The Monstera Genus is a common favorite among gardeners and home designers all over, as it is often used as houseplants. With their beautiful, striking features and fenestrations, these wonder houseplants are native to the thick tropical regions of North, Central, and South America.

Monstera Borsigiana and Monstera Deliciosa are two distinct species of the Monstera genus. Both plant species provide a certain form of pristine elegance to any room they are placed in and are hence used as decorative ornamental plants.
However, these two plant species have long been the subject of numerous debates and theories, with the bulk of the debates being on comparing the differences and similarities of both plant species.
Similarities Between The Two Species
Aside from being members of the Monstera genus, both the borsigiana and the deliciosa share a few similarities in areas such as;
- Structure of leaf
- Shape of leaf
- Root structure
Structure of Leaf
A common misconception between both the Monstera deliciosa and the Monstera borsigiana is the structure of their leaves.

For a beginner who’s just getting introduced to botany, it might be a bit difficult to tell the difference just by looking at them.
This is because both plant species possess dark green colored leaves and look like they have been tampered with by scissors on each end.
If you look closer at the leaf cuts, you’ll find that they are oblong or semi-round in shape. However, this depends on the size of the leaves.
In addition, both the borsigiana and deliciosa have fenestrated leaves that could adapt to new changes in the environment with ease.
Shape of Leaf
When looking at both the borsigiana and deliciosa, you find that their leaves are quite similar in shape.

They might not be similar in size but each Monstera species has leaves that take the shape of a heart or are cordate in form. This heat shape of both plants species is not affected by their fenestrations,
Root Structure
Since they are both members of the Monstera genus, another similarity between them would be their root system.

Both the Monstera borsigiana and the Monstera deliciosa are blessed with Ariel adventitious roots. This helps both plants in a variety of ways.
First of the ariel roots help both plants in absorbing moisture better, It also improves air exchange, nutrient uptake, and in propagation.
These ariel roots make it easy for both the borsigiana and the deliciosa to flourish while on trees and walls.
Differences Between The Two Plant Species
The major differences between the Monstera borsigiana and the Monstera deliciosa can be seen in the following areas;
- Geniculum
- Leaf Size
- Growth Habits
- Structure of Stem
- Price
The most notable difference when looking at both plant species would be the Geniculm which is what joins the plant’s leaf to its stem.

For the Monstera borsigiana, its geniculum is straight and plain, without any special features, while the Monstera deliciosa has a rather more wrinkled geniculum that gives the plant its flexibility.
Although it might be impossible to differentiate both plant species by their geniculums at their young ages once maturity reaches, it should be quite easy.
Leaf Size
As we have already established, both Monstera plant species differ in leaf size, This is quite easy to spot and a great way to differentiate the two.

When comparing both plants’ leaf sizes, you find that the Monstera deliciosa has a larger leaf size than the Monstera borsigiana.
The leaves of the deliciosa can grow as wide and long as 3ft. This is in contrast to the borsigiana which is rather small and can grow to about half the size of the deliciosa at 1.6ft.
Also, the Monstera deliciosa has leaves that are more pleasing to look at than the borsigiana. This is because the deliciosa’s leaves are leather-like.
Growth Habits
Both plants grow in different ways, exhibiting different growth habits. The Monstera deliciosa is a slow grower, which grows in a sprawling but horizontal manner.

However, at its young stage, the deliciosa grows in a downward direction and is often seen as a slow climber, but it can grow to a height of 30ft over a period of 3 years.
The borsigiana has a more controlled growth pattern than the deliciosa. They grow like ines, having long stems that lay on the ground during growth.
The borsigiana growth pattern can be controlled with a stack. By placing the stack in an upward direction, you can direct the borsigiana plant to grow in an upward direction.
In 3 years, the borsigiana should be mature and stop growing.
Structure of Stem
Another major way of differentiating the Monstera deliciosa from the Monstera borsigiana would be from their stem and the gaps that exist between their nodes.

When taking a close look at the Monstera borsigiana, you would find that there are many spaces between the nodes.
However, for the Monstera deliciosa, the stem nodes are a lot closer than the stem nodes of the Monstera borsigiana.
This spread-out node pattern of the Monstera borsigiana is the reason why its growth is a lot better, neater, and faster than the Monstera deliciosa.
Although this is a more practical and economical difference than a scientific difference, the price between both the Monstera deliciosa and Monstera borsigiana differs.
With the Monstera deliciosa being more expensive than the Monstera borsigiana. A Monstera deliciosa can range from $5-$5000 while a borsigiana ranges from $10-$1000. This is because the deliciosa is a slow-growing plant while the borsigiana is rather faster in growth.
Frequently Asked Questions
This is a very rare variety of the Monstera borsigiana with a rare variegation
They are expensive because they have unique variegation, and the color of this variegation cannot be inherited and is caused by a natural mutation.
This is quite rare and uncommon, but over time, it is possible for a regular monstera to become variegated.
Well, they might be tricky to care for, but over time, it gets easier with the more understanding you have of them.
Place your Monstera plant in a room with enough access to indirect light.