Non-toxic houseplants are an excellent choice for pet owners looking to add greenery to their home. These are plants chosen for their harmless properties that won’t jeopardize the safety and health of your furry friends. Incorporating these pet-friendly plants not only ensures curious pets can explore without risk of ingesting harmful toxins but also brings a touch of nature into living spaces.

Keep Your Pets Safe with These 20 Non-Toxic Houseplants
1. Christmas Cactus
The Christmas cactus, also called the holiday plant, is easy to care for and it’s not toxic to pets. It’s a popular winter houseplant, partially due to its pink or lilac-colored flowers that bloom during winter.
It doesn’t grow to be larger than 12 inches, but it can spread up to 2 feet. Since it’s found naturally in tropical rainforests, this cactus needs to be watered regularly and receive moderate light. Place the plant near a window and mist frequently.
2. Baby’s Tears
Baby’s tears is a great choice for pet owners and beginners since it’s easy to care for and pet-friendly. These perennial plants have tiny leaves and are often used as a groundcover. So they require regular attention when grown indoors for them to look their best.
They don’t respond well to dry conditions and thrive in low-light conditions since harsh sunlight can burn their leaves. Place these plants in the shade or windowsill receiving indirect light.
It’s important to water Baby’s tears regularly, especially if the leaves start to wilt. Make sure the soil is always moist as they don’t like to dry out. During the winter, it requires slightly less.
3. Friendship Plant
Friendship plants have intricately patterned leaves that are not only safe for your pets but also soft to the touch. The leaves are fuzzy and crinkly, and every now and then, they will bloom pale pink buds. These plants can grow to be 6 to 12 inches high and are happiest in moderate to bright, indirect light.
They need to be watered thoroughly and allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. During the winter, Friendship plants can be watered less
4. Burro’s Tail
Also known as the donkey tail plant, burro’s tails are a popular succulent that are safe for pets. While they grow slowly, their stems can grow to be up to 4 feet long.
Burro’s tails are often placed in hanging containers with its stems trailing over the edge of its pot. It has small, fleshy, blue-green leaves that sometimes bloom pinkish-red flowers at the end of the summer.
5. Peperomia

Peperomias are non-toxic to pets and visually appealing, making them a popular housepant. The plants are petite and compact and they are generally easy to grow.
It prefers medium to bright indirect light, but it will tolerate low indirect light. Peperomia is not suited for intense bright, direct sunlight and should be watered every one or two weeks to allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
6. African Violet

Since African violets aren’t toxic, it is one of the most popular flowering plants for those who have pets. Another reason the plant is liked is due to it producing blooms in low light.
The African violet can produce white, blue, or purple flowers, and with proper care, it can bloom year-round. It also prefers moderate temperatures and average humidity.
7. Spider Plant

Spider plants aren’t non-toxic for pets, and they look great in hanging baskets or spaces with elevated shelves. It can also effectively remove carbon monoxide, toluene, formaldehyde, and xylene from the air.
These plants are tolerant of a wide range of moisture, light, and soil conditions. Spider plants prefer partial shade because too much sun might stunt growth and scorch the plant’s foliage.
8. Boston Fern

Boston ferns are a non-toxic, eye-catching addition to a space. They are pet-friendly and can also help remove harmful air pollutants and improve humidity levels.
The plant prefers humid, cool spaces and bright, indirect sunlight. It also is a fitting plant for hanging baskets since its foliage shoots straight from the center of the plant, then arching as the fond grows longer and longer.
9. Haworthia

Haworthias are not known for growing quickly, but they do have minimal care requirements and are non-toxic. These pet-friendly plants can grow to be three to five inches tall, and they have rosettes of green leaves that are spotted with white warts or bands that also produce offsets.
The plant can tolerate moderate-to-low light conditions, but they thrive in bright light. If the leaves start losing their green coloring, it’s an indication that the plant is receiving insufficient light. During the summer, hawthorias should be watered weekly but less frequently during the winter months.
10. Polka Dot Plant
Polka dot plants are non-toxic plants that get their name from the green, pink, red, or white splashed foliage. While the plant is pet-friendly, more sensitive pets may experience mild digestive upset if they consume a large amount of it.
These plants thrive in warmer locations that receive bright, indirect light. Additionally, polka dot plants should be watered when the top half of the soil has dried out.
11. Air Plant
Since air plants are non-toxic and not harmful to animals or humans, they can be a great addition to your space. Air plants are low-maintenance epiphytes that don’t require soil or any extensive care.
They do well in indirect light and should be placed in a bowl of water so that they are hydrated. The air plant can also be submerged in water for 10 to 30 minutes every week or two or misted several times each week.
12. Orchid

