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Epidendrum Ibaguense: Growing The White Epidendrum Orchids

Ibaguense Epidendrum Orchids are epiphytic plants that can be found growing on trees in South America and North America. 

It is a member of the Orchidaceae family and its genus, which is the Epidendrum genus, is home to over 1000 species, each possessing various appearances and habits. 

Members of the Epidendrums genus often feature glossy leathery leaves which can take up any shape depending on their variety. They also produce blooms that vary in colors ranging from white (which is the Epidendrum ibaguense), orange, purple, red, and yellow.

The white flowers of the Epidendrum ibaguense takes the shape of a crucifix by coming in clusters of trees which are carried by the Epidendrum reed stem. 

They are used as ornamental flowers for indoor spaces because of the exotic aesthetics they provide.

Botanical NameEpidendrum ibaguense
Common NamesCrucifix Orchids
OriginNorth America and South America 
Plant TypeEpiphytic perennial flowering plant 
Full SizeRanges from 1 foot to 3 feet 
Sun ExposureRanges from part shade to full sun
Soil TypeWell-draining soil which is a little acidic

Epidendrum Varieties 

Except for the Epidendrum ibaguense, there are other popular species from the Epidendrum genus, these are;

  • Epidendrum nocturnum
  • Epidendrum radicans
  • Epidendrum secundum
  • Epidendrum stamfordianum
  • Epidendrum alatum

White Epidendrum Care 

Because of their love for warm climates, the Epidendrum ibaguense is an easy plant to grow and care for indoors, they can be grown outdoors but it has to be under the suitable soil and temperature conditions. 

White Epidendrum Light Requirement

Epidendrums in general have peculiar lighting needs, as too much or too little has its consequences. They require partial shade or indirect bright light but can also grow when exposed to full, direct sunlight. 

Be careful, as too much sunlight exposure can end up scorching the delicate leaves of the white Epidendrum, but too little sunlight can limit the blooms produced by the plant. 

You can regulate the intensity of sunlight the Epidendrum plant receives by growing them in a room, right next to a window facing the east. 

There, it can receive access to the morning sunlight, after which you can then relocate the plant or cover it with a light curtain to filter the harsh rays of the afternoon sun.

White Epidendrum Orchid Watering Needs    

The watering needs of white Epidendrum orchids are high during the growing, warmer seasons. Watering during this season should be done from once to twice a week depending on the temperature. 

Limit this practice to once in 2 to 3 weeks during the cold season. Always aim for moist soil, so it helps to let the topmost part of the soil dry out before its next watering session. 

Soggy soil is not healthy for white epidendrums because of their delicate roots. It could fast suffer fungal attacks that could lead to root rot. 

White Epidendrum Soil Requirement 

Unlike most Epiphytic orchids which require a soilless growing medium,  the white epidendrum can be grown in a container with a healthy well-draining soil mix present. 

They can also be grown outdoors in sandy or loamy soil. For your potting mix, it helps to add one part of perlite, bark, coarse sand, peat moss, and gravel.  

Keep the potting mix acidic, with a pH range of 5.5 to 6.5 and you can also use orchid potting mixes. 

Humidity and Temperature Requirements of White Epidendrums 

White Epidendrums are sturdy plants that can survive tough climatic conditions, but they do require adequate protection from freezing conditions. 

Temperature range should be from 10 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Any level lower than 10 degrees, would harm the plant.

Keep moderate humidity with regular misting or with the use of a humidifier when grown indoors.  A range between 50% to 70% should be perfect for the exotic plant. 

White Epidendrum Fertilizer Requirement 

Regular fertilizer feeding would be needed by the plant depending on the plant’s growing season.

This should be done every week or at most every 2 weeks and ensure you use a mix of orchid fertilizer and balanced fertilizer that has been diluted. 

White Epidendrum Orchid Propagation

You can propagate a White Epidendrum through its keikis. The keikis are like a little clone or baby sprout of an orchid. Cut and replant the Keikis, and ensure you sterilize the tool before using it. 

Common Health Problems of White Epidendrum   

Epidendrums are generally tough plants, and as such do not suffer from many health problems. They do suffer from the following problems;

  • Root rot. 
  • Petal blight.
  • Black rot. 
  • Leaf spots, and 
  • Powdery mildew.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you propagate an orchid?

Yes, you can propagate orchids through a variety of ways like seed or through stem cuttings.

Why is my orchid stem turning red?

This might vary with species like moth orchids; the red stems are present when excess sun hits the plant. 

When should I repot my Epidendrum?

It is recommended that you repot your Epidendrum Every three-year interval, and use a bigger pot.

Can you grow Crucifix Orchids in water?

As long as they are grown under the right conditions, they can be grown in water.

How long do orchids live for?

An orchid can live as long as 20 years under the right conditions.