Monstera Siltepecana, “Silver Monstera”, is an easy-to-grow houseplant that is popular for its beautiful foliage.

Monstera Siltepecana has a rare variety known as “Monstera Siltepecana El Salvador,” originating from Central America and Ecuador. Monstera Siltepecana El Salvado feature dark green leaves with a silvery pattern, differing mainly in their leaf characteristics and growth.
The Monstera Siltepecana El Salvador has faster growth compared to the regular Monstera Siltepecana. Their leaves are larger, and they have a more compact form.
This plant has two growth stages: The Juvenile stage and the Adult stage.
In the Juvenile stage, the leaves are small and green with a significant amount of silver patches. The leaves of the monstera Siltepecana will remain in their juvenile form if allowed to trail. Growing the plants in a hanging basket or pot produces a long Viney plant with juvenile leaves that can spread in any direction. They are lovely climbers, and when grown under the right circumstances, they can add that extra tropical ambiance to a home.
When juvenile plants are staked, they begin to climb upwards, therefore growing bigger and more greenish foliage. Staking is the process of providing support to a growing plant.
In the Adult stage, leaves are large with a dark greenish color. They experience fenestration which is a situation whereby large leaves have holes in them. An adult Monstera Siltepecana will still have juvenile leaves at the bottom of its stem. It’s broader, less silvery adult leaves grow at the top of the plant.
Monstera siltepecana is a member of the Monster Genus. The plant is native to the tropical regions of Mexico and Central America.
The foliage is deep green, with dark green veins and silver patches. This is a vining plant that can be allowed to grow as a trailing plant or staked and may reach a metre or so in height.
Where to Grow Monstera siltepecana
When choosing where to grow this Monstera, you need to consider its basic needs – especially when it comes to light, temperatures, humidity, and growing medium.
One other important thing to note is that Monstera Siltepecana is toxic to pets such as cats and dogs. They contain calcium oxalate crystals which irritate the mouth, lips, tongue, and digestive system when ingested.
Light Requirements
As with other tropical houseplants, the Monstera Siltepecana needs access to bright indirect sunlight, although they can handle and thrive in low light conditions.
In tropical rainforests, plants such as the Monstera Siltepecana start their growth on the floor and are shielded from the sun by large canopies of foliage. In this stage, they only have access to lower light conditions. The plants are in their juvenile stage, having small silver-colored leaves.
With time, they grow aerial roots that attach themselves to trees and this helps them climb upwards. As they ascend, they begin to get access to brighter light and this aids them to grow more mature and bigger leaves.
So in essence, the brighter the light, the larger their leaves become. Although intense direct sunlight can cause leaf burn. To be safe, home growers can make use of grow light to provide light to their plants.
Temperature And Humidity
Growing the Monstera plant under the right temperature is very important. Tropical plants need a warm and humid environment to thrive. The ideal temperature, depending on your location, would be around 60 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit ( 16 to 35 degrees Celsius).
Most indoor temperatures are good enough for the healthy growth of the monstera plant.
As for humidity, place the plant in areas of the home with high humidity such as bathrooms, kitchens, or laundry room. Or use strategies to increase humidity such as grouping houseplants together, using pebble-filled water trays below pots, misting and/or using a humidifier.
Soil/ Potting Mix Requirements
Monstera Siltepecana needs well-draining and airy soil to grow. Waterlogged soil can cause compaction which prevents the movement of nutrients and air to the roots of the plant.
A soil mix that contains lots of orchid bark, perlite, or pumice is great for the plant. This encourages airflow and at the same time supports water draining.
A terracotta or clay pot is best for growing Monstera Siltepecana plants as their porosity provides a means by which air and water can penetrate through the sides of the pot. In this same way, they aid the removal of excess moisture from the soil.
For other types of pots such as ceramic and plastics, ensure the pot has draining holes at the bottom to expel excess moisture from the soil.
This is not a plant that is too challenging to care for, as long as it is in the right location and you take care of the basics such as watering and feeding.
The monstera Siltepecana is not picky when it comes to watering. Soil needs to be kept moist, not drooping wet or soggy. Overwatering to the extent of having the soil soaked for long can cause root rot.
Watering can be done on average once a week during the growing season and once a month during the winter season. Ensure the potting mix is completely or partially dry before watering. Measure the moisture level of the soil by using a moisture meter. Only water When the top few inches of the soil are dry.
Underwatering is also dangerous. Don’t keep the plant thirsty as their leaves tend to droop when deprived of water.
Fertilizing the Monstera Siltepecana is the Same as other household tropical plants. Use a diluted organic fertilizer dissolved to half its strength to fertilize the plant. Apply the fertilizer on average once a month during the growing season. During the winter season, fertilization is not required as the Monstera plant goes into dormancy.
Propagation of the monstera Siltepecana is done through stem cutting. The process involves cutting the vine of the plant close to the top of its node. The cutting should include one or more leaves, a node, and aerial roots.
Mediums for propagating the plant could either be a good potting mix or crystal clear water.
For propagation of Monstera Siltepecana through the soil, follow these steps.
- Using sharp, clean, and disinfected scissors, cut the vine above the node. Ensure the cutting includes one to three leaves, a node, and an aerial root.
- Prepare your potting mix. Ensure it is porous enough to prevent water logging. The pot should have drainage holes for excess water to exit.
- Make a hole in the middle of the soil and place the cutting in it. The node and aerial root should be covered in the soil while the leaf should be left above soil level.
- Water the plant sparingly. This is to give the stem strength to start rooting.
- Place the pot a few inches away from a window to give it access to indirect sunlight.
- In about 2 to 3 weeks, the cutting should begin to produce new leaves.
For propagation through water, follow these steps.
- Using clean scissors, cut the vine above the node.
- Place the cutting in a glass of distilled or rainwater. Ensure only the node and aerial root are submerged in water.
- Place the plant close to a window so it can get access to indirect sunlight.
- Change the water every few days to maintain its freshness.
- When you notice the stems already producing roots, transplant the cutting into an already prepared soil.
Pests And Diseases
The common pests that attack the Monstera Siltepecana are mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, and scale. Simply wiping the insects off the surface of the leaves will often work to remove the problem pests.
Common Diseases of the monstera Siltepecana include root rot, powdery mildew, and leaf spot. They are caused by several factors that include over and under watering, excessive direct sunlight, and fungus.