Many orchids are non-toxic plants that are safe for pets and make for stunning winter houseplant options. During the winter, many orchids bloom for weeks if they receive the proper care. While the days are shorter, they thrive in partial light.
Make sure to water orchids once a week during the winter months and twice a week during the hotter months. If the leaves start to yellow, it’s a sign of overwatering or it might be receiving too much sun.
13. Parlor Palm

The non-toxic parlor palm is tall and elegant and can add a tropical vibe to a space. Since they are low maintenance, they are a perfect pet-friendly houseplant for someone who doesn’t have much time for plant care.
Parlor palms should only be watered once the soil is dry, and they thrive in space with east or north-facing windows.
14. Prayer Plant
Prayer plants are a popular non-toxic houseplants that are safe for pets. Since the leaves change to resemble praying hands at night, it’s viewed as a symbol of gratitude. Additionally, the prayer plant comes in several colorful varieties, such as red, green, and black.
These plants don’t tolerate dry conditions and thrive in humid spaces where they can receive bright, indirect sunlight. Since the prayer plant is so hardy, it is a good option for beginners.
15. Bromeliad
The pet-friendly bromeliad is easy to maintain and adds a pop of color to a space. The plant is a favorite among houseplant lovers because of its pink cone-shaped blooms that can add a tropical vibe to a space. It is happiest in a humid environment where it can receive bright sunlight and should be placed in a spot that has proper airflow.
The bromeliad is a soil-free epiphytes that needs to be secured to a log using string or glue. This plant doesn’t require soil, so a pet is less likely to be harmed if the plant is knocked over, since certain soils can be harmful to pets.
16. Ponytail Palm
The ponytail palm, sometimes referred to as ‘elephant’s foot,’ is non-toxic and very easy to care for. They have a round and smooth trunk with thin, swinging fronds growing out of the top.
The plant is low-maintenance and thrives in bright light, but it’s important to avoid over-watering. Additionally, the plant can extract toxins from the air like toluene, benzene, and xylene.
17. Mosaic Plant
The mosaic plant, also known as the nerve plant or fittonia, has white or pink-veined leaves that are non-toxic to cats and dogs. They do require quite a bit of attention as they need to be watered regularly to prevent the soil from drying out.
They need to have a hint of moisture in their soil at all times, so keep the plant in a humid environment, such as a bathroom. If it becomes too dry, the leaves will wilt, but make sure to avoid overwatering them. Additionally, the plant should be kept in bright, indirect sunlight, such as near north- or east-facing windows.
18. Venus Flytrap
Not only are Venus flytraps pet-friendly, but they are also easy to care for. These plants need at least four hours of direct sunlight and should be watered with distilled water.
It’s important to make sure that the plant doesn’t dry out, so the soil around its base should always be damp to the touch. Additionally, to sustain itself, the Venus flytraps only need one or two insects per month to sustain themselves.
19. Rattlesnake Plant
The rattlesnake plant is a non-toxic and easy to care for indoor plant option. These plants are known for their colorful and distinctive-shaped foliage that hase a wavy pattern along the edges with shades of green and purplish-red tones, and it can also produce small yellow flowers.
The plant thrives in low light and needs to be watered once the top of the soil feels dry to the touch. If its leaves are looking dry, simply give it a quick spritz.
20. Calathea Orbifolia
Calathea orbifolias have a unique leaf pattern that helps it stick out from other non-toxic houseplants. They need partial shade since bright sunlight can burn the plant’s leaves, so it’s great for a room that doesn’t receive much natural light.
These plants appreciate a space with lots of humidity. A regular watering schedule is also essential for the plant to remain healthy.