Philodendron mican are excellent trailing plants, best grown in a hanging basket or other container where they can trail over the side. I It has heart-shaped velvet-colored leaves.

You can find the Micans philodendron variety growing in tropical regions. It is native to North and Central American countries like the Caribbeans.
A member of the Araceae family, this plant species is considered to be toxic to both people and pets. So caution is required. It is recommended that you wear protective gloves before handling the plant.
This remarkable vine plant does well in areas with partial sunlight. But make sure the light provided to the philodendron hederaceum micans is bright. Too little lighting would cause stunted growth and overall poor leaf formation.
If you do expose it to excess direct sunlight, you risk scorching the leaves. Yellow leaves are a quick sign to tell you if it is receiving excess sunlight. In this case, it helps to move the plant to a new location.
A north-facing window would be the best spot for your Philodendron velvet. If you can’t provide this then make use of a light curtain. This would help to reduce the intensity of the sun.
Humidity And Temperature
As tropical plants, the Micans species need high humidity levels. Keep humidity between 45% and 70%. You can make use of a humidifier when indoors. But a cheaper option would be to mist the plant often, group houseplants together, and/or use pebble-filled water trays below the pots.
The temperature levels should be moderate as they can survive at room temperature. Still, always aim for a level between 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep them away from cold windows or any vent.
Soil/ Potting Mix
Always use well-draining soil for the Micans variety.
Loamy soil would be ideal when growing the plant. You can also try using regular potting soil, though this should be amended with grit or sand to improve drainage.
The PH value of the soil should also be considered. It should be acidic with a range between 5.5 to 6.5.
Watering should be kept at moderate levels for this plant. It is best to aim for moist soil rather than soggy soil. This is because the soggy soil allows the buildup of fungi which causes root rot.
To get moist soil, let the top soil dry out a little before watering.
You can use a moisture meter to measure the moisture level of the soil. Or feel the soil with your fingers, if it feels dry, then water it.
Ensure you use clean rainwater for your watering. Tap water has excess chlorine which could scorch the mican plant’s leaves. If you can get rainwater, use a water filtering system.
Avoid watering the plant during the winter or fall seasons. This is because the plant falls into dormancy and requires far less water during this period.
You typically don’t need to feed this plant as long as the potting mix contains sufficient organic matter. However, if growth seems poor, you can use a balance, organic liquid plant feed every month or so through the growing season, diluted to half its usual strength to avoid any potential issues.
Philodendron micans can be propagated through stem cuttings. To propagate an existing plant in this way:
- Take cuttings from a healthy stem around 4-5 nodes long.
- Place these cuttings in water to root, in a location with bright but indirect light.
Make sure that only stem and not leaf is below the water.
- Wait for roots to develop.
- Once roots are around an inch long, pot them up into small pots filled with a suitable free-draining growing medium.
Prune out any dead, damaged or diseased material carefully using a clean, sharp garden knife or pair of secateurs. Wear gloves for protection.
While many grow Philodendron in a hanging container of some kind and allow the plant to trail, it can also be trained to climb a moss pole, trellis or other support structure to really show off its vigor and size.
Common Problems
Some common diseases and pests of Philodendron micans include:
- Leaf curl
- Root rot
- Aphids
- Mealybugs
- Fungus gnats
Other issues are largely environmental in nature. For example,
- Curling leaves usually means a lack of water or root problems.
- Leaf drop may be natural but also often means underwatering too.
- Soft and mushy stems can be caused by waterlogging or overwatering.
- Leaves that are small and spaced out along the stem with larger gaps between them often indicate that the plant has grown ‘leggy’ because it has not been getting enough light.
Making sure that you position the plant and care for it to provide for all its basic growing requirements helps you avoid any common problems getting out of control.
You should usually repot a Philodendron micans every 2-3 years or so. Look for signs that the plant needs repotting such as roots emerging from the holes at the base of a container to see whether the time for repotting has arrived.