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Fuchsia Magellanica: Tips and Care Guide For Growing The Hardy Fuchsia Plant

Fuchsia Magellanica, also called the “hummingbird fuchsia” or “hardy fuchsia”, is a perennial flowering plant capable of growing in USDA hardiness zones 6 to 7. Unlike other fuchsia cultivars, the Fuchsia Magellanica can withstand lower temperatures down to -5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fuchsia Magellanica

The foliage of the hardy fuchsia exhibits a vibrant and dark greenish hue all through the summer period. Blooming occurs during spring, producing red, pink, or purple-colored flowers. Their berries are edible and are mostly used in salads, jams, and jellies.

As a perennial, the Hardy Fuchsia can be used as a permanent plant, making them great for balconies. When planted outdoors directly into the ground, they make wonderful border plants. Their upside-down hanging flowers also attract hummingbirds, which adds beauty to your balconies.

Hardy Fuchsia plants are native to the southern part of South America. Under the right growing conditions, the hardy fuchsia can reach a height of 4 to 10 feet and a spread of about 3 to 6 feet.

Scientific nameFuchsia Magellanica.
Common nameHardy Fuchsia, Hummingbird Fuchsia.
OriginNative to the Southern part of South America.
Size4 to 10 feet high, 3 to 6 feet wide.
LightingFull sun, but can tolerate partial shade.
SoilMoist but also well-draining loam soil.
Temperature55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit ( 13 to 26 degrees Celsius). 
FertilizerWell-Balanced fertilizer.
ToxicityNot toxic.
PropagationStem cutting.

Hardy Fuchsia Care

The hardy fuchsia is a little bit harder to maintain when compared with the other fuchsia cultivars. But once all the necessary growing conditions are met, the hardy fuchsia will grow healthily and produce beautiful red or pinkish flowers.

Hardy Fuchsia Care
Cool Plants

Light Requirements

The hardy fuchsia performs better when grown under partial shade, but can also survive under full sun. Understanding the lighting needs of your hardy fuchsia plant will depend on your location.

When growing in regions with warm summers (hardiness zones 6 to 7), the hardy fuchsia can tolerate full sun. But in regions experiencing hot summers (hardiness zones 10 to 12), the hardy fuchsia plant will appreciate being placed under partial or full shade.

Water Requirements

Watering of the hardy fuchsia plant should be carried out a few times per week. Under watering can cause its leaves to turn yellow or its edges to become dry, therefore don’t allow the soil to dry out before watering.

Avoid over-watering the plant as this can cause root rot. Hardy Fuchsias grown as border plants have a deep tap root system. In colder regions, waterlogged soil takes a longer time to dry, causing root rot.

For those grown in containers, make sure the containers have drainage holes at the bottom.

Soil Requirements

Soil Requirements
North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox

Provide your hardy fuchsia plant with a loam-based soil that’s nutrient-rich, moist, and well-draining. 

Hardy fuchsia plants prefer their soil to be slightly on the acidic side. Therefore, you can add organic compost to the soil to boost its acidity level. Also, use mulching materials to cover the top of the soil to help retain moisture in the soil.

Fertilizer Requirements

Fertilizing the hardy fuchsia plant is easy. You can use organic manure or compost materials to feed the plant. Spread the compost materials around the base of the plant. This can be done once or twice throughout the entire growing season.

A well-balanced fertilizer like 20-20-20 can also be used. Avoid fertilizing the plant directly. Instead, spread around the base of the plant.

Temperature Requirements

One of the outstanding characteristics of the hardy fuchsia plant is its ability to withstand cold temperatures as low as -10 degrees Fahrenheit. The plant thrives in temperatures ranging from 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 26 degrees Celsius).

High temperatures can heat up the roots of the plant, leading to its death.


Pruning can be carried out on the hardy fuchsia plant in order to control its size. During spring, trim down the plants using pruning shears. This will allow for new growth. 

Cut off old and deformed leaves so as to encourage the plant to direct its energy into growing new leaves.



The hardy fuchsia plant can be propagated through stem cutting. 

Make multiple softwood cuttings of about 2 to 4 inches each from the hardy fuchsia plant. Remove all the bottom leaves, leaving about 2 to 3 at the top.

Dip the base of the cuttings in rooting hormones, then insert them into an already prepared potting mix.

Place the plant in a well-lit environment and water it. After a few weeks, the cuttings should have developed roots.

Common Health Problems/Pests And Diseases

Common pests that attack the hardy fuchsia plant include grapevine moth, thrips, rust, and two-spotted mite. This can be handled by spraying the plant with fast-running water mixed with neem oil or insecticidal soap.

A common disease that affects the hardy fuchsia plant is the tomato spotted wilt. This disease is spread by thrips, and its symptoms include stunted growth and curled leaves.


Is Fuchsia magellanica toxic to pets?

No. Fuchsia magellanica is not toxic to pets or humans.

Why is Fuchsia magellanica referred to as “hummingbird fuchsia”?

Because their flowers are known to attract hummingbirds.

Can I grow hardy fuchsia in containers?

Yes. Hardy fuchsia can be grown in containers and also as border plants.

Can hardy fuchsia be grown under shade?

In regions experiencing hotter summer periods, it is advisable to grow your hardy fuchsia plant under shade, as intense heat could overheat the root of the plant, therefore killing it.

Why do my Hardy Fuchsia plants have yellow leaves?

The yellowing of leaves is mostly caused by underwatering of the plant.