Asters, also known as Michaelmas daisies, belong to the Asteraceae family, one of the largest and widespread flowering plant families, known for its wide range of colors and forms.
Asters are a symbol of love and patience, and have been used throughout history to convey various sentiments.

Aster is a perennial whose beautiful shades can brighten up your garden and home space, especially during the fall. The aster flower has a yellow center that looks like the sun, with its petals branching out like rays. These petals come in different colors and have various symbolisms. Aster produces a nice aroma, which, when combined with its gorgeous texture, makes an excellent choice for decoration.
Aster Care
Asters are easy-to-grow plants and are loved by bees and other pollinators. When growing asters, ensure the soil is moist and well-draining. It should be located in an area with access to dappled shade or partial shade. When watering, avoid splashing water on the flowers or leaves; instead, water the base or root directly. And for continuous production of healthy flowers, you should always carry out deadheading and pruning once in a while.
Origin Of The Aster Flower
Aster is part of Greek mythology and culture as it has its origins in Greece, which is a part of Europe. There are different accounts of how the aster flower came to be, but there are two prominent ones. According to Greek mythology, asters were created through the years of the goddess “Astraea.” One day, she looked up at the stars and found out that there were a few stars in the dark sky. She became upset and began to cry. As she wept, her tears rolled down her cheeks and into the ground, where they formed heart-shaped flowers that were later named after her.
The second account is that Astraea, the goddess of innocence, went to heaven, where she became the constellation Virgo. Zeus, who saw the level of corruption on earth, decided to cleanse the earth through a flood. This destruction left only two survivors who were stranded on the top of Mount Parnassus. After Virgo, who is Astraea, saw this, she became distraught and scattered starlight or stardust all over the earth to guide the two survivors. After the stardust settled, asters bloomed from them. Also, asters are often referred to as the “herb of Venus” because they are used in preparing love potions.
Meaning Of Aster Flower
Aster was named after the goddess Astraea, whose name translates to “star.” It has a variety of meanings and symbolism, but in general, it represents love, wisdom, and faith. It is a sacred flower in ancient Greek culture and is still relevant today around the world. It is gorgeous and eye-pleasing. In countries such as India, China, and Persia, they are carried by brides as they are considered to symbolize purity.
In other cultures, such as Victorian culture, the aster flower represents daintiness, charm, and patience. It is also believed that when burned, the aster flower emits an aroma capable of repelling serpents.
Aster Colors And What They Symbolize

To fully understand the meaning of asters, one needs to know what their various colors symbolize. Aster comes in a variety of colors, and each popular shade has its symbolism.
- Purple Asters:
Purple asters are the most popular shade available, and they symbolize royalty and wisdom.
- White Asters:
White asters symbolize purity and innocence. It is often used in weddings to symbolize the innocence and purity of the bride. It also symbolizes patience and wisdom and is mostly used as a 20th anniversary present for couples who have lasted two decades in marriage.
Red Asters:
This shade of asters is used to symbolize undying love and devotion.
- Pink Asters:
This shade of aster represents sensitivity and love. It is believed that carrying this flower can attract a lover.
Facts And Significance of The Aster Flower
One important significance of aster flowers is that they serve as the official flower for the month of September. They are great gift options to give to those marking their birthdays in the month of September. Other facts include:
- All varieties of asters are drought-tolerant and a great option for landscaping. They fare well in dry gardens with rocky or shallow soil.
- There are over 600 species of asters, which are members of the sunflower family. They are often mistaken for daisies since they share physical similarities.
- Asters have a rich history and have been used for various purposes since time immemorial. They are used in remembrance to mark the death of a loved one and also used to keep negative energy away by burning them.
- Asters are also used as medicinal herbs in treating a variety of ailments, such as headaches, colds, hangovers, and epilepsy. They are also used in treating respiratory illnesses such as cough and asthma. They are likewise used as decongestants for the lungs.
Asters mostly bloom from late summer through fall.
Always plant your young asters in mid- to late-spring when the dangers of frost have passed. Planting them during this period will allow them to bloom in the fall.
Depending on the type and variety, asters can reach 1 to 6 feet in height and 1 to 4 feet in width.
Asters should be watered once per week to keep the soil moist but not soaked. Ensure the potting mix is well-draining with sufficient drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.
In Greek, aster translates to star. It was named after the goddess Astraea and symbolizes love, wisdom, and faith.