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Anemone Flower Meaning and Facts

There are 120 different species of the Anemone flower. The most common of these species is the Japanese Anemone, which blooms in Autumn. While the most common color of Anemone is white, it’s the red Anemone that most influences the Anemone meaning.

Anemone Flower Meaning and Facts

History of the Anemone Flower

The Anemone is a wildflower that grows in most of Europe, North America, and Japan. There is a strong association between the Anemone and religious and cultural symbolism. In Christianity the red Anemone symbolizes the blood Christ shed at the crucifixion. 

In Ancient Chinese and Egyptian culture, the Anemone meaning is unfortunately associated with illness because of the red color. Thankfully, not all cultures link this delicate flower with negative imagery. The Anemone flower was often depicted in Impressionist paintings by Matisse and Monet. Some of Matisse’s famous paintings highlighting the Anemone include Annelies and Vase of Anemones. 

Greek Anemone Symbolism

The name Anemone is a Greek word meaning “windflower” or “daughter of the wind”. This name is likely inspired by how delicate the flowers are and how the petals are often blown off the flower by the wind.

The Greek myth associated with the Anemone involves some of the most well-known gods in Greek mythology. As the tale goes, Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was having an affair with Adonis, a handsome mortal. Male gods became enraged with jealousy that a mere mortal would be worthy of Aphrodite’s affections and killed the man. It is said the Anemone sprung forth from the tears Aphrodite shed while mourning the loss of her lover. 

Modern Anemone Uses

While the Anemone meaning is steeped in history, the flower has a place in modern times as well. Anemone nemorosa is used to treat menstrual cramps and the European Wood Anemone is beneficial to treat gout, nausea, and stomach issues. In addition to their medicinal uses, the flower is often used in wedding bouquets and centerpieces. 

Anemone Meaning

The primary Anemone flower meaning is anticipation due to the flower’s habit of closing at night and reopening again in the morning. A secondary meaning for the flower is linked to its status as a wildflower. Its connection with nature makes the Anemone a symbol for relaxation and as a reminder to enjoy the moment.

In Victorian flower language the Anemone signifies fragility, likely connected with the delicate petals that often blow away in the wind. In Japan, the flower has more negative connotations associated with it and is seen as a symbol of bad luck. This is likely because of the Greek myth telling of Adonis’ murder.

Anemone Flower Meanings By Color

Anemone Flower Meanings By Color

In the art of flower language, the color of the flower has additional meanings attached to it. If you want to get specific with your flower message, do it with color.

Pink and Red Anemones: Both pink and red Anemones are associated with death or forsaken love. 

White Anemone: The white Anemone is a symbol for sincerity because of their delicate appearance.

Purple Anemone: The purple Anemone is said to offer protection from evil for those that keep the flower near. 

The Anemone meaning has both dark and uplifting aspects, depending on the country and color of the flower. That being said, no matter the occasion, the Anemone is a delicate flower that adds beauty to any flower arrangement. If you’re unsure of the correct color choice, choose white for the safest option.

Anemone Meaning FAQ

Is the Anemone Flower Considered Toxic?

Yes, the Anemone is considered toxic to pets and humans.

When Do Anemone Typically Bloom?

Anemone blooms from late summer to fall. 

Can You Grow Anemones in Pots?

Yes, the tuberous varieties of Anemone grow well in pots. 

Are Anemones Considered Deer Resistant?

Yes, the Anemone is considered deer-resistant and is typically not eaten by the animals.

Do Anemone Only Grow as Single Blooms?

No, actually there are both single and double bloom varieties of Anemone.