Pothos are much loved by those who love to grow plants indoors. But those new to houseplant cultivation might not realize how many different types of Pothos or varieties of Pothos there are.

As you expand your houseplant collection, you might be interested in growing some of these different Pothos plant varieties:
1. Golden Pothos – Epipremnum aureum
The most common and widely available type of Pothos, this is the one with which most growers will likely be familiar. The leaves are typically green with yellow variegation and are heart-shaped and waxy.
2. Pothos ‘Glacier’
Glacier is a Pothos variety with thin, small leaves with white/cream variegation. Its patches of variegation have an almost silvery hue which sets them apart from other Pothos with white/cream variegation. This is a rare variety that can be rather challenging to find. But if you can find it it could be a good type of Pothos houseplant to grow.
3. Pothos ‘Global Green’
Fairly new to the market, this Pothos has foliage with dark and lighter green mottling. While this looks similar to several other Pothos varieties, it is considered rare and so might be one that people want to add to their collections.
4. Pothos ‘Harlequin’
This very rare pothos will be very difficult for you to get your hands on. But it is highly desirable for its variegated white and deep green leaves. Since these Pothos have mostly white leaves, they do need bright but indirect light to prevent green reversion.
5. Pothos ‘Hawaiian’
Hawaiian Pothos is a somewhat less common cultivar that has variegation a little paler, creamy yellow in hue, rather than the brighter yellow of the species type. The mid-green leaves have little creamy yellow flecks all over.
6. Pothos ‘Jade’
A good option for those who have low-light conditions, this Pothos has solid green foliage and so does not need light to retain any variegation. Its leaves are slightly slimmer than many other types but are still broadly heart-shaped and waxy.
7. Pothos ‘Jessenia’
This is a stable sport of the popular marble queen Pothos (see below). It was discovered in 2014 by Costa Farms. It is another variegated variety of Pothos with green and yellow-green on its leaves in a mottled pattern. It does best in bright, indirect light to retain its variegation.
8. Pothos ‘Lemon Meringue’
An eye-catching and relatively new variety of Pothos discovered at Costa Farms, this was found as a sport of Global Green Pothos. The green leaves are irregularly variegated with bright, golden yellow.
9. Pothos ‘Manjula’
This is a rather rare patented Pothos variety that was developed at the University of Florida. It has creamy yellow to white leaves with variegation of both light and dark green on each one. This is a Pothos that, like the species type, can cope with low light levels, but it will do best in bright but indirect light.
10. Pothos ‘Marble Queen’
Sometimes mistaken for regular golden Pothos, this named cultivar has white or cream variegation instead of yellow. It will need a little more light than the species type to retain its variegation.
11. Pothos ‘Neon’
With its dramatic lime-green and yellow leaves, this is a vibrant and distinctive choice, though it is sometimes confused with lemon-lime philodendron which it shares its coloration. Give it plenty of indirect light to make sure it retains its vibrant, zingy lime green and yellowish colors.
12. Pothos ‘Neon Variegata’
This is a variant of the neon Pothos variety that has variegation as well as vibrant lime green and yellow leaves, with interesting patterns that set it apart from many of the other Pothos varieties that you might choose.
13. Pothos ‘N’Joy’
This Pothos type has small, paper-thin leaves that are light green with white and/or cream variegation, including some white edges. The white variegation does not have any green within it, unlike the option below with which it is sometimes confused. This type needs a medium to bright indirect light to thrive.
14. Pothos ‘Pearls and Jade’
This pothos variety is a patented cultivar derived from Marble Queen that looks very similar to N’Joy. It was developed at the University of Florida. It has foliage that is smaller and thinner than marble queen Pothos and the leaves are light green, with white edges and white and cream variegation throughout. This is a slow grower and needs more bright light to retain its variegation than some other types.
15. Pothos ‘Snow Queen’
This is another beautiful variegated variety of Pothos, with white to cream leaves showing streaks and splotches of a mid-green hue. To prevent the largely white/cream leaves from reverting, it is important to grow this type in bright but indirect light.
16. Dragon’s Tail Pothos – Epipremnum pinnatum
A distinct but related species to the Pothos listed above, this option is Epipremnum pinnatum rather than Epipremnum aureum. It shares some characteristics with the above types of Pothos but its leaves are smaller and thinner, and deep green in hue, sometimes developing fenestrations as they age.
17. Pothos ‘Baltic Blue’ – Epipremnum pinnatum
A variety of the species above, this cultivar of Epipremnum pinnatum has dark green leaves that develop a blue undertone over time. Fenestrations develop a little earlier on this cultivar than they do on the species type or on other cultivars of this Pothos species.
18. Pothos ‘Cebu Blue’ – Epipremnum pinnatum
Another variety of the species above, this cultivar of Epipremnum pinnatum has silvery blue-green leaves that develop fenestrations as they grow and age, though typically slightly later than ‘Baltic Blue’.
19. Satin Pothos – Scindapsus pictus ‘Argyraeus’
Though not technically a Pothos as it is not part of the Epipremnum genus, this plant is commonly called satin Pothos, and its appearance and care requirements are both similar to all the options listed above. It has small, shimmery leaves in green and silver, and a vining growth habit and can cope with low light conditions as well as thrive in bright but indirect light.
20. Silver Satin Pothos – Scindapsus pictus ‘Exotica’
Another related variety, this one has large, darker, slightly thicker leaves than the above, decorated with silver random patterns. It will do best in a location that gets bright, indirect light and can get a little leggy in lower light conditions.