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Eucalyptus Plant Care And Growth

Eucalyptus plants are impressive perennials. They are known for their nice scents and stunning leaves. These leaves take a greenish-blue color that is admirable. It has a fast growth rate and can grow as high as 40 feet when grown outdoors. 

Eucalyptus cinerea
Trees of Stanford

When indoors, the maximum height of the potted Eucalyptus bush is reduced to 10 feet. It is native to Australia and belongs to the Myrtaceae family. 

It is important to note that the sap of the potted Eucalyptus plant is toxic. So do be careful when growing them around kids or pets. 

Botanical NameEucalyptus cinerea
Common NamesEucalyptus tree, argyle apple, silver dollar tree
Plant TypePerennial Tree plant 
Full SizeRanges from 8 feet to 40 feet tall
Sun ExposureDirect or full sunlight 
Soil TypeWell-draining, rich soil 
ToxicityToxic to both people and pets

Eucalyptus Varieties 

The Eucalyptus genus is a large one as it features hundreds of species. Here are a few popular examples;

  • Eucalyptus platypus
  • Eucalyptus gunnii
  • Eucalyptus globulus
  • Eucalyptus pulverulenta

Care of Eucalyptus Plant 

They are low-maintenance plants with simple needs. The leaves of the small eucalyptus plant have beneficial uses. Its oil can be extracted to make perfumes and medicines. But, since it is toxic, always wear protective gloves when handling them.

Eucalyptus Light Requirements

When growing eucalyptus indoors. Always ensure you provide enough access to direct or full sunlight.  They need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight to thrive. Growing them in areas of low lighting gives them stunted leaf growth. 

Place them in a room, next to a south-facing window. This presents them with the most sun needed for the day. They can grow in areas with filtered sunlight. But they would need longer exposure and their growth might be poor. 

Eucalyptus Watering Requirements

The Eucalyptus cinerea can do without water for long periods. But they still need water to stay fresh. Depending on the heat of the season, watering should be kept moderate.  Once every 4 days is good in summer. However, during winter or fall, limit it to once a month or 2.  

Aim for moist soil. You can achieve this by letting it dry a little before the next watering session. Make use of a moisture meter as it helps with appropriate watering.

If you don’t have that, then feel the soil with your fingers. If the topmost part is a little dry, proceed to watering. Too little watering can cause the plant’s leaves to shrivel up. And excess watering opens the roots up to fungi. This can lead to root rot.

Ensure you use rainwater for your watering. Tap Water is filled with chlorine and this is harmful to the plant. You can also use a water filtering system, to get rid of chlorine from tap water.

Eucalyptus Soil Requirements

The potted plant isn’t picky when it comes to soil types. This is because it can tolerate most soil types used. What is most important is that the soil used is well-draining and rich.

You can use regular potting soil. Add perlite to it to make it well-draining. Some peat moss or coco coirs can be added too.

Keep the pH level of the soil between a little acidic and neutral. An appropriate range would be between 6.2 to 7.0.

Eucalyptus Temperature and Humidity Requirements 

They love humid climates but can survive moderate levels of humidity. A humidity level from 50% above should be fine. Anything below 50% is harmful to the potted plant.

Try regular misting to achieve this indoors. You can also make use of a humidifier, but it can be expensive.

Temperature levels should be kept between 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They would need protection against the cold winter season.

Eucalyptus Fertilizer Requirements 

Some fertilizer would be needed in its growing season when indoors. For this, use a low nitrogen fertilizer. Avoid doing this during the winter seasons as the plant should be dormant byt then.

Eucalyptus Propagation and Pruning Requirements  

Eucalyptus Propagation and Pruning Requirements 
Valley Gardens

You can propagate the Eucalyptus in two methods; 

  • Seed Propagation 
  • Stem cuttings.

Propagating by stem cuttings is the easiest method. But be sure to use sterilized tools and avoid hurting the plant. 

Printing would be required to keep Eucalyptus’s fast growth under control. Cut the dead leaves at the base close to the stem or branch. Always use sterilized tools. 

Common Health Problems of Eucalyptus plants 

  • Psyllids 
  • Brown leaves
  • Root rot

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the best pot size to grow eucalyptus?

Use an air pot of 3 liters deep for Eucalyptus plants. You can also use other sizes depending on their variety.

Is it good to breathe eucalyptus?

Yes, the mentholated fragrance from Eucalyptus can help cure nasal congestion.

What are air pots?

Air pots are large pots with lots of holes to allow proper drainage and aeration. They are best used for plants like Eucalyptus indoors 

How long does a eucalyptus plant live?

Eucalyptus trees have long lifespans. Some have lived for over 250 years.  

How often should I repot eucalyptus?

Due to their fast growth rate. You would need to repot them each spring season. This is their growing season.