There aren’t many indoor plants that boast such high aesthetic appeal as the Anthurium Clarinervium. Its large heart-shaped leaves and beautiful vein structure has left a lot of people describing the velvet cardboard anthurium as both mesmerizing and stunning.

The Clarinervium plant can be traced down to the tropical forests of Chiapas in Mexico. The exotic plant belongs to the Anthurium genus and is just 1 variety out of 1000 different Anthurium varieties.
If you are a novice in the world of indoor gardening, the Clarinervium Anthurium might not be the best plant for you. However, by adhering to the rules and meeting the Exotix plant’s basic requirements, growing and taking care of the Clarinervium should be an easy task.
But what are these basic requirements that are needed by the Anthurium Clarinervium?
Botanical Name | Anthurium Clarinervium |
Common Names | Velvet Cardboard Anthurium |
Origin | Chiapas, Mexico |
Family | Araceae |
Plant Type | Perennial, Flowering, Indoor Plant |
Full Size | 2 ft long and 3 ft wide |
Sun Exposure | Bright but indirect light |
Temperature | 68 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit |
Soil Type | Well-draining, well-aerated soil potting mix |
Toxicity | It has a mild toxicity level that can cause skin irritation to both humans and pets if ingested or eaten. |
Anthurium Clarinervium Care
Caring for the Anthurium Clarinervium plant can be quite demanding. However, the beauty that the Clarinervium brings to any room it is placed in, makes it all worth it in the end.
To ensure proper growth of the Velvet Cardboard Anthurium, a few basic requirements have to be met.
Anthurium Light Requirements
The exotic Anthurium Clarinervium house plant requires access to adequate bright but also indirect sunlight.
The Clarinervium can survive low lighting, but it does have its consequences as the Anthurium leaves might begin to get droopy.
Avoid direct sunlight at all costs, as prolonged exposure to direct sunlight could lead to the plant’s foliage burning.
Search for a room in the house that lets in enough sunlight, but indirect sunlight. The bathroom is a perfect example of one of such room, ensure it is away from any sunny windows.
And if you can’t seem to manage that, you could make use of a light curtain or cloth to provide adequate shade from the sun’s harsh rays.
During the winter season, the growth of the Anthurium plant is almost dormant, so it is recommended that you provide less indirect light during this period.
Anthurium Clarinervium Water Requirements

When it comes to watering your Clarinervium houseplant, it shouldn’t be an everyday affair as the excess water can be harmful to the plant.
However, keeping your Anthurium plant dry isn’t a great idea either. What you should aim for when it comes to watering your Clarinervium should be moist soil.
Moist soil is perfect for the exotic houseplant, and this can be achieved by limiting the frequency at which you water the Anthurium big leaf.
Watering the plant, once every week is most recommended. However, you would need to monitor the soil moisture level before watering.
A great practice would be to feel the top layer of the soil with your finger. If you notice that it is about 90% dry, you can then proceed to water the plant.
Also, when watering the soil to get rid of toxins, ensure that you drench the soil. Once you are done, check the bottom of the pot to be sure all moisture has left through the drain holes.
Clarinervium Anthurium Soil Requirement
For plants like Anthurium Clarinervium, using the perfect soil mix would be most essential to its growth and care. This is why you would want a Clarinervium Anthurium soil type that is well aerated and well-draining.
The roots of the exotic plant are sensitive and as such would prefer a soil that provides enough access to oxygen so they can breathe.
A good mix would be a mix of peat moss with orchid bark (medium-grade), and perlite would be most ideal. To further improve aeration you could add coconut coir, gravel, and coarse sand.
Also, a good Clarinervium Anthurium soil needs slight water retaining the capacity to hold in moisture long enough for the roots to make use of.
Clarinervium Anthurium Humidity and Temperature Requirement

Strive for high humidity when taking care of the Clarinervium plant. A humidity level below 50% could be very bad for the exotic plant.
A great way to meet the humidity requirements of the Anthurium variety would be to use a humidifier. Anything from 60% is perfect for the plant species.
Another option would be to gather all your indoor plants together while also providing adequate spacing between them. It would help raise their humidity levels.
For temperature, maintain a range of 68 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. A general warm temperature is ideal for the exotic houseplant.
Fertilizing Requirements
Fertilizing your Clarinervium shouldn’t be a regular affair. In fact, it is recommended that you feed your potted plant once every 2 weeks during the spring season up until fall.
During the winter, however, the growth of the Anthurium Clarinervium would be dormant, so fertilizing then would be a bad idea.
When fertilizing, use an organic fertilizer or a liquid fertilizer for Anthurium Clarinervium and ensure that the strength of the fertilizer is diluted to about 50% so as not to stress the Clarinervium Anthurium plant.
Pruning Requirement
The Anthurium Clarinervium growth rate isn’t fast as it takes up to four years to mature. So pruning the houseplant won’t be done often.
However, it is a basic requirement to ensure healthy growth, so make sure you prune any damaged, diseased or dead leaves you spot.
Do ensure you sterilize your shears or knives before using them to avoid infection and cut right to the stem of the damaged leaves to create room for new Clarinervium Anthurium small leaves to grow.
Repotting Requirements
Repotting should be done every 2 years; the growth rate of the Anthurium Clarinervium plant is slow, so every 2 years should be enough.
Do ensure you get a bigger pot with holes to allow easy passage of water during watering, and fix up a fresh new batch of organic, well-draining, and Well-aerated soil mix.
You might experience some difficulty when repotting. This is because the roots of the Clarinervium clings to the base of the pot. Do consider breaking the pot open so as not to traumatize the roots. Be gentle.
Propagating Anthurium Clarinervium
There are 3 methods that can be used when propagating an Anthurium Clarinervium houseplant. They are;
- Division
- Stem Cuttings, and
- Seeds
The leaves of the Clarinervium contain calcium oxalate crystals that are insoluble and thus harmful to both pets and humans when eaten.
It is therefore advised that you keep the exotic plant away from the reach of pets and animals. If you notice the exotic plant has been eaten, do ensure you call a doctor as soon as possible.
And monitor the pet or child for any signs or symptoms that might develop.
Clarinervium Anthurium Plant Problems
Anthurium Clarinervium is a tough plant, and as such can withstand most diseases and infestations that attack it. However, improper care and maintenance can lead to a few problems, some of which are;
- Brown leaves
- Yellow leaves
- Root rots
- Scales
Frequently Asked Questions
The difference between both forms is just the appearance; one spot narrows bright green leaves while the other has broad dark green leaves.
Anthuriums are known to grow tall, the members of the genus each have an average height of 2-3 ft.
Expect to see an Anthurium Clarinervium for sale at the price of $80 to $120
The Anthurium Clarinervium is regarded as a vining plant and as such, is a climber.
Even during the growing season, the Anthurium Clarinervium is considered a slow grower when compared to other indoor exotic plants.