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Grow a Big and Beautiful Bamboo Palm

The Bamboo Palm plant is a variety of Palm native to Mexico and Central America. Chamaedorea seifrizii has average care needs and is one of the plants on the NASA Air Purifying Plants list. The plant features both attractive foliage and bright blooms to enjoy.

Grow a Big and Beautiful Bamboo Palm

Bamboo Palm Appearance

The Bamboo Palm plant grows from a central stalk then branches off to smaller stems. Each stem features long, green leaves. The plant grows to a height of between 4 to 12 feet tall and 3 to 5 feet wide. Blooms appear in spring and summer in either yellow or orange color.

Bamboo Palm Lighting Requirements

Proper Bamboo Palm care requires providing filtered sunlight. Medium to low lighting is adequate, even from a North-facing window. Avoid direct sunlight which scorches the foliage. 

Watering Your Bamboo Palm Plant

The Bamboo Palm prefers evenly moist soil but not soggy. When in doubt, it’s recommended to err on the side of caution and underwater the plant as opposed to overwatering. Allow the top 1 inch of the soil to dry out between waterings. When watering, water until the moisture runs through the pot’s drainage holes to ensure the roots receive the required amount of water.

Soil and Fertilizer Requirements

Provide your Bamboo Palm with a well-draining, humus-rich soil. Use a high-quality potting soil amended with orchid bark and perlite works well. In early spring, spread a layer of slow-release fertilizer granules on the surface on the plant’s soil. These granules will be watered in over time and provide needed nutrients. Withhold fertilizer in the fall and winter.

Temperature and Humidity Levels

Average household temperatures are adequate to keep the Bamboo Palm growing well. Average humidity levels are fine but, if possible, boosting the humidity will benefit the plant. Use a humidifier or pebble tray to increase humidity around your Bamboo Palm plant.

Bamboo Palm Care: Pruning

Bamboo Palm Care: Pruning

Remove any dried out or dying leaves or leaf tips as needed. The plant does not need regular pruning other than removal of unhealthy leaves or stems.

Propagating the Bamboo Palm

The plant produces offshoots once mature. Use a pair of sharp and sterile shears or a knife to separate an offshoot. Ensure the offshoot’s root system is still attached for increased success. Plant the offshoot in its own pot filled with the recommended soil. Keep the soil moist and the plant humid until the plant is established in two to three months.

Common Pests and Diseases

Common pests to watch for are mealy bugs, aphids, whiteflies, and scale. Infestations will often present as yellowing and withered leaves, along sticky honeydew the insects excrete after feeding on the plant. The insects can be controlled by mixing a half cup of rubbing alcohol with 1 gallon of water placed in a spray bottle. Spray the entire plant generously with the alcohol mixture for pest control

Root rot is the most common disease to watch for and is caused by the roots sitting in soggy soil for prolonged periods of time. To combat the rot, reduce waterings and repot the plant if the soil is so soggy it won’t dry out within a day or two. Trim away dark and mushy roots and remove any damaged foliage. 

The Bamboo Palm gives a tropical vibe to any room with minimal care. The plant grows large enough to work well as a floor plant. The plant’s pleasing appearance, and its air purifying properties, makes the Bamboo Palm plant an excellent choice as a houseplant.

Bamboo Palm FAQ

What Climates are Best to Grow the Bamboo Palm Outdoors?

The Bamboo Palm is best suited for USDA zones 10 and 11.

Is the Bamboo Palm Considered Toxic to Pets?

No, the plant is not considered to be toxic.

When Should I Repot My Bamboo Palm Plant?

To encourage more growth and a larger plant, repot the Bamboo Palm once it becomes root bound and has outgrown its current pot. To control the plant’s size, do not upgrade as long as the plant remains healthy.

What Pollutants Does the Bamboo Palm Help Filter From the Air?

The Bamboo Palm helps to filter Formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide, xylene, and chloroform.

What’s the Easiest Way to Provide More Humidity for the Bamboo Palm?

Fill a shallow tray with small pebbles and water, then place the tray under the pot’s drip tray. As the water evaporates it will be absorbed by the plant.