The Vanda Orchid is a beautiful flowering genus with numerous varieties with slight differences in appearance and growth habits.

It belongs to the Orchidaceae family and is an epiphytic plant with adventurous roots that grab onto the bark of trees for support.
Vandas are native to Asia and can be seen rowing in tropical regions. Their most distinguishing feature from other orchids is their flat petal blooms that come in a wide range of colors including blue.
They are best used as ornamental plants, for indoor spaces as hanging plants, or in pots, they produce a sweet-smelling fragrance and can bloom for many weeks.
Botanical Name | Vanda Spp |
Common Names | Vanda Orchid |
Origin | Asia |
Family | Orchidaceae |
Plant Type | Herbaceous Epiphytic Perennial plant |
Full Size | Ranges from 1 foot to 3 feet tall |
Sun Exposure | Partial or Indirect Sunlight |
Growth Media | Soilless medium mix, well-draining, a little acidic |
Vanda Orchids Types
There are a little over 80 different types of Vanda Orchids, of which some are hybrids possessing different growth habits. Some of which are;
- Terete Vanda
- Saderiana Vanda
- Tessellata Vanda
- Coerulea Vanda
Vanda Orchids Care
Growing the vanda plant at home can be a bit difficult as certain requirements might be difficult to produce while growing indoors. A deep understanding of its lighting, soil, and temperature requirements could help maintain the stunning vanda flower.

Vanda Orchid Light Requirement
Avoid exposing your Vanda Orchid to direct sunlight for long hours as this can leave them washed out.
To ensure proper healthy growth, it is recommended that you grow vandas in areas with bright, indirect light. Too little sunlight can lead to stunted growth and poor blooms.
Grow the Vanda Orchid in a room right next to an eastwards-facing window where they can get exposure to the morning sunlight, and during the start of the afternoon, shield off the sun’s rays with a light cloth.
The tolerance of sunlight defers with each species of the Vanda genus, so ensure you take note of the species you have.
Vanda Orchid Water Requirement
Frequent watering is a must for the proper growth of Vanda Orchids. They require you to water them twice a day during high temperatures and once every 6 to 7 days during the winter season.
When watering, be sure to use distilled or any clean water that is free from chlorine or any other chemical. Aim for a moist medium as allowing the plant’s roots to sit in excess water for too long can lead to root rot.
Soil Requirement for Vanda Orchids
The roots of Vanda orchids are adventurous and as such require enough airflow to breathe and flourish, so it is recommended that you grow the Vanda Orchid in a basket.
They are epiphytic in nature, so it is recommended that you make use of an orchid potting medium that is mixed with some fir bark, a soilless medium, or peat moss.
Ensure the potting medium is well-draining but has good moisture retaining abilities, and keep the mixture a little acidic with a range from 5.5 to 6.5.
Temperature and Humidity Requirements for Vanda Orchids

Orchid Vanda plants require high humidity to thrive, so always ensure you provide this while growing them indoors.
A humidity range of 65% to 80% should be perfect for the plant. To help, you can place them next to a tray filled with water and pebbles or use a humidifier.
Temperature levels should be kept high, from 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperature levels lower than 50 degrees can lead to delayed blooms.
Fertilizer Requirement for Vanda Orchids
Feed your vanda plant every week with a 20-20-20 balanced fertilizer while it is in its growing season.
You can also opt for a fertilizer with more phosphorus, as this could help the Vanda plant bloom better.
Limit the frequency of fertilizing the vanda plant to once every 2 to 4 weeks as the plant goes into dormancy during this period.
Propagating Vanda Orchids
Although Vanda plants can be propagated from seeds, this might take a long time as the seeds are delicate. So it is most recommended that you propagate the plant through stem cuttings.
Always ensure you sterilize all tools to be used in propagating the plant so as to avoid infections
And be careful so as to not damage the plant.
Common Health Problems of Vanda Orchids
Vanda Orchids are sturdy plants but they do suffer from the following;
- Mealybugs
- Scales
- Aphids
- Shriveling vanda leaves
- Disfigured flowers
- Greenish-yellow leaves
Frequently Asked Questions
Vanda orchids have a reputation for being difficult to grow as their temperature and watering needs are high.
No, Vanda Orchids grow on tree barks and rocky surfaces while in the wild so they don’t need to be potted to grow.
Vanda orchids require frequent watering, but they can go for 3 weeks without water.
Vanda flower blooms can last for up to 3 months.
All plants love rainwater, not vanda orchids alone, it is free from purifying chemicals or other components that can harm the plant.