The Monstera Pinnatipartita is a member of the Monstera genus native to the tropical rainforests of South and Central American countries including Peru and Ecuador.
The Philodendron ‘Silver Queen’, which is a named varietal of Monstera pinnatipartita.

Growing and taking care of the Monstera pinnatipartita plant should be an easy task. As long as you provide the right basic environmental requirements, the plant should flourish and become more interesting in appearance over time.,
Pinnatiartita is a natural climber. It survives by climbing on other trees to gain access to bright but shaded light.
The exotic philodendron pinnatipartita would require a room with enough access to bright but indirect sunlight. Be careful to avoid long exposure to direct sunlight, as this could burn the leaves of the Pinnatipartita Monstera.
Any room in the house would do. Just ensure you avoid windows that are sunny. If you can’t avoid the harsh rays of the sun, you can use a light curtain to provide shade to the plant.
Also, too little sunlight is bad for the Pinnatipartita, as it could lead to stunted or limited growth.
Humidity And Temperature
The temperatures of the South and Central rainforests are warm, and it is recommended that you provide a similar level of humidity for the indoor Monstera Pinnatipartita.
The exotic houseplant is sturdy and can withstand chill temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit. However do be careful, as temperatures lower than that could kill the Pinnatipartita.
An ideal temperature range for the oinatpartia plant would be between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 81 degrees Fahrenheit.
Providing such a temperature is crucial to the growth of the plant, so you can consider getting a humidifier for your plant. Another great method would be to gather your indoor plant in a spot to provide the needed plant warmth for each other.
For the Monstera Pinnatipartita height to increase, it must be provided with the right soil requirement.
A well-draining, sandy soil mixed with a lot of organic matter and perlite would be the most ideal soil condition for the Monstera Pinnatipartita.
Do ensure that whatever well-draining soil mix you use should also be able to retain as much moisture in it as possible, as the exotic house plant requires constant moisture.
The Pinnatipartita plant is easy to care for, it requires average maintenance and attending to a few requirements to see it thrive.
Like all members of the Monstera genus, the Piinnatipartita plant has delicate roots, and as such you must avoid overwatering your plant.
It does however require that you keep it moist. So you must be careful not to leave its soil dry for too long.
How you water your Pinnatipartita depends on a few factors though. How much light it receives, the level of humidity, and the plant size, so it is recommended you water the exotic plant once a week.
You would want to ensure that the surface of the soil is almost dry before wearing. A great practice would be to feel the top part of the soil first before watering.
The organic matter added to the soil mix should be a great source of food for the Monstera Pinnatipartita. However, you might need to feed it for a more refined and natural growth.
Using liquid fertilizer is ideal for the Monstera genus member. Be sure to dilute it to about half its initial strength before use.
Fertilizing should be done once a month for a young Monstera Pinnatipartita. However, for a mature exotic plant, fertilizing once every 2 months seems most appropriate.
Be careful not to fertilize the plant during its winter season. The plant would be most dormant then so you might need to fertilize it once throughout the season.
The Pinnatipartita plant isn’t that much of a fast grower, so pruning the plant shouldn’t be a regular affair.
It is, however, required that you prune the plant’s leaves to keep them looking fresh and healthy. The Pinnatipartita plant’s leaves are large, so when pruning does ensure you prune from its nodes to encourage proper new growth.
Snip off any diseased, dead, or damaged leaves using garden shears or secateurs, or a sharp, clean gardening knife. Ensure that the tools used are sterilized and kept clean to avoid any form of infection. The Pinnapartita plant can grow as high as 10m in search of indirect sunlight so do ensure you prune to keep it under control.
The pot used in growing the Monstera plant should be large enough for the plant’s root to breathe. It should also contain drainage holes so as to allow an easy passage of water.
Since it’s a climbing plant, It is recommended that you use a stake at the center of the pot to allow for proper controlled growth.
Repotting should be done, once you notice the plant being too big for its current pot. In this case, a fresh soil mix and a bigger pot should be required.
The Monstera Pinnatipartita can be propagated By:
- Cuttings, rooted in water or growing medium.
- Air layering
The Monstera genus varieties are known to be toxic to both pets and children, and the Monstera Pinnatipartita is no exception.
It contains oxalate crystals in its leaves and sap and this can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and mouth of the pet or child.
Keep the plant away from the reach of children or pets.
Common Pests And Diseases
Overwatering your Pinnatipartita causes the most problems to the exotic plant. Here are a few common issues you might spot when growing Pinnatipartita plant;
- Brown leaves
- Yellow leaves
- No leaf splits
These are usually issues that arise due to imperfect placement or care.
You may also encounter common houseplant pests such as:
- Spider mites
- Mealybugs
- Aphids