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The Boobie Cactus Plant – Myrtillocactus Geometrizans Fukurokuryuzinboku

Boobie Cactus plants are a strange cactus variety. They feature a weird shape that resembles the breast of a woman. This has earned it the name “breast cactus” or “Boob Cactus”.

Myrtillocactus Geometrizans Fukurokuryuzinboku
john on Flickr

The potted boob plant is a rare species. It is often collected and grown by cactus enthusiasts. It makes an excellent ornamental plant as it offers a strange aesthetic to spaces. You can find the  Myrtillocactus succulent growing in tropical regions. From Mexico to Oaxaca.

They are from the Cactaceae family. And are not known to be toxic to both pets and people.

Botanical NameMyrtillocactus Geometrizans Fukurokuryuzinboku
Common NamesBooby Cactus, breast Cactus, Titty cactus, Blue Myrtle Cactus 
OriginMexico, Oaxaca 
Plant TypeSucculent cactus 
Full SizeRanges from 20 to 24 inches in height 
Sun ExposureThey enjoy full or direct sunlight 
Soil TypeWell-draining, light, acidic soil
ToxicityNot toxic to pets and people 

Boobie Cactus Care

The Japanese cultivar is an easy plant to care for. As succulent cacti, they can survive a little bit of neglect. But do ensure you meet its watering, soil, and lighting needs, for proper plant growth.

Boobie Cactus Light Requirements

Growing the boob plant in indirect but bright sunlight is ideal. They can grow well in full exposure to direct sunlight too. But do not keep them in direct sunlight for more than 5 hours. 

Over time, they might suffer scorched or yellow stems. Too little sunlight produces a very stunted plant growth. So consider moving them to a place with more light access.

A room with a south-facing window would be great. There it would receive all the sunlight it needs for proper growth. To provide some filter, use a light curtain or cloth. You can also consider moving the plant a few inches from the window.

Boobie Cactus Watering Requirements

Boobie Cactus Watering Requirements
Giromagi Cactus and Succulents

The Fukurokiryuzinboku can survive some little neglect. This is because of their succulent foliage which traps moisture. Reduce watering to once a week or once in 2 weeks. This should be done during the hot summer or spring seasons. 

During the cold winter or fall, watering should be avoided. They need less watering because they go dormant in winter. Always aim for moist soil, not soggy soil. Overwatering the bobie cactus can lead to root rot. 

Check the moisture level of the soil with a moisture meter. This should be done before watering. You can also consider feeling the soil texture with your fingers. If they feel dry then wear the plant.  

Avoid tap water, they contain chlorine which is harmful to plants. Instead, use rainwater. If there is no rainwater, consider filtering the tap water. Do this with a proper water filtration system. Keep the temperature of the water at room temperature. 

Boobie Cactus Soil Requirements 

A proper soil type would be well-draining soil. It should also be light and contain enough nutrients. Using loamy soil would be ideal for the breast cactus. But when growing them indoors, you can customize your potting soil. 

Use a regular cactus potting mix. Add some perlite and some part peat moss to it. Coconut coir does help with aeration. And always use organic compost to make the soil richer. 

The pH level should be kept acidic. A range between 5.5 to 7.0 would be best for your breast cactus plant. 

Boobie Cactus Humidity and Temperature Requirements

Humidity levels should be kept moderate. A range between 30% to 40% humidity should be fine. They are succulents that can trap water in their foliage. So regular misting would not be needed. 

Temperature level should range between 50 to 70 degrees fahrenheit. They can tolerate high temperature levels but moderate levels are better. Keep them away from cold environments, It would affect their overall appearance. 

Boobie Cactus Fertilizer Requirements 

Boobie Cactus Fertilizer Requirements 

Use a succulent fertilizer on the rare cacti. This should be done once between 3 weeks to a month in the summer season. Avoid the use of fertilizer during the cold winter season. They would be dormant.

Boobie Cactus Propagation  

You can propagate the boob succulent in two ways;

  • Through seed Propagation 
  • Through stem cuttings.

It is recommended you propagate through stem cuttings. Growing through seeds give you a regular variety. 

Common Health Problems of The Boobie Cactus Plant 

  • Root rot
  • Yellow stem
  • Aphids
  • Mealybugs
  • Spider mites
  • Scales

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a boobie cactus cost?

On Average, a boobie plant should cost at least $40.

How fast does a boobie cactus grow?

They have a fast growth speed. They can as they become visible 1 month after planting. 

Does the Boob Cactus flower?

Yes, they produce tiny white blooms in springtime. 

What is the rarest Cactus?

The rarest cactus would be the Discocactus subterraneo-proliferans. 

Where can I buy the boobie cactus?

You can purchase the boobie cactus from online stores like eBay. Amazon and Etsy are also good choices.