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Ficus Benghalensis: All you need to know about the Ficus Audrey plant 

The Ficus Audrey plant is a popular member of the Ficus genus. It is an evergreen perennial tree plant that could serve as both an indoor ornamental plant and an outdoor plant. 

Ficus Benghalensis
Bioma Plants

Audrey Ficus plants when grown indoors could grow as tall as 10 feet, while when being grown outdoors, the Ficus Audrey can grow as tall as 100 feet.

They spot large green leaves that are oval in shape and have an irregular growth pattern. When compared to other members of its genus, the Ficus Audrey tree bears a similar resemblance to the Fiddle-leaf fig or ficus lyrata and could even be a suitable replacement for the Lyrata.

The Ficus Audrey is native to the deep, wild Asian forests of Pakistan and India, and it’s even nicknamed “the Banyan Tree” in some parts of India.

Be careful with the Audrey Ficus tree as it has an average level of toxicity and can be harmful to pets and people when eaten or ingested. 

Botanical NameFicus benghalensis
Common NamesBanyan Tree, Ficus Audrey, Strangler Fig, Indian Banyan,  
OriginIndia and Pakistan 
Plant TypeEvergreen Perennial, Tree 
Full SizeFrom 60 feet to 100 feet  
Sun ExposureBright but shaded sunlight
Soil TypeWell-drained, acidic, fertile soil 
ToxicityToxic to pets and children when ingested 

Caring for the Ficus Audrey 

Although the Ficus Audrey plant is regarded as a low-maintenance plant, It would not be the recommended start for a beginner. 

Providing the proper lighting, water, soil, and temperature would ensure that the Ficus Audrey tree grows healthy and strong. 

Caring for the Ficus Audrey 
Secret Garden

Ficus Audrey Light Requirements    

Lighting is an important aspect of Ficus Audrey care and although the plant favors indirect sunlight, a little direct sunlight does help to guarantee healthy growth.

Too little sunlight would be bad for the Ficus variety leading to poor or stunted growth, and excess direct sunlight could scorch the plant’s foliage. 

What you should aim for is a healthy mix of the two sunlight intensities. When grown indoors, you can expose the potted plant to a maximum of 4 hours of direct sunlight in a day. Early morning sunlight would be most preferable. 

After which, adequate bright but indirect sunlight could be provided for the remaining part of the day. 

Place the plant in a room with a window that faces the west or the south. You could make use of a light curtain to reduce the sun’s intensity if the need be. 

When grown outdoors, consider planting a shaded area where the sun’s direct rays wont be intense. As the plant gets mature it should be able to withstand prolonged hours to direct sunlight. 

The roots of the Audrey Ficus are invasive so be mindful of nearby structures when growing outdoors. 

Ficus Audrey Water Requirement

Watering should be done once a week during the summer or hot season while during the winter season, it is recommended you water the Audrey Ficus once in 3 weeks or once a month. 

The Ficus Audrey doesn’t like frequent watering, so you should be careful so as not to overwater the plant’s roots. Overwatering the plant can leave the roots soggy and open to fungal attacks. 

Aim for moist soil when it comes to watering. It should be kept moist at all times as this is best for the plant’s delicate roots. 

A great practice to measure the soil’s moisture level would be to feel the top part of the soil, with your finger. If you notice that the soil feels almost dry, you can then proceed to water the plant. 

Ensure the water used is free from chlorine and other chemicals. Also, room temperature water would be preferable so as not to stress the plant’s roots. 

Ficus Audrey Soil Requirement  

Ficus Audrey Soil Requirement 
Tooth Mountain Nursery

The Audrey Ficus tree isn’t picky when it comes to the soil type being used. However, rich, well-draining soil would be most ideal. 

To get the desired soil texture for the potted plant, you would be required to mix one part potting soil, with one part perlite and one part sand. 

Keep the soil pH value in the range of acidic to a little neutral. The appropriate pH value should range between 6.5 to 7.0     

Repotting would be required every year as the plant does grow fast. Select a bigger pot with drainage holes. 

Ficus Audrey Humidity and Temperature Requirement

Just like the warm tropical regions of India and Pakistan where the plant is native, the Ficus Audrey does well in humid regions and this should be replicated indoors. 

Getting a humidifier would be ideal for the potted plant, however, don’t turn it too high, a range of 30% to 40% should be good. 

Temperature levels for the Audrey Ficus should be between 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Lower temperature levels would prove harmful to the plant. 

Ficus Audrey Fertilizer Requirement  

Fertilizing should be done once a month to help boost the plant’s growth. This would be most needed during the plant’s growing season. 

Any fertilizer ranging from natural to liquid would be recommended. Although before using liquid fertilizer, ensure it is diluted to half of its initial strength. 

Avoid fertilizing during the cold winter periods as the plant would be dormant and fertilizing would be harmful to the roots. 

Deep watering would be needed to get rid of the residual fertilizer that would be left from frequent fertilizing. 

Ficus Audrey Propagation

Ficus Audrey Propagation
The Spruce

The Audrey Ficus plant can be propagated through two main methods. These are; 

  • Seeds propagation
  • Stem Cuttings

When Propagating by Stem Cuttings, be sure to wear protective gloves as the sap from the tree is known to be toxic. 

Ficus Audrey Pruning Requirement

Pruning is an important part of Audrey Ficus’s care as it helps to control the growth of the plant. 

When grown indoors, you should prune every month, be careful not to prune more than one-third of the plant at once as you might harm the plant more. 

Ensure the tools to be used for pruning are sterilized and cleaned so as to avoid infection and wear protective gloves to be safe.  


Aundrey Ficus plants produce poisonous saps from their leaves and stems which cause skin, mouth, and eye irritations when ingested. 

Keep the potted plant away from the reach of children and pets. And if you notice a child or pet has eaten from the plant, call a health professional, and monