The proper plant tools are the key to success when becoming a plant parent. Whether you are worried about your plant getting the water, sun, or nutrients it needs, plant tools can help your plants thrive in a variety of conditions.

15 Essential Plant Tools for Indoor Houseplants
1. Spray Bottles

It might seem silly, but spray bottles are essential for the proper watering of many types of indoor plants. Spray bottles allow you to mist the plant, moistening the leaves without risking over-watering.
2. Soil Tester
Plants can’t grow in soil that is too acidic, nor can they grow in soil that isn’t acidic enough. A soil tester can allow you to test the acidity of the soil and make adjustments for your plants.
3. Sticky Pest Traps
Houseplants attract a number of pests, such as fruit flies and gnats, and pest traps can help protect your plants. Glue traps that you can place in your plant pot work well, capturing pests without harming your plants.
4. Watering Can

A watering can is essential for ensuring your plants get enough water. One with a long spout works best so you can water your houseplants at their stems.
5. Sun Lamps/Grow Lamps
Those who live in an area with many cloudy days may need some sort of indoor light source for their plants. There are lightbulbs that imitate sunlight, or grow lights, both of which can help plants to grow indoors in rainy climates.
6. Watering Bulbs
Plant parents who travel will need a way to water their plants while they are away. Plant bulbs, which are placed in the soil and release a small amount of water at a time, are a preferred solution.
7. Mesh Plant Pads
Most plants need to be in a pot with a hole on the bottom to release extra water, but this can also cause soil to fall on your floor or windowsill. Mesh plant pads are placed in the bottom of the pot to stop this from happening while still allowing water to pass through when needed.
8. A Potting Tray
Indoor plants will need to be moved to a new pot when they get too large for their original one. A potting tray provides a convenient location for transferring plants to new pots while also protecting your home from soil messes.
9. Humidifier

Even with a spray bottle and watering can, some plants need a higher level of humidity. Plant parents will need a humidifier or two to place strategically in their homes to keep plants content.
10. Gloves
Gloves are more commonly needed for outdoor gardens, but even indoor plants require work that may dirty or injure your hands. A good pair of gardening gloves will make plant care easier when it is required.
11. Small Gardening Shovel
A small gardening shovel makes it easier to repot plants and add additional soil when needed. Some plant parents may need a couple of different sizes depending on the size range of their indoor plants.
12. Hand Pruners
All plants need to be pruned from time to time, even those residing indoors. Grab a pair of hand pruners that can help you keep your houseplants looking their best.
13. Plant Shelves

Unless you live on the equator where the sun shines the same year-round, you will need a way to raise and lower plants to control their sun exposure. A 2-3-tier plant shelf placed by a window can give a plant parent lots of options for giving their plants sufficient sunlight.
14. Grow Station
Plant parents who plan to start from seeds will need a grow station to give their seeds the best chance at success. A good grow station will have a few shelves, a grow light, and an easy way to water your seedlings frequently.
15. Hand Fork
A hand fork is a small rake that can be used to shift and rearrange soil. Indoor plant parents will need to use a hand fork from time to time to check the soil and should have one on hand.