Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, is commonly known as “mini monstera plant”. This is a result of its resemblance to Monstera deliciosa.

Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is native to southern Thailand and Malaysia. It shares a very similar maintenance routine with the Monstera deliciosa plant. The mini monstera plant is not part of the genus “Monstera” though. It belongs to the genus Rhaphidophora (although they both belong to the same Araceae family of flowering plants).
The Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is like a miniature version of the Monstera deliciosa. Mini monstera are tropical vines and have aerial roots that aid them in climbing trees, trellis, or poles. They are hemiepiphytic in nature. They spend most of their life cycle growing as epiphytes. Their leaves are fenestrated with a beautiful bright green color, which can reach a size of about 6 to 8 inches.
An excellent substitute for Monstera deliciosa especially in smaller homes, they have an average height of 6 to 8 feet .
Apart from their size, another advantage of these plants is that they are fast growers and easy to care for, as long as you place them in the right location and attend to their basic growing needs when it comes to light, temperatures, humidity and growing medium.
When provided with the right growing conditions, Mini monstera can grow up to 1 to 2 feet each year.
Mini monstera are tropical plants, so all you need to do is to replicate their natural habitat and you should be fine.
When deciding where to grow these plants, remember that Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is toxic to pets such as cats and dogs. They are also mildly toxic to humans and can cause irritation and swelling of the mouth, tongue, and lips. It can also cause nausea and vomiting.
The mini monstera, like most tropical plants, will grow better under bright, indirect sunlight. Provide your plant with a daily dose of multiple hours of filtered sunlight and it will thank you for it. They are capable of withstanding short periods of low light exposure. But note that continuous exposure will cause slower growth. Also, mini monstera plants grown in poorly lit areas tend to have delayed fenestration. Always move them to brightly lit areas to encourage your plant’s leaves to split faster.
Avoid growing them in areas with access to direct sunlight, as it can cause their leaves to burn. The east-facing window would be a great location when growing indoors as it provides the soft morning sunlight that your plant would love.
Temperature And Humidity
The majority of tropical plants love growing in warm and humid environments, and the mini monstera is no exception. Most household temperatures are perfect for growing the mini monstera plant. Just ensure the temperature doesn’t dip below 10 degrees Celsius.
Also, humidity is very important. To increase indoor humidity, try growing your mini monstera close to other plants. Also, tropical vines in general would appreciate frequent misting. Try to incorporate that into your routine maintenance practice.
Soil/ Potting
The mini monstera plant will thrive in most houseplant potting mixes as long as they are kept moist and well-drained.
When creating your growing medium, you should consider adding peat moss and perlite to the mixture. This will help make the soil richer and increase aeration within the soil. You can also include coco chips or orchid bark in your soil mix to encourage air and nutrient movement within the soil.
Caring for the mini monstera plant is very easy as they are low-maintenance plants. They share a similar care and maintenance routine with the Monstera deliciosa plant and most aroids. Mini monstera are tropical plants, so all you need to do is to replicate their natural habitat and you should be fine.
When it comes to watering the mini monstera plant, it can be quite tricky. Both overwatering and underwatering are detrimental to the plant’s health. When watering, your aim should be to keep the plant soil moist but not soaking wet.
To achieve this, always water your plant when it is absolutely necessary. You should only water your mini monstera plants when the top 2 inches of the growing medium is dry. You can check this by either dipping a finger into the soil or using a device called a moisture meter.
When watering, always give the plant a good bath until water starts dripping out through the drainage holes of the pot.
Using a well-balanced fertilizer that has been diluted to half its strength is best when feeding the mini monstera plant. Do this once or twice every month during the growing seasons, which are during spring, summer, and early fall. Avoid fertilizing your mini monstera plant from late fall through the winter season because it will go dormant. Doing so will only burn the inactive roots of your plant.
Pruning is important when it comes to caring for the mini monstera plant. Apart from cutting off dead and infected leaves or stems, pruning can also be used to make the mini monstera plant bushier.
By cutting short the vines, it encourages the plant to push out new growth, which leads to fuller plants. Also, pruning can be used to control the size and growth pattern of the plant.
Always ensure your scissors or pruning shears are sharp and disinfected to prevent the spread of diseases.
The fastest and easiest way of propagating the mini monstera plant would be through stem cutting, and the ideal time would be in early spring.
Start by making a stem cutting from a mature mini monstera plant right below a node. This can be done when pruning your plants. The cuttings should have at least two to three nodes with healthy leaves.
Cut off all the bottom leaves, leaving a few at the top of the cutting. Prepare a glass of water and submerge the exposed part of the cutting in it.
Provide the cutting with access to bright, indirect sunlight. Also, endeavor to change the water frequently to maintain freshness.
After a few weeks, it should start developing roots. When its roots reach a length of about 2 to 3 inches, you can now move them to an already prepared nutrient-rich soil mix.
Pests And Diseases
One common health problem prevalent with the mini monstera plant is the yellowing of the leaves. This can be caused by either overwatering or insufficient lighting. If you encounter this, try moving the plant to a well-lit area and cutting back on watering.
Also, underwatering can cause the plants’ leaves to curl and droop. If their roots are left without water for a long time, it can cause their leaves to start drooping downwards.
Common pests include thrips, aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. Organic insecticides can be used to control these pests in extreme cases, but remember that even organic insecticides should only ever be considered as a last resort.