Alocasia Amazonica, or Alocasia x amazonica, also known as Amazonia Polly, Amazonian elephant’s ear, or African mask is a compact house plant from the elephant ear family. It is a hybrid cross between two unverified parents. It is popular because of its elaborate tropical foliage.

The name is misleading since this plant originates from tropical southeast Asia and not the Amazon. The name comes from the tropical rainforest foliage of the plant, which can bring a feel of the Amazon rainforest into your home.
Environmental Needs
Meeting the basic environmental needs for any houseplant is the key to success. Looking at where the plants come from can give us a range of clues about what they need.
Usually, this plant will be grown only indoors in temperate climates, kept in an indoors environment throughout the whole year. But it can potentially be grown outside in summer in some warmer temperate climate zones or warmer climates as long as temperatures remain above around 15 degrees C. and it has a suitable spot protected from harsh, direct sun.
Water And Humidity
Just like most plants in the tropical rainforest, Alocasia Amazonica requires constant watering and a humid environment for healthy growth. Soil should be kept moist and warm at all times during summer and spring. During the winter season, less water is required as the plant will enter a dormant state.
Excess watering during this period can lead to root rot. The soil has to be a little dry during the winter season as this will help prevent root rot.
Also, avoid leaving the plant under draft and harsh weather conditions. Using a humidifier to keep a moist environment is the best practice during this period.
Distilled water is the preferred choice when watering as their roots are sometimes sensitive to some things found in tap water.
Light And Temperature
Just like most plants in the rainforest, Alocasia Amazonica requires bright and indirect sunlight for healthy growth. Placing the plant in a window area with access to light is good but also make sure that it is not placed under the harsh sun.
Just like most indoor plants, Alocasia Amazonica needs a sufficient dose of sunlight to carry out photosynthesis. The plant can be placed in an area where it can assess sunlight moderately as direct sunlight can cause damage to its foliage.
Despite having dark foliage, they love bright lights as they tend not to perform well in low light or dark environments as this might force them into a dormant state. You can either use a grow light or place them in locations with access to sunlight such as windows, sheltered balconies, etc.
Standard room temperature is ideal for Alocasia Amazonica, although warmer conditions won’t be an issue as long as you are keeping the temperature above 18 degrees C. or so, to prevent the plant from entering into its dormant state.
Alocasia Amazonica mostly goes dormant during the winter season. This is a self-protective reaction that takes place whenever they find themselves in a cold or dark environment.
The plant may die back to a stump in the pot but it can grow back up the next season. It is fine to allow dormancy to take place in order that healthy growth and flowers are produced the following year.
Keep the plants warm throughout the winter season, provide access to sunlight, and cut back on watering the plant so as not to overwhelm it during this period.
Soil/ Potting Mix
Alocasia Amazonica prefers its soil or potting mix to be slightly moist, not wet. The soil mixture should be able to let the excess water drain itself out to help preserve and prevent the roots from rotting. A mildly acidic potting mix is best.
Water consistently to keep the growing medium moist but not saturated throughout the growing season. Remember to reduce watering significantly during dormant periods.
You should also wipe down the leaves. Alocasia Amazonica is a dust attractor as a result of its large foliage. Leaves should be kept nice and clean at all times for the healthy growth of the plant and to keep it looking good. Dusty leaves won’t be able to photosynthesize as effectively.
Alocasia Amazonica doesn’t require frequent fertilizer application. Diluted organic fertilizer can be applied once a month or every 2 weeks as you water.
The best time for applying fertilizer is during spring and summer. Fertilizer application during winter should be avoided as it risks burning the root as a result of the plant being in its dormant state.
This plant doesn’t need any form of pruning except when cutting off old, dried, and tattered leaves.
It has a growth pattern where new leaves are produced from old leaves. The old leaf produces a bigger new leaf and then dies off slowly underneath. So if any pruning is required, it should be carried out at the bottom only, to cut the old leaves out while leaving new ones.
You may also wish to remove the flowers so that the plant focusses on foliage growth, since this plant is grown for its foliage and not really its flowers.
There are two ways of propagating Alocasia Amazonica. The first way is through the use of bulbs.
Alocasia Amazonica produces bulbs that you can pick off when repotting your plant. Ensure the bulb is still hard as soft bulbs indicate problems.
The bulb should be placed with the root part downwards. Quick draining sand should be used to plant the bulb with a plastic or glass cover. Also, the soil should never run dry and have access to sunlight.
The second method involves root division. The plant should be taken out from its pot and excess soil shaken off. At this stage, most clumps will have separated. If that’s not the case, a clean sharp knife should be used to cut vertically making sure to ensure the root on each clump is intact.
Individual clumps can then be potted and planted in an already prepared aroid soil and watered.