Chlorophytum comosum, which is also known as the “Spider Plant”, is a common houseplant that can be gotten from most plant stores in the United States.
Its beautiful, long, thin, green foliage that arches in a slight manner that resembles the limbs of a spider hence giving the plant its name.

The spider plant makes a perfect plant for a hanging basket and is quite renowned for being easy to care for as an indoor plant.
But if caring for the spider plant is easy, why is my spider plant dying? And, what are the steps on how to save a dying spider plant?
Reviving a dead spider plant is possible. With the right care and tips, your dying spider plant should be back to its full, luscious green glow in no time.
Is My Spider Plant Dying?
Before coming to the conclusion that your spider plant is dying, It is advised that you check the plant in a proper manner, so as to understand what is causing the sickness.
A thorough look at the plant would be ideal. Start from the stem working your way through to the spider plant’s foliage, noticing any slight changes in color or noticing any irregularities that might be affecting the spider plant.
There are a variety of reasons that could lead to the spider plant dying. Understanding these reasons could help in deciding on a plan to save the spider plant.
Some of the symptoms to help determine if your spider plant is dying are;
1. Brown or Dark Leaves

Overwatering spider plants can lead to the spider plant leaves turning brown. If you notice this brown or black color change at the tip of your spider plant’s leaves, you should cut down on how often you water your plant.
Avoid soggy soil as much as possible, it is harmful to the roots of the spider plant as it could lead to spider plant root rot. A best practice would be to check the texture of the soil with your finger before watering.
2. Yellow Leaves

If you notice the leaves of the spider plants turning yellow, your spider plant isn’t getting enough sunlight. It might require a location change to a room in the house that has a little bit more access to bright indirect light.
Excess fertilizer in the soil of your spider plant could also lead to its leaves turning yellow. If you notice gray tips at the tip of the yellow leaves, then it is certain that the fertilizer buildup is much.
3. Drooping plant

Another question you might be asking is, why is my spider plant drooping? This indicates that the spider plant is lacking enough nutrients.
Indirect sunlight is a must for the spider plant. And the denial of this indirect sunlight could lead to the spider plant falling over.
4. Residue, Spots, Or Holes On The Leaves

Although the spider plant is durable, when it comes to pests and infestations, it could, however, be damaged by these pests and infestations.
If you notice a black or ashy mold on the spider plant’s leaves, it could be the work of whiteflies. For a yellow leaf that is curled up, look out for spider mites. Both pests are harmful to the spider plant and leave a sticky residue that makes the plant leaves sticky when touched.
How To Revive A Dying Spider Plant
Now that you’ve been able to determine the cause of the sick spider plant, the next step would be figuring out how to revive it.
However, the spider plant is easy to care for. Sometimes, letting the plant heal by itself might be the first step to saving it. With that being said, here are some tips on how to save dying plants.
1. Overwatered spider plant

If your spider plant is suffering from soggy soil or overwatering, then you would need to stop. Its roots were not built for the excess water, and this could become unhealthy for the plant. This unhealthy spider plant root could also become susceptible to root rot.
If you are wondering how often to water spider plants, you should do it as scarcely as possible. The recommended time frame would be once a week in its first month.
If you have issues with measuring the quantity of water in the soil, you could use your thumb to feel the top layer of the soil, if it’s dry then you could proceed to water it.
2. Excess fertilizer

For a spider plant with excess fertilizer, try using liquid fertilizer or a water-soluble fertilizer. If it’s the summer or spring then fertilizing it twice a week would be ideal. However, avoid fertilizing your spider during the winter, and ensure you fertilize it once a month during the fall.
Diluting the water-soluble fertilizer to about half its strength would be ideal before using it. And if you notice the spider plant outgrowing its pot, avoid fertilizing it.
3. Lighting Problems

If your spider plant is dying due to insufficient light, it would be a great time to move the pot to a better location. You might be wondering, what type of light and how much light does the spider plant need?
The spider plant needs access to as much indirect light as possible. You could consider moving them to a room that provides this. A bathroom would be a great example. Just ensure you place it close to a window, to get as much indirect light as possible.
If the bathroom does have access to direct sunlight, I recommend using light curtains to protect the spider plant.
4. Pest Problems

Using excess chemicals to kill pests might be doing more harm than good to the dying spider plant. Rubbing alcohol on the leaves of the spider plant would be quite helpful.
You should also try using neem oil or insecticidal soap on the plants, however, ensure you follow the instructions written on the package before using.
5. Pruning the Spider Plant

Pruning is a great way to save a dying plant. Trimming off unhealthy-looking parts of the plant would keep it looking revitalized. But not everyone knows how to prune a spider plant.
Following these steps should help you;
Step 1. Use a sterilized, sharp pruner or scissors
Whatever tool you decide to use to prune your spider plant, whether it is a pruner or scissor, ensure it is sterilized and kept clean to avoid infection.
Step 2. Locate discolored or unhealthy-looking spots on the spider plant.
Pay close attention to areas of the spider plant that might be dying or seem unhealthy. It helps to locate these areas before you start pruning.
Step 3. Trim or snip them off at an angle to mimic a new plant tip.
When trimming your spider plant’s leaves, ensure you trim them at an angle that resembles a normal spider plant’s tip. Irregular trimming could lead to your spider plant looking scattered and uneven.
Step 4. Trim the Plantlets at the base.
You could trim the plantlets by trimming the stem at the base that’s closest to the plant’s body to encourage proper growth. And there you have it.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The brown tips of the spider plant do not harm the plant as they are just dead tissues. However, you could cut them if you want your spider plant to look richer and healthier.
The spider plant requires little care and maintenance; they are quite easy to grow. However, providing them with access to enough indirect light would be ideal, and keep their soil moist, not soggy.
The spider plant does grow at a decent speed, as it can grow up to 12 inches in its first year.
The spider plant is an indoor plant. However, it can be grown outdoors during the summer.
The spider plant is an indoor plant that grows long leaves that bend over the pot, resembling the limbs of a spider.