Homemade houseplant cures are the best way to guarantee growth and health without compromising organic integrity. Stop spending money on chemicals designed to cure diseases, fungus, and insect infestations, and start using all-natural remedies that are better for the plants, the environment, and the people who live in it.

Houseplant Cures You Can Make at Home
1. Milk and Cinnamon
Milk and cinnamon are two common household ingredients that could be the savior your plant has been seeking. There’s a simple reason they work so effectively. The calcium in milk helps create robust plants. And a lack of it is often to blame for blossoms rotting on your tomato and pepper plants. And milk can help eliminate aphids, though, in most cases, you’re likelier to encounter those kinds of pests outdoors than in your houseplants.
Cinnamon, on the other hand, is antibacterial and antifungal. It also functions as a deterrent to common ground-dwelling insects. Combining them makes a two-for-one homemade houseplant cure. Combine a cup of milk, a cup of water, and a couple teaspoons of cinnamon. Mix until no longer gritty, then put it through a sieve to remove any remaining lumps. Spray the tops and bottoms of your plant leaves every couple of days until the fungus clears up.
You can also sprinkle cinnamon on the soil of your plants if that is where the mold appears.
2. Chili and Garlic
The chili and garlic remedy uses one of nature’s own defenses against fungal and pest infections: capsaicinoids found in chili peppers. These oils were produced by the plant as a means of defense against predators. Using them in a spray on your houseplants can have the same positive effects.
It’s even more effective when mixed with garlic, which repels insects for the same reason the fragrance turns off many people. For those insects who aren’t dissuaded by the garlic fragrance, the heat of the chili oil will work as a deterrent.
To make this remedy, mix a whole bulb of garlic, peeled and roughly chopped, or two tablespoons of garlic powder with three chili peppers, or one teaspoon of chili flakes or powder, with a liter of water. Mix in a blender, steep for twenty-four hours, and then strain to remove any bits that might clog the spray bottle nozzle. Dilute with three tablespoons more water, shake to combine, then spray the tops and bottoms of your leaves weekly until the pest problem is resolved.
3. Tomato Plant Leaves
Tomato plants have developed their own defense systems and are a good protection against pests. As nightshade family members, they are naturally toxic to many pest types. And while you’re likelier to cultivate tomato plants outside your home than in, that doesn’t mean you can’t use the plant’s pesticide capabilities to help your houseplants.
Collect a handful of tomato plant leaves and coarsely chop them. Add a liter of boiling water and allow them to steep for 24 hours. Strain the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and douse your houseplants with the concoction to kill persistent pests.
4. Oils
Essential oils derived from plants are an excellent way to eliminate pests and bring peace to you and your home. Some of the best options are peppermint, cedar, lavender, tea tree, and thyme. All have antifungal properties, and the fragrance of most of these oils will deter pests.
Some oils, like lavender, can be applied directly to the leaves and stems of your plants. Others, like tea tree oil, should never be used without diluting them first, as they can burn the tender greenery. It’s always safest to mix your essential oils with water and mist your plants to keep them pest and fungus-free without killing them with the tincture you intended to keep them alive.
5. Baking Soda
Baking soda effectively treats your houseplants without using chemical compounds commonly found in outdoor pest and fungal treatments. It’s also greener and more organic. Baking soda is particularly effective against black spot and powdery mildew.
Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with a quart of water to create this tincture. If you want the solution to spread more evenly or stick to your plant’s leaves better, add a couple of drops of liquid soap to your mixture, stirring well before applying it. Spray the top and bottom of the leaves and let dry. Shake the bottle before reapplying, and be careful not to overuse it, as it can deteriorate your soil and slow your plant’s growth over time.
6. Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide has many uses beyond its traditional one, cleaning and disinfecting wounds. But that is why you’ll likely have this household plant fungicide and pesticide already in your home; check your medicine cabinet.
It works on your plants in the same way it helps wounds to heal. It burns the insects it comes into contact with, neutralizing their threat to your plants. But it also kills fungal infections in your plants and can help stem bacterial growth in your soil.
For those traditional uses, you’ll want to spray a mixture on your plants, but you can also use it as a drench, applying a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water directly to your soil. This will eliminate root rot and help aerate the soil, giving your plants a boost, even if they aren’t infected.
Use gloves when handling hydrogen peroxide, and avoid overapplying it. Use a Vol 10 hydrogen peroxide if it’s available. Mix 5 ml of water with 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide and spray or drench your plants. If you have a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide, add more water. Use 5 ml of Vol 30/40 hydrogen peroxide with 2.5 ml of water.
7. Soap
Soap is another effective treatment for houseplants that you likely have on hand. You can use dish soap, castille, or hand soap in this mixture. Use 1 tsp of soap and 1 liter of water, and spray your plants once every four to seven days. Before applying additional doses, check your houseplants for growth imperfections.
This homemade houseplant cure works best on spider mites, aphids, and mealy bugs. It works by suffocating the insects but can aggravate your plant if you’re not careful, so use this concoction sparingly. And keep an eye on your plants to ensure they aren’t responding negatively to the treatment you’re using to save them.