The Ficus Elastica Burgundy is a fleshy evergreen perennial plant that is a cultivar of the Ficus Elastica Rubber tree. It belongs to the Moraceae family and is a member of the Ficus genus.

It features dark green leaves that possess a thick rubbery glossy sheen and deep reddish variegation.
When in the wild, the Burgundy rubber plant can reach a staggering height of 100 feet making it an excellent outdoor plant.
With regular pruning, the burgundy ficus plant can also be grown indoors as an ornamental plant, like a bonsai tree.
The Burgundy rubber plant is home to the tropical rainforests of South and Southeast Asia and is often regarded as a durable plant able to withstand unfavorable conditions.
It has been given a large number of names including; the Indian rubber tree, red rubber plant, and the ficus decora burgundy.
The toxicity level of the Ficus Burgundy is mild but is still harmful to people and pets.
Botanical Name | Ficus Elastica Burgundy |
Common Names | Burgundy Rubber Tree, Indian Rubber Tree, Ficus Decora Burgundy |
Origin | South and Southeast Asia |
Family | Moraceae |
Plant Type | Evergreen Perennial, Tree |
Full Size | From 40 feet to 100 feet |
Sun Exposure | Partial Indirect Sunlight |
Soil Type | Well-aerated, Well-draining soil |
Toxicity | Toxic to both people and pets |
Ficus Burgundy Care
The durability that accompanies the Ficus Burgundy plant has made it a low-maintenance plant. But, for a proper, healthy tree plant, efforts must be made to meet the Light, water, pruning, temperature, and soil requirements.
Ficus Burgundy Light Requirement
Providing access to adequate sunlight is crucial for the Ficus Burgundy. Bright Indirect or partial sunlight should be given to the plant for a maximum of 8 hours a day.
Too little sunlight would lead to stunted plant growth and a loss of the reddish variegation that accompanies the dark green leaves.
Access to direct sunlight for prolonged periods is also harmful to the Burgundy rubber ficus as it could scorch the leaves of the plant.
When growing indoors, it helps to place the potted rubber tree plant in a room with a window facing southwards. To help reduce the sunlight’s intensity, you could make use of a light curtain or cloth.
For the Burgundy rubber tree being grown outdoors, it helps to plant in a shaded area with access to bright light. As the Burgundy ficus matures, it should be able to withstand the harsh rays of direct sunlight.

Ficus Burgundy Water Requirement
The roots of the exotic water plants have a low tolerance to water so be careful so as to avoid overwatering the potted plant.
Excess water in the soil can lead to soggy roots which open the plant up to fungi attacks such as root rots.
A great practice would be to use a moisture meter to measure the level of moisture present in the soil. In the absence of a moisture meter, use a finger to feel the top 2 to 3 inches of the plant’s soil. If it feels dry, you can then proceed to watering.
Watering should be done once in a week or two in the growing seasons of summer and spring. In the winter and fall seasons, it is advised that you limit watering to once in 3 weeks or once in a month.
Avoid the use of chlorine-filled water and make use of room temperature water so as not to stress the rubber plant’s delicate roots.
It helps to direct the water towards the plant’s soil as watering the plant’s foliage could leave it stained and lead to a buildup of fungi.
Ficus Burgundy Soil Requirement
Ficus Burgundy plants aren’t picky when it comes to the soil type that is used. This is because they have a high tolerance for most soil types.
It is best to use light, well-draining soil that is well-aerated to allow an easy flow of oxygen for the plant’s roots to breathe.
You should keep the soil pH range between a little acidic to neutral. A pH range of 6.2 to 7.0 would be ideal.
Mix one part potting soil or regular soil with one part peat moss and one part perlite or mulch to get an ideal soil for the Burgundy Rubber tree.
To know if your soil mix is well-draining or light enough, pour a little amount of water into it. If it forms a wet puddle, then it is dense and would require a fresh batch with a little more peat.

Ficus Burgundy Temperature and Humidity
Humidity shouldn’t be a major concern for the Burgundy ficus plant as the plant is durable and survives unfavorable humidity conditions. However, gentle misting of the plant’s foliage would be appreciated by the rubber plant.
The plant has a USDA hardiness level that ranges from zone 8 to zone 11. This means the ideal temperature range for the rubber plant should be between 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
Temperature levels below 50 degrees Fahrenheit would prove harmful to the Ficus decora burgundy plant.
Ficus Burgundy Fertilizer Requirement
Excess fertilizing should be limited as the rubber plant Ficus could thrive with little to no fertilizing.
If fertilizing must be done, then a water-soluble fertilizer that has been diluted to about 50% of its initial strength should be used.
Fertilizing can be done once a month or 2 months and direct contact with leaves must be avoided as it could scorch them.
It should be done during the plant’s growing seasons and avoided during the winter season as the plant goes into partial dormancy during the winter season.
Get rid of the residual fertilizer on the soil through deep-watering and ensure that water flows out of the drainage holes located at the bottom of the pot.
Ficus Burgundy Propagation
There is two methods of propagating the Ficus Elastica cultiva. Which are;
- Air layering
- Stem cuttings
Wear protective gloves before propagating through stem cuttings.

Pruning a Ficus Burgundy Rubber tree
Regular pruning would be needed when growing the Ficus Burgundy indoors. The rubber burgundy Ficus plant is a fast grower and could grow out of control when not pruned.
Sterilize all tools to be used for pruning before pruning and avoid pruning a third of the full plant at once. Protective hand gloves would be required before pruning.
Although mild, the Ficus Elastica plant is toxic when eaten as it can lead to skin irritation and vomiting. It is advised that you keep the potted plant away from the reach of children and pets.
Call a licensed health professional, if you notice that a child or pet has eaten from the Ficus Burgundy tree and monitor them for any symptoms or signs that might develop along the way.
Common Health problem of the Ficus Burgundy
Overwatering and infestations would be the most cause of problems for the Burgundy Ficus plant. A few of these problems are;
- Leave drops
- Root rot
- Yellow or Brown leaves
- Leaf wilting
- Aphids
- Spider Mites
- Aphids
- Scales.
Frequently Asked Questions
A little exposure to direct early morning sunlight can be tolerated by the Ficus plant.
Yes, Ficus rubber plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors.
Repotting should be done once a year. A bigger pot should be used and a fresh batch of soil should be used.
A mature Ficus Burgundy plant can grow from as high as 40 feet to 100 feet.
For each growing season, the Ficus plant can grow as tall as 24 inches.