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The Cape Jasmine Plant Or Gardenia Jasminoides How To Care

Gardenia Jasminoides, also known as the “Cape Jasmine Plant”, is an ornamental plant that features shiny, feathery, deep green leaves. It is grown mostly because of its fragrance. Their creamy white flowers produce an intoxicating fragrance that is loved by many.

Gardenia Jasminoides

Cape Jasmine is not easy to maintain and can be considered a “finicky plant”, as it requires all-around attention to survive. They are susceptible to pest and disease attacks, making them difficult for beginners to handle.

The gardenia jasminoides are native to the tropical and subtropical areas of Africa, the Pacific islands, and Asia. 

Under the right growing conditions, the cape jasmine plant can reach a height of 3 to 6 ft.

Scientific nameGardenia Jasminoides.
Common nameCape jasmine.
OriginTropical and subtropical Africa, Asia, and Pacific islands. 
Size3 to 6 ft in height.
LightingBright indirect sunlight.
SoilMoist but also well-draining soil.
Temperature65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit ( 18 to 21 degrees Celsius). 
FertilizerWell-Balanced fertilizer diluted to half its strength.
ToxicityToxic if ingested.
PropagationStem cutting.

Gardenia Jasminoides Care

Gardenia Jasminoides care can be difficult, especially for inexperienced growers. With the proper care and maintenance, the Gardenia Jasminoides should grow without hitches. 

Light Requirements

Gardenia jasminoides grown in containers indoors performs better when placed in a location with access to bright indirect or filtered sunlight. Gardenia plants need between 6 and 8 hours of filtered sunlight daily.

Exposing the Gardenia Jasminoides to direct sunlight over a long period will cause its leaves to burn and its buds to fall.

Gardenia jasminoides thrives in south-facing windows with a glass filter. This is because it receives the most light throughout the day.

Soil Requirements

Gardenia jasminoides prefers soil that is consistently moist and well drained. Avoid over-watering the soil. Instead, aim to keep the soil damp without causing waterlogging.

To achieve a well-draining potty mix, add perlite, peat, and orchid bark to your soil. This will aid the easy movement of water and nutrients within the soil.

Make drainage holes at the bottom of the pot and also cover the top of the soil with mulching materials to retain the soil moisture. 

Water Requirements

When you notice that the top of the soil is starting to dry out, water the Gardenia Jasminoides plant right away. Avoid letting the soil get overly dry before watering.

When watering, soak the entire soil until it starts dripping out through the drainage holes under the pot.

Over watering can cause damage to the plant’s leaves and roots. Yellowing of leaves and root rot are signs of overwatering.

Fertilizer Requirements

Feeding the gardenia jasminoides should be done every 3 or 4 weeks during the growing season. Use a well-balanced acidic fertilizer, diluted to half its strength, to feed the plant.

Using fertilizer at full strength is not advisable as it can damage the roof of the plant.

During the winter season, stop fertilizing the plant as doing so will cause root burn.

Temperature And Humidity

Gardenia jasminoides loves a warm environment. For indoor cultivation, try to maintain a household temperature that’s above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, they love humidity, so endeavor to keep the humidity level above 60 percent.


The Gardenia jasminoides’ size can be controlled through pruning. Pruning should be done only when the Gardenia Jasminoides has finished blooming.

Old, infected, and dead leaves and stems should be properly pruned away using a pair of scissors or pruning shears to cut them off. The main benefit of this is that it allows the plant to focus on creating new leaves instead of trying to heal the old ones.


The best method for propagating Gardenia jasminoides is through stem cutting. Ensure the cut you are using is from a healthy plant.

Make a stem cut about 4 inches long. Remove all the leaves on the stem, leaving only the top two sets. Put the cutting in a glass of water. The water used should be changed every 2 days.

After a while, you will see new roots starting to form. When the roots reach 2 or more feet in length, move the cutting to a potting mix already prepared. Carefully dig a hole in the middle of the pot and place the stem cutting inside. Water after being placed in a bright environment.

Common Health Problems/Pests And Diseases

Common pests that attack the gardenia Jasminoides plants include mealybugs, aphids, ladybugs, etc.

These insects can easily be controlled by using neem oil or any insecticidal soap to wash the plant. Spray or wash the leaves using Neem oil to help keep the pest away.

The common disease includes yellow leaves, caused by overwatering.


Is Gardenia Jasminoides Toxic To Pets?

Yes. It is considered toxic as it contains the toxic materials geniposide and gardenoside. 

How Big Does Gardenia Jasminoides Get?

They can reach a height of 3 to 6 ft. under the right growing conditions.

What Is The Best Propagation Method For Gardenia Jasminoides?

Using the stem cutting method of propagation is the best method for Gardenia jasminoides.

Why Are My Gardenia Jasminoides Leaves Turning Yellow?

Yellow leaves in Gardenia Jasminoides are caused as a result of overwatering.

What Is The Best Temperature Range For Growing Gardenia Jasminoides?

The Gardenia Jasminoides loves a warm environment, so the best temperature range should be around 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 21 degrees Celsius).