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Grow a Bushy and Beautiful Kimberly Fern

The Kimberly Fern is native to Australia. The fern is included on NASA’s list of air purifying houseplants. Aside from its air cleansing abilities, the fern is easy to care for and adapts well to indoor environments.

Grow a Bushy and Beautiful Kimberly Fern
Alicia in a Small Town

Kimberly Fern Appearance

The Kimberly Queen Fern features a bushy growth habit with large, sword-shaped fronds. This fast-growing fern reaches a size of between 2 and 3 feet tall and 2 to 4 feet wide. Suited well to growth in a hanging basket, this plant thrives in humid conditions.

Kimberly Queen Fern Sunlight Requirements

Place your Kimberly fern in indirect sunlight close to a bright window. Avoid direct sunlight as it will scorch the fronds, turning them brown. Provide filtered light through a sheer curtain if the fern is close enough to be in the path of direct sunlight.

Watering Kimberly Ferns

Keep the fern’s soil consistently moist but not soggy. The temperature and amount of sunlight will determine how often you’ll need to water, but it will likely be several times per week. Kimberly ferns are sensitive to excess salt, fluorine, and chlorine. Use distilled or filtered water if there are high levels of these in your tap water.

Soil and Fertilizer Requirements

Provide a well-draining, rich soil for the fern to grow in. Standard potting soil amended with peat moss or compost for added nutrients. Feed the plant once per month, during spring and summer, with a balanced, liquid fertilizer. 

Temperature and Humidity Levels

Optimal temperatures for the Kimberly fern are between 60 to 70 Fahrenheit (15.5 to 21 Celsius). As with most ferns, this plant is not tolerant to cold drafts and should never come in contact with cold windows. Avoid browning of the fronds by providing medium to high humidity levels. Add a humidifier to the room or place a pebble tray under the plant’s pot.

Pruning the Kimberly Fern

Pruning the Kimberly Fern
Sunnyside Gardens

Remove browning and dead fronds as needed. Use a pair of sharp and sterile shears to avoid damaging the plant or introducing bacteria into the cut. Removal of dead foliage helps maintain a healthy plant and redirects energy to new growth.


Division of the Kimberly fern is the best method of creating new plants. Remove the fern from its pot by rocking the plant back and forth while gently pulling until it releases. Look for natural separations in the rhizomes. Pull apart the roots, ensuring not to damage them. Repot each fern in its own pot filled with the recommended soil. Water well to ensure optimal contact with the rhizomes and soil.

Common Pests and Diseases

When grown indoors, Kimberly ferns are susceptible to infestations from aphids, mealy bugs, and spider mites. For small infestations, place the fern in the shower and spray the plant to dislodge the insects. Larger infestations often require treatment with products like neem oil.

The most common issues with ferns are root rot and wilting or browning of the fronds. Incorrect watering is often the cause of these issues. Rot indicates overwatering and poorly draining soil. Browning or wilting is low water, low humidity, or overexposure to direct sunlight. 

The Kimberly Queen Fern is a lush houseplant that complements any decor. The plant requires consistent moisture and humidity for optimal growth but thrives easily when cared for properly. Create a healthy and calming space in your home by adding the Kimberly Queen Fern.

Kimberly Fern FAQ

What Climate Does the Kimberly Fern Prefer for Outdoor Growth?

These ferns grow best in USDA zones 9 to 11.

Is the Kimberly Queen Fern Toxic Considered Toxic to Pets?

No, the Kimberly Queen Fern is not toxic to your pets.

Should I Mist My Kimberly Fern?

Regular misting of your fern will help increase the humidity around the plant but is not a substitution for a proper watering schedule.

What Pollutants Do Kimberly Ferns Help Filter from the Air?

The ferns help filter formaldehyde and xylene. 

When Should I Repot My Kimberly Queen Fern?

The Kimberly fern prefers to be somewhat root bound. Repot the fern once the roots are growing up above the soil’s surface and out through the pot’s drainage holes. Choose a new pot 2 to 3 inches larger than the previous one.