Using coffee to water plants is one garden tip that has become popular among gardeners. And although coffee is used as a beverage in our everyday life, using it on plants might feel weird.

Coffee beans are filled with nutrients that are good for humans. But, are they also good for plants? Well, let’s find out.
Is Coffee Water Good For Plants?
The quick and short answer to this is yes, coffee is good for plants. Coffee beans have the needed nutrients that could be beneficial to plants. One of those nutrients is nitrogen. The nitrogen contained in coffee can help boost the overall plant’s growth.
Another benefit of pouring coffee on plants’ soil is that they help improve the acidity of the soil. This is good for plants that thrive in acidic soil. You can also use coffee for plants as fertilizer. To achieve this you would need to sprinkle the coffee grounds on the soil.
You can also use coffee as a deterrent for small pests that could trouble your garden. Snails, ants, slugs, and even cats can be repelled using coffee in your garden. For larger pests like rabbits or deer, the use of coffee can prove ineffective.
Should You Use Liquid Coffee Or Coffee Grounds?
Coffee grounds do bring benefits to your garden. They can be used as plant feed to add more nutrition to the soil. This can help with improving key areas of the soil like aeration and water retention.

When using coffee as plant feed, be sure to feed them once a week. This would foster proper and healthy growth. It is also worth noting that not all plants react well to coffee grounds. Plants like tomato seedlings are known for their negative reactions to coffee.
Using liquid coffee in place of water does have its benefits. It does contain a lot of water, so it can help in keeping the plant hydrated and fresh. Coupled with the nutrients from the extra nutrients, it does make a good alternative to water.
Although using coffee in place of water does have its benefits. Water still remains the best choice. Coffee does contain a high level of caffeine and this can be harmful to some plants.
It is always best to use coffee as an occasional alternative. You can make use of it once in 2 weeks, after 2 to 3 watering sessions.
How To Use Liquid Coffee
Because of the high acidity level that is contained in coffee, you should be mindful of the plant it is used on. The pH level in a cup of coffee (depending on how it is made) ranges from 5.0 to 6.9. For an average plant, the pH level should be between 5.8 and 7.0. This means it would need to be diluted.

This can be achieved with tap water, which has a pH level that is higher than 7.0. You would need to dilute the coffee with tap water to make use of it. Before diluting the coffee, it would need to cool off till it is at room temperature.
Once this has been done, you can proceed to watering the plants with it. Remember, it should be plants that love acidic soil. Some of these include:
Try to keep watering plants with coffee at a minimal level. If you water them too much, the excess acidity can sicken or kill the plant.
If you notice your plant has yellow leaves, this can be a sign of excess acidity. You would need to repot the plant and stick to regular dechlorinated water.
Frequently Asked Questions
The nitrogen found in coffee grounds can help promote healthy growth in plants.
Impatiens are plants that love high acidity levels. As such, they do well when fed with coffee grounds.
Indoor plants that like acidic soil pH, can be fed with coffee grounds.
Dechlorinated or distilled water still remains the best for plant growth.
When used in excess, it can be damaging to plants. The excess caffeine and high acidity level are bad for plants.