Hanging houseplants are an easy way to add more color and texture without taking up floor space. Indoor plants that hang are perfect for a bare corner and can prevent shelves and tabletops from becoming too cluttered. While some are small and compact, other hanging plants have trailing stems and dangling leaves that make them a focal point in any room.

20 Indoor Hanging Plants for Every Room in the House
1. English Ivy

The English Ivy, also known as common ivy, is happiest when it’s near a window and receives a lot of light. It’s a well-known plant often found climbing stone or brick walls. The plant is not only adaptable and hardy, but it can also thrive in different light conditions.
A low-maintenance plant, English Ivy does require regular watering so that the soil is evenly moist. It’s also suited for larger rooms since it can grow to be quite big.
2. Alsobia Dianthiflora

The alsobia dianthiflora, or lace flower, will be happiest hanging next to a sunny window. Alsobia dianthiflora can be identified by its fuzzy green leaves that also have a purple midrib. When grown in ideal conditions, white gloxinia-like flowers with fringed edges bloom.
The plant thrives in medium to bright light and you should try to keep it evenly moist. Avoid allowing the plant to stand in water.
3. Strawberry Begonia

The strawberry begonia is a good hanging plant for sunny and cooler rooms. It can thrive when placed near an east- or west-facing window, and it prefers medium to bright light.
Also known botanically as Saxifraga stolonifera, the plant got its name from having a similar growth pattern to strawberries. Strawberry begonia produces offshoots that are able to grow on red stolons.
4. Air Plants

Air plants can hang in any room, and they work well in macrame plant hangers or in glass capsules. These plants, part of the bromeliad family, are unique in that they don’t require soil to grow. They receive their moisture and nutrients from the air, so you don’t need to worry about watering the plant. Air plants also thrive when they receive indirect sunlight. You’ll notice that you have a healthy air plant when it blooms.
5. Little Swiss Monstera

A smaller version of the Monstera deliciosa, little Swiss monstera is happiest in rooms with high humidity, such as a warm and sunny bathroom. Because of the holes in the leaves, the little Swiss monstera is also known as the “Swiss cheese plant.”
When given proper light, little Swiss monstera can grow quickly. It prefers bright light, but it can also handle being in moderate light. The plant should also be watered whenever the soil feels dry.
6. Spider Plant

The spider plant, also known as Chlorophytum comosum botanically, should be placed near a bright window. It can grow quickly in medium to bright conditions, but it will tolerate low light or dry conditions.
The spider plant, which features slim and grassy leaves, is popular due to its durability and it can add a jungle feel to any space. Spider plants can also produce delicate white flowers when exposed to bright sunlight.
7. Philodendron

The philodendron doesn’t mind low light levels, so it can hang in any room of the house that doesn’t receive a ton of bright sunlight. Direct sunlight can burn the philodendron’s delicate leaves. It is easy to grow, and it will be okay if you forget to water it every now and then.
8. Bird’s Nest Fern

It’s best to let the bird’s nest fern hang in a room that doesn’t receive much direct sunlight, such as a bathroom. Full shade or partial shade is best, and it also loves warmth and humidity.
Its large leaves look stunning when hanging over the sides of a hanging pot. Its curvy leaves can change shape depending on how much light it receives. When the plant receives too much sun, its leaves become scrunched up, while too little sun leads to the leaves flattening out and turning yellow.
9. Maidenhair Fern

The maidenhair fern will look stunning when near a bright window in your house. It’s best to hang the maidenhair fern in a humid room that receives indirect light. You should also water it enough that the soil is consistently moist.
The maidenhair fern has delicate, fan-shaped leaf segments that cluster together on wiry black stems. Since the plant is compact, it doesn’t take up much space.
10. Lobelia

The lobelia blooms in purple, blue, red, or pink making it a perfect fit for any room in your house. It comes in many varieties and it can grow to be 15 inches wide. The lobelia is easy to grow as it requires little maintenance. You should make sure to water it frequently and it prefers full sun, but it will tolerate partial sun.
11. Cebu Blue Pothos

