Apart from being low-maintenance plants, orchids are loved for their beautiful and elegant flowers. Orchidaceae is the second largest plant family, having over 20,000 species, each having its own distinctive flowers and buds. Orchid flowers are exquisite and make great houseplants. Depending on the species and care provided, most orchid blooms can last for weeks or even months.

But as they say, nothing lasts forever. After blooming, orchid flowers will start to wilt and fall off, especially before the plant goes into dormancy. This is a natural occurrence, so you shouldn’t panic if your new orchid flowers start falling off. If your orchid plant is provided with the necessary growing conditions, it should start blooming next spring.
So, the challenge faced by most new orchid owners is knowing what to do when all the flowers start to wilt and fall off their orchid plant. Here are some simple basic maintenance practices you can carry out after your orchid is done blooming.
Orchid Care After Blooming
The majority of orchids will bloom over and over provided the plant is healthy with healthy flower spikes for the flowers to grow on. Flower spikes are the parts of the orchid plant where flowers and buds grow. Provided the flower spikes are healthy, they will continue to grow new flowers year after year. Some may even bloom multiple times per year.
Cut The Flower Spike
Healthy flower spikes are usually green and plump. After a spike is done producing flowers, it starts to wither away and die. If you notice your flower spike has a yellow, brown, or whither look, then it is unhealthy and can’t produce new flowers for the plant.
You can either choose to leave the flower spike as it is, trim it a few nodes down, or cut it off completely. Irrespective of which choice you make, your orchid plant will still produce new flowers provided they remain in good health.
Option #1: Leave The Flower Spike As It Is

You can choose to leave the flower spike intact after blooming, especially when it’s still green and plumb. The flower spike might still be able to produce more buds and flowers. This is not a common practice among seasoned orchid cultivators, but it is still done by lots of people growing orchids at home.
One disadvantage of this is that the spike will continue to grow long with an ungainly look while producing small flowers. By leaving the flower spike, your orchid plant will produce flowers faster as it doesn’t need to grow a new spike when the spring season arrives.
This method is best done when the flower spike is still healthy without any form of defect or infection. You should also note that not all orchid species rebloom from old flower spikes.
Option #2: Trim The Flower Spike Down To A Few Nodes

The second option would be to trim the flower spike down a few nodes. This is achieved by snipping the spike right above one of the nodes present on the flower spike. This is somewhat similar to the first option, just that you won’t be leaving the whole flower spike intact.
This can be done using sharp and disinfected scissors. Cut the spike a few nodes down the flower spike, making sure to leave a little space right above the node where the cut is made. If you are lucky, a new flower spike would branch off where you made the cut and would continue to produce more flowers.
Just like the first option, you don’t need to wait for your plant to develop new flower spikes before you start seeing new blooms.
Option #3: Cut Off The Whole Flower Spike
The third option involves cutting off the whole flower spike from the plant. This method is best for orchid plants with infected or dead flower spikes. Using a clean and disinfected pair of scissors, trace the spike down to the point where it connects to the plant leaves. Cut off the spike while ensuring you don’t damage any leaves.
However, you might have to wait for months for your plant to grow a new spike before blooming can occur. This method saves the plant energy and resources as it focuses all its energy on developing its roots.
Post orchid care after flowering
After blooming ends and you’ve prepared your flower spike, the next step would be to resume your usual orchid maintenance routine.

Always water the plant whenever you notice the topsoil is dry. Avoid overwatering and ensure the soil or potting mix is well drained to prevent root rot.
Orchids love growing under bright, indirect sunlight. For healthier growth, provide your orchid plant with a daily dose of bright, indirect sunlight.
Fertilize your orchid plant using specialized orchid fertilizers. Do this twice per month or as stated by the fertilizer manufacturers.
At the end of the blooming process of your orchid plant, you should keep it intact and continue to care for it. Do not throw away your orchid plant after it has finished blooming.
The majority of orchids bloom once a year, but when properly taken care of, they can bloom multiple times per year.
After flowering, an orchid can remain in bloom for about 6 to 8 weeks on average.
Healthy flower spikes are usually green and plump, while those with a yellowish or brownish color are old and need to be cut off.
Water the plant regularly, feed it with enough fertilizer, and also place it in areas where it can get access to bright indirect sunlight.