Haworthiopsis fasciata is a succulent plant native to South Africa. Also known as the Zebra succulent or Zebra Haworthia, the plant is sometimes confused with the Aloe plant due to their similar appearance. While different from Aloe, this plant is also considered low maintenance and makes an excellent house plant.

Hawortiopsis Fasciata Appearance
The Zebra succulent features thick, dark-green leaves with raised, white bumps. These bumps often merge together to form stripes, hence the name “Zebra”.
This small plant grows in a rosette formation, producing offsets outward from the center much like Agave Attenuata.
The Zebra Haworthia reaches a height of between 5 to 8 inches (12.7 to 20.3 cm) tall. Blooms appear in spring or summer by forming long stems called inflorescence with green and white striped flowers at the end. Blooming occurs more often on outdoor plants than house plants.
Light Requirements of the Zebra Succulent
Provide bright, indirect light for your plant. A place near an East or South-facing window is ideal. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight as the rays will scorch the leaves, turning them entirely white.
Watering the Zebra Haworthia
In the summer, water the plant using the soak and dry method. Let the soil’s top two inches dry out between waterings, then water thoroughly until the moisture begins to run out the pot’s drainage holes. Once the soil is finished draining, dispose of the water collected in the drip tray. The Haworthiopsis fasciata’s leaves have tubercles that store water, so the plant needs less water as temperatures decrease.
Soil and Fertilizer Requirements

Grow your Zebra succulent in a cactus soil mix or by creating your own blend from equal parts perlite, potting soil, and sand. A well-blended soil will allow water to soak in fast without prolonged pooling on the surface. Feed your plant, during the spring and summer, once per month with a diluted, liquid fertilizer. Withhold feedings in the fall and winter when growth is slowed due to dormancy.
Temperature and Humidity Levels
During summer growth months, keep your Haworthiopsis fasciata at temperatures between 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 to 29.4 degrees Celsius) for optimal growth.
The plant will tolerate higher temperatures, but will require more frequent waterings. Avoid temperatures below 50 F (10C) as the plant’s slow growth will be further inhibited. As with most succulent plants, the Zebra Haworthia prefers low humidity to avoid rot.
Propagating Your Zebra Succulent Plant
Propagate your plant by either cuttings or from offsets, also called pups. For the cutting method, choose a stem approximately 2 inches long from a mature mother plant. Cut the stem off using a sharp and sterile knife. Let the stem sit for a few days to allow the cut end to form a callus. Once the callus has formed, plan the stem in a pot filled with a succulent soil mix. Water the stem sparingly until the cutting is established and new growth appears.

To propagate a pup, carefully remove the pup from the base of the mother plant. Plant the pup in a succulent soil mix in a small pot just large enough to accommodate the offset. Water sparingly until the pup has established its own root system and new growth occurs.
Common Pests and Diseases of the Zebra Haworthia
Brown soft scale and spider mites are common pests among many houseplant varieties. Scale are approximately 1/8th of an inch long (4 to 5 mm) with long, oval-shaped bodies.
The pest’s range in color from a yellow-green to yellow-brown and are found on the stems and leaves of infested plants. The females lay eggs on the plant, which become crawlers and spread the infestation to other plant areas. As the scale feeds on the plant, they excrete a sticky substance called honeydew. This secretion often turns into black, sooty mold which causes further damage.
Spider mites are small insects that resemble spiders and leave fine webs on your plant. The insect’s colors range from red and brown to yellow and green. The spider mites feed on the plant, damaging the foliage to produce a speckled appearance. To treat your Attenuata Agave from soft scale and spider mites, use an insecticidal soap recommended for house plants. Multiple applications may be needed to rid the plant of the pests.
Haworthiopsis fasciata is a visually stunning houseplant thanks to its two-toned foliage. The plant’s care needs are that of most succulent plants, with water control and adequate temperatures as the most important factors. The plant’s straightforward needs make it an excellent choice for young growers or beginner gardeners.
Zebra Succulent FAQ
Repot your plant every two years when it has outgrown its current pot. Repotting in spring is recommended, as is giving the plant fresh soil and a new pot one size up from its previous one.
Yes, use a pair of sharp and sterile shears to remove dead blooms and redirect the plant’s energy toward new growth.
No, the plant is not considered toxic to pets or humans.
Yes, the plant will thrive outside in USDA zones 10a to 11a. You may move your plant outdoors in the summer in other climates but avoid exposure to temperatures below 50F (10 C).
The plant has a slow growth rate and often takes several years to reach its mature height.