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Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight – Growth and care guide

Scindapsus treubii or Sterling silver plant is a true beauty. It is often regarded as the most popular variety from the Scindapsus genus. Its most distinguishing feature is its succulent thick shiny foliage. This foliage has a silvery hue which gives it the name Sterling Silver.

Scindapsus treubii moonlight - A proper growth and care guide for gardeners

The moonlight treubii plant is a vining plant. It is native to Southeast Asia and grows in tropical regions. They are grown indoors in hanging baskets or in pots. They act as air purifiers, ridding the air of harmful toxins when grown indoors. 

This moonlight scindapsus variety is a member of the Araceae family. It is known to be toxic to people and pets, so be cautious when handling it.

Botanical NameScindapsus treubii Moonlight 
Common NamesSterling Silver plant, Moonlight pothos, Treubii pothos
OriginSoutheast Asia
Plant TypeSucculent vine plant 
Full SizeRanges from 5 inches to 20 inches tall
Sun ExposureBright but filtered sunlight  
Soil TypeWell-draining, loose soil 
ToxicityToxic to both plants and animals 

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight Care

The treubii moonlight Scindapsus is a low-maintenance plant. Its watering, lighting, and soil requirements are simple and easy to meet. But since it is toxic to pets and people. Ensure you wear adequate protection when dealing with it. 

Treubii Moonlight  Light Requirements

Sterling Silver Scindapsus plant would need access to adequate indirect sunlight. This is because of its unique foliage. When exposed to prolonged hours of direct sunlight, it might get scorched. 

Areas of low lighting are a lot better for the exotic variety. Although, this might reduce their growth rate. The use of artificial sunlight in areas of low light is acceptable. 

Place the potted Scindapsus sterling silver next to an eastward-facing window. There, it would receive a little direct morning sunlight. But a less intense afternoon light.  The southwards-facing window is also advisable. However, you would need a light curtain to filter the sunlight. 

Treubii Moonlight Watering Requirements 

Treubii Moonlight Watering Requirements 
Fleur & Co.

The plant is more drought tolerant as its succulent leaves trap moisture with ease. So, watering practice should be kept at moderate frequency. 

If you over water the Scindapsus variety. You risk exposing it to fungi attacks which can then lead to root rot. Instead of wet soil, aim for a moist one.  Allow the soil to dry out a little before watering it. 

Use a moisture meter to measure the soil’s moisture level. If you don’t own one, then try feeling the topmost part of the soil. If it feels a little dry, you can proceed to watering. 

When you water, ensure it is deep and thorough. But ensure it doesn’t soak up too much moisture. This is why good soil and pot should be used for the pothos moonlight variety. 

Avoid tap water as it contains chemicals that could harm the plant. Instead, use tepid rainwater or dechlorinated water.   

Treubii Moonlight Soil Requirements 

Always use well-draining soil for most indoor plants. This is the same for the Scindapsus moonlight. It should also be a little porous and a little rich. 

You can use a regular cactus soil mix or a succulent mix. They are easy to buy online or in walk-in plant shops. If you don’t have access to them, you can make your suitable soil mix. 

Try mixing regular potting soil with one part perlite. Add some peat moss and vermiculite to the healthy mix. In place of peat moss, you can use Coco coir. But peat moss is most recommended. 

Treubii Moonlight Humidity and Temperature Requirements

As tropical plants, they do well in areas with average to high humidity. Any humidity percentage between 40% to 60% would be fine. 

You can achieve this through regular misting. A more expensive alternative is the use of a humidifier. 

Temperature levels should be kept high. A range between 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit would be good. Keep them protected from excess cold or frost, and avoid cold windows 

Treubii Moonlight Fertilizer Requirements 

Treubii Moonlight Fertilizer Requirements 

Fertilizer is needed for proper growth. Do this once a month during its growing season. Avoid fertilizer during the winter and fall seasons. 

Use a liquid-soluble organic fertilizer for your succulent. A cactus suitable fertilizer should be perfect. But ensure it is diluted to half of its initial strength.  

Treubii Moonlight Propagation Requirements 

You can propagate the Scindapsus treubii Moonlight through two methods. The first is through stem cuttings. The second is through plant division.

Stem cuttings propagation is a lot easier to do. But you would need to sterilize the tools before using them. Also, avoid damaging the plant. 

Common Health Problems of Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight   

  • Spider mites
  • Root rot
  • Aphids
  • Black or yellow spots
  • Mealybugs

Frequently Asked Questions

How fast does scindapsus treubii grow?

They are regarded as slow-growing plants. It takes them up to 6 months to grow shoots.

How often should I repot my scindapsus treubii?

Due to their slow growth rate. You should repot them once every 3 years.

Are Scindapsus Treubii rare?

Depending on the variety of Scindapsus Treubii. The dark form variety is rarer than the Silver sterling.

Is Treubii moonlight the same as Philodendron moonlight?

No, these are two separate plants from two separate genuses.

Does Scindapsus Treubii like to be root-bound?

Yes, they do like to remain root-bound. So frequent repotting is discouraged.