Since the Cebu blue potho is easy to grow and take care of, it can happily hang in any room of your apartment or house. The Cebu blue pothos have small and narrow heart-shaped silvery green-blue leaves.
The plant will grow the fastest when grown in a room that receives medium to bright indirect light. Since its leaves burn easily, avoid letting the plant sit in direct sunlight. When watering, make sure to water thoroughly and allow the top 1 to 2 inches of soil to dry between waterings.
12. Trailing African Violet

The trailing African violet is happiest when it’s able to receive eight hours of sunlight, so it’s best to hang the plant in the sunniest room of the house. When hanging in an area that receives bright light, it’s most likely to produce bright and purple cascading blooms.
13. Baby’s Tears

Because of tiny round leaves and delicate trailing stems, it’s best to hang the baby’s tears plant over a hanging planter. Baby’s tears can grow quickly and they require regular attention in order to remain healthy. They don’t respond well to harsh sunlight as it can negatively affect their leaves, but they can handle being placed under artificial lights.
The plant thrives in shaded and moist conditions. Baby tears don’t like to dry out, so always make sure that any soil around the roots is moist, but not sitting in water.
14. Sterling Silver

Known as the Scindapsus treubii ‘Moonlight’ botanically, sterling silver thrives when hanging near a window with a sheer curtain. While sterling silver is tolerant of many indoor conditions, too much sun can dry out the leaves. It grows best in a spot where it can receive medium to bright, indirect light. The sterling silver has heart-shaped leaves that have a slight silver overlay.
15. Burro’s Tail

Known for its rows of small, plump leaves on cascading stems, the Burro’s tail should hang in areas that don’t receive a ton of light. The burro’s tail is a low-maintenance plant that is also drought tolerant, so it’s ideal for anyone who forgets to water their plants for periods of time. It thrives in areas with low humidity.
16. String of Pearls

The string of pearls has plump, round leaves that run along each of the long stems and it is happiest in a room where it can receive bright, indirect sunlight. It’s a visually striking plant, so hanging it in your living room or in a heavily trafficked area is a good idea. These leaves are also filled with water, which is helpful if you forget to water them every now and then.
17. Tradescantia Nanouk

The tradescantia nanouk thrives in rooms with north- or east-facing windows. This allows them to receive bright, indirect light, and full sun can lead to greater flower production. The hanging plant has larger-than-average-sized leaves that have noticeable white and pink streaks.
The traescantia nanouk needs to be watered once a week or when you notice the soil is dry. Make sure to avoid over-watering the leaves since it harms them, and you should also prune the plant regularly.
18. Moth Orchid

The moth orchid, also known as the Phalaenopsis orchid, should be placed in a well-lit room and it can add a pop of color to any room. It gets its name from the shape of its flowers and the way they flutter. Placing one in an east-facing window and humid spot is best. To bloom, moth orchids need bright light and the blooms can last for months. Since direct sunlight can harm the leaves, indirect sunlight is best
19. Boston Fern

The Boston fern is happiest when hanging in a bright and warm room, such as a bathroom or a kitchen. The plant is known for its feathery, draping foliage and it can add a touch of elegance to a space. It can grow to 3 feet wide and 3 feet tall.
It’s known for its ability to thrive in humid environments, and it needs to be watered daily so that the leaves don’t dry out. You also want to regularly prune away any brown or damaged grons.
20. Chenille Plant

The chenille plant loves to be in humid and warm conditions making it a great plant for a bathroom. It can also be happy in a room with a humidifier. It’s easily identified by its deep green foliage and fuzzy, red, caterpillar-like tendrils called catkins. The catkins can become quite lengthy without proper care.
The plant thrives in bright, indirect sunlight and you want to make sure to water it often. You also need to prune your chenille plant as it will help keep the plant healthy longer. Because of its red flowers, it’s a good plant to hang in a room that is lacking a bit of color. If it’s given the right amount of light, nutrients, and warmth, the plant can possibly bloom throughout the year.