels.
An average home will provide the correct amounts of both. Temperatures between 55 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 32 degrees Celsius) are ideal.
A humidity level of 50 percent is enough but higher will help your Neon Pothos grow faster.
Kitchens and bathrooms make ideal environments for this plant. Ensure there is enough light for your Pothos or the leaves will lose their vibrant color. Brown tips on the leaves is a typical sign the humidity level is too low. Adding a humidifier to the room or moving the plant to a room with more natural humidity often corrects the problem.

Fertilizer Requirements
Fertilize your Neon Pothos plant once per month with a balanced houseplant fertilizer during the spring and summer months. No fertilizer is required for fall or winter because they are not in active growth. If you are unsure of the nutrient levels in your soil, use a home soil testing kit. These are available at most greenhouses where houseplants are sold.
Neon Pothos Growth Habits
Neon Pothos plants are vines growing up to 10 feet in length. This makes them ideal for hanging baskets, though they can be grown in traditional pots with regular pruning. Prune each vine one to two inches above a healthy leaf. Any leafless vines should be removed at the base.
For optimal growth, repot your Pothos plant every two to three years. Start your plant in a 4 to 6 inch (10-15 cm) pot. Once the plant’s vines grow to six inches long or more, repot to a 10-inch (25 cm) pot.
Propagation Technique

Propagate your Neon Pothos with the stem cutting method. Cut off one healthy vine from the plant and trim off the bottom leaf, revealing the node where the leaf attaches to the vine. Ensure the vine has one or two leaves still attached. Place the node in a small container with enough water to cover the node. The remaining leaves should be above the water line.
New roots will grow from the submersed node. Once these roots reach one inch in length, plant the cutting into a pot with soil. You can also replant the new cutting back into the same pot as the original plant to create a fuller plant.
Pothos Toxicity
While the neon leaves of this Pothos plant are beautiful, they are also toxic if ingested. Those who have cats, dogs, or small children should keep any Pothos plant up and out of reach for safety. Care should be taken to prune any long vines that grow within reach.
Whether you’re an experienced houseplant owner, or deciding on your first indoor plant, a Neon Pothos is a smart choice.
Their bright, neon leaves add a splash of color to any room. It grows well in pots or hanging baskets and creates a beautiful vine you can trail out and adorn your walls with.

Neon Pothos Care FAQ
In optimum growing conditions, a Neon Pothos plant can grow up to 12 inches (30.5 cm) per month.
The simplest way to identify each plant is by their leaf shape. While somewhat similar, the philodendron’s leaves are thinner and softer in texture. They also appear more heart-shaped with an inward curve at the base of their leaves. Pothos leaves are thicker, waxy, and have a straighter base shape.
New leaves on the Philodendron emerge from small, protective leaves called a cataphyll. These dry up and fall off once the new leaf matures. The Pothos’ new leaves grow directly from a previous, mature leaf.
While both the Philodendron and Pothos can be propagated from cuttings, the Philodendron also produces offsets. A Philodendron is more tolerant of low-lighting conditions, but the Pothos is more drought resistant and tolerates higher temperatures.
Reverting refers to a Neon Pothos’ bright-green leaves turning a darker shade of green. The most common causes of reverting are not enough indirect sunlight and low temperatures.
To correct this condition, place your Neon Pothos near a sunny window, but out of direct sunlight. Ensure the room temperature is between 55 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 32 degrees Celsius). Keep your Pothos plant away from cold drafts or fluctuating temperatures.