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The Topsy Debbie Succulent

The Topsy debbie succulent is a hybrid plant from the Graptoveria genus. It is a member of the Crassulaceae family and is easy to distinguish from its unique leaves. The leaves are spoon-shaped and fleshy. They grow as rosettes and are quite bright with a sandy lilac color.

Graptoveria Topsy Debbie
World of Succulents

It is sometimes called the Echeveria debbie. This is because it is a cross between an Echeveria topsy and a Graptoveira debbi. The topsy plant produces flowers in the springtime. The flowers are yellow in color and they grow at the center of the rosette leaves. 

Growing the succulent graptoveria hybrid indoors is ideal. They make great ornamental plants due to their beautiful features. They can also be grown outdoors in rock gardens also for ornamental purposes. 

Botanical NameGraptoveria Topsy Debbie
Common NamesLilac spoons, Graptoveria topsy debbie
OriginA hybrid species
Plant TypeSucculent perennial 
Full Size5 to 6 inches tall, 3 to 4 inches wide 
Sun ExposureFull or direct sunlight, can tolerate light shade 
Soil TypeWell-draining soil, ranging from acidic to neutral 
ToxicityNon-toxic to pets and people when ingested. 

Topsy Debbie Graptoveria Types 

Being a succulent hybrid, there are no exact varieties of the topsy plant. But here are two close relatives; 

  • Graptoveria Fanfare
  • Echeveria Fred Yves

Topsy Debbie Care Guide

Most succulents are low-maintenance with the graptoveria succulent being one of them. It has a moderate growth rate and very simple requirements. The lilac succulent thrives on neglect and has few pest problems. 

Topsy Debbie Light Requirements

Sunlight requirements for the debbie plant should be full or direct sunlight. They prefer a minimum of 6 hours of exposure to full sun each day. They can suffer slight sunburn when exposed to harsh sun rays. So you might want to provide some light shade for them. 

They become leggy and stunted if you provide very little or inadequate lighting. So ensure you grow them next to a west or south facing window. They can be grown outdoors under a little shade to protect them from sunburn. 

Growth lights can be used indoors in areas of low lighting. Although this is not sufficient lighting, they should be able to tolerate it. 

Watering Conditions for the Topsy Debbie

Graptoveria topsy debbie plants hate excess water. It exposes them to fungal attacks causing root rots. And it also exposes them to a variety of pest infestation. So it is important that you water them less often. 

A watering schedule is not required for the topsy debbie. Instead, check the moisture level of the soil and ensure it is dry before watering. Do this with the help of a moisture meter. You can also stick your finger in the soil to check. If it feels dry and the roots look shriveled up, then water them. 

Avoid using tap water when watering. Instead, opt for distilled water. Rain water is best for them as it doesn’t contain chlorine.  Aim for the soil when watering as their delicate leaves hate water. They could suffer harm from the moisture build up.  

Soil Requirements for the Topsy Debbie

Soil Requirements for the Topsy Debbie
World of Succulents

A well-draining soil is the best soil type for the topsy debbie plant. Gravel or sandy soil works great for them. But you can also use regular cactus or succulent soil.  A custom mix with potting soil, sand, and peat moss is also good. 

The soil pH can range from acidic to neutral. You can opt for a range between 6.5 and 7.0 for perfect soil. 

Temperature and Humidity Requirements for Topsy Debbie

The echeveria lilac frost tolerance is very low. This means they thrive in hot temperatures. A range between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit should be fine. Ensure the temperature never drops below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. And keep them away from cold windows during the winter season. 

Humidity should be left at room level. They prefer a dry environment, so no misting and no need for a humidifier. Keep them away from kitchens and bathrooms or any room with high humidity levels. 

Fertilizer Requirements for the Topsy Debbie

You do not need to fertilize your topsy debbie plant often. They are light feeders and can survive without fertilizer. And the excess fertilizer buildup can lead to chemical burns on the leaves. 

If you must fertilize them, use a healthy succulent fertilizer on them. This should be a low-strength fertilizer. And it should be applied once a year during the spring season. 

Propagation Requirements for the Topsy Debbie 

There are two ways to propagate a topsy debbie plant. This should be through stem cuttings and by dividing the offsets. Ensure you sterilize all tools before using them to avoid infecting the plant. 

Common Health Problems of the Topsy Debbie

This succulent variety doesn’t suffer much pest infestation. It can be affected by the following:

  • Root Rot 
  • Scales
  • Mealybugs 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How long does the topsy debbie live for?

The topsy debbie has a good lifespan. It can survive for decades.

Why are the leaves of my topsy Debbie shriveled?

This is often a sign of a thirsty plant. Do a thorough watering of the plant.

Is The Topsy Debbie Rare?

It can be rare to find a topsy debbie plant.

Does the topsy debbie like shallow pots?

Yes, shallow pots are best for their delicate roots. A large pot can be too stressful for the plant.

Can You Grow The Topsy Debbie in Shade?

No, they prefer direct sunlight with complete shade does not provide.