As succulent plants, jade plants are drought-resistant due to their high ability to retain water. This characteristic makes them one of the easiest plants for both beginners and professional gardeners to grow.

If you want to grow a jade plant, you should consider growing it as a bonsai tree. Due to its mini tree-like structure, the jade plant can be grown in pots or containers. Their leaves are oval-shaped, growing on a thick woody stem, and can reach a height of 3 feet or more. They make great indoor decorative house plants and are also great outdoors when grown as border plants on patios or terraces.
When it comes to their care, jade plants are easy to maintain. This is because most succulent plants do not require extra feeding, so there is no need for fertilization. They also require minimal watering, can grow on most soil types provided they are humus-rich, and are easily propagated.
Jade plants are perennial and can last for years. It is advisable to repot the young jade plants every 2 to 3 years to facilitate faster growth. As for adult jade plants, you should consider repotting them every 5 to 6 years.
When should I repot my Jade plant?
When jade plants are first propagated, they are usually done in small pots or containers. However, because jade plants produce new growth over time, they grow in size and eventually outgrow their current container. This can limit the growth of the plant.
The best way to know when your jade plant is outgrowing its pot is to observe its general appearance. Are the plant leaves covering the topsoil? Are you finding it difficult to see the soil or potting mix? Or new stems busting out all over the soil? If you notice any of this, then it is time to repot your plant.
Another way is to look underneath the pot. If you notice roots coming out through drainage holes, then the plant’s roots have outgrown its current home and it’s time to relocate.
Another reason why you might need to repot your jade plant is if it is infected. Health issues such as root rot are common in succulent plants. When it becomes severe and starts to spread, it is advisable to change the soil and repot the plant.
What type of pot should I use?

The ideal pot to use when repotting your jade plant would be one that is slightly larger than its predecessor. The main reason for repotting plants is to provide a more conducive growing space for their roots. So, a slightly larger pot that will accommodate the plant roots and still have enough room for expansion will be the best choice.
Also, when choosing a pot, you should go for one that has a couple of drainage holes at its bottom. The more drainage holes, the better.
Terracotta pots are also great for growing jade plants. The porosity present in the body of clay and terracotta pots allows air and moisture to penetrate the sides of the pots. Also, excess water from the soil gets expelled through these porous holes.
As for the soil mix, you should consider using a potting mix that is porous and well-draining. You can either purchase an already prepared potting mix designed for succulent plants or make yours by mixing sandy or loamy soil with pumice, perlite, peat moss, and pine bark.
How to repot a jade plant
If you’ve decided to repot your jade plant, the first step would be to gather all the items you will need for the process. These items will include your new pot, which should be larger than the current one, your soil mix, a small shovel or spade, gloves, and any other item you feel would make your work easier.
The next step would be to remove the jade plant from its current pot. You must exercise extreme caution to avoid damaging the plant or its roots. Do not try to remove the plant from the pot by holding onto its stem. You will only damage the plant. Instead, start by gently tapping the sides of the pot. Then proceed to slide your shovel around the inside edges of the pot.
By now, the soil should be completely detached from the body of the container. You should now flip it upside down to remove the plant together with the soil. Hold the stem of the plant firmly as you remove the pot from the plant’s roots and soil. Then you should proceed to remove all the remaining bits of soil from the roots of the jade plant. Cut off any damaged or infected roots before repotting.
The final steps would involve putting the plant in the new pot and filling it up with your already prepared potting mix. Avoid watering the plant in the first two weeks so the roots can get used to their new home. Avoid fertilizing except when necessary.
No. Succulent plants store water in their roots, so soaking them in water can damage the plant.
No. Avoid watering the plant in the first two weeks so its roots can adapt to their new environment.
When creating your potting mix, use a very small amount of sphagnum moss as it retains water, which can sometimes be unhealthy for succulent plants.
The best time would be early spring, right before the growing season begins. But irrespective of the time, if you notice your jade plant needs repotting, you should go ahead and repot it.
Jade plants do not require any form of feeding after repotting, but if you must fertilize, it should be after 3 to 4 months after repotting.