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A Basic Guide On The Dudleya Succulent: Care Tips To Try

Dudleya Plants are a succulent genus. It is filled with over 40 different species in the Crassulaceae family.  They can be found growing in regions of North America like Guadalupe Island. 

A Basic Guide On The Dudleya Succulent

The Dudleya plant is also called ‘Live forever’. This is because they have an incredible lifespan that could see them alive for 100 years.  They spot a unique look with succulent, powdery leaves. In some cases, the Dudleya bears a similar resemblance to the echeveria. 

You can grow Dudleyas indoors as ornamental plants. Their eye-catching features could make them the center of attraction in your home. Dudleya succulents have two growth patterns. They could grow as tiny branches, having multiple rosettes. Or they could unbranched and come out as one rosette foliage.      

Botanical NameDudleya 
Common NamesLiveforever 
OriginNorth America, Guadalupe 
Plant TypePerennial, Succulent
Full SizeRanges from 20 to 24 inches tall.
Sun ExposureFull or direct sunlight, Can tolerate a little filtered sun 
Soil TypeWell-draining sandy soil type  
ToxicityCan be toxic to both people and pets when ingested. 

Dudleya Types

There is over 40 different Dudleya species in existence. Each succulent differs in size or color. Here are a few:

  • Dudleya cymosa
  • Dudleya anthonyi
  • Dudleya edulis 
  • Dudleya farinosa 

Dudleya Care Guide

Caring for Dudleya succulent plants can be easy. This is because they are low maintenance. They are protected by a substance called the Farina. The succulent farina is what gives the plant its powdery look.  It provides protection from excess sunlight exposure. 

In addition to that, the watering requirements are low. This is because of its succulent leaves which retain water. 

Dudleya Light Requirements 

The best lighting for your powdery liveforever plant would be full sunlight. They are less susceptible to damage from the sun.  And can survive up to 6 to 7 hours of full sun. 

You can grow them outdoors, in a rock garden. There they can get all the access to sunlight they require. If you must grow them indoors, then keep them next to a south-facing window. 

They can also be grown in areas with partial shade or filtering. But be careful as too little light can lead to legginess. Or overall stunted plant growth.  

Dudleya Water Requirements 

The liveforever plant has a weird growth habit. They go dormant during the summer season. At this stage, it is recommended that you avoid watering the Dudleya. You might need to wait for the fall season before resuming watering. 

During the fall and less hot seasons, water the Dudleya once a month.  Always use rainwater, as tap water can be harmful to the plant. And succulents don’t like overwatering as they are susceptible to root rot. 

Before watering, check the moisture level of the plant. Be sure it is almost dry, to avoid over-watering.

Dudleya Soil Requirements

Dudleya Soil Requirements

The Dudleya farina plant requires well-draining soil to flourish. This is because they are susceptible to root rot and as such hate soggy soil. Sandy soil is most ideal for growing Dudleyas. 

You can also grow them on rocky cliffs. The soil should be a little rich, so add very little compost. Keep the soil acidity between a little acidic and a little alkaline.

Temperature and Humidity Requirement For The Dudleya  

As North American plants, they live forever succulent and love medium humidity. A range between 40% to 50% should be ideal. But do not mist them often, as they do not react well to regular misting. 

Temperature should be kept above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. They are a  little cold and hardy and can survive hot temperatures too. 

Fertilizer Requirements For Dudleya  

Fertilizers aren’t essential to the Live forever plant care. Adding little compost to their initial soil should be more than enough. 

If you must add fertilizers, then limit it to once a month in the fall or spring season. The summer season is when they go dormant so avoid fertilizers then. And always make use of liquid slow-release fertilizer. Ensure you dilute it to half of its initial strength.

Propagating Dudleya

The best way to propagate the Dudleya would be through stem cuttings. This should be done in the spring season. And ensure you sterilize all tools before using them. 

Common Health Problems of The Dudleya

Dudleya are quite sturdy. They can survive most pests and diseases. But they are susceptible to the following; 

  • Aphids 
  • Snails or slugs
  • Gnats 
  • Root rot 
  • Mealybugs
  • Foliage wilting  

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Dudleyas An Endangered Species?

No, Dudleyas are not extinct. They are quite popular in the North American region.

Is Dudlyea The Same As Echeveria?

No, the Dudleya and echeveria are two separate plant species.

What is the most hardy Dudleya Species?

The Dudleya cymosa is the most hardy Dudleya.

Where Can You Find The Dudleya Abramsii?

This dudleya variety is native to California.

What is the best soil mix for succulents?

Succulents flourish in sandy soil. It should be well-draining for the best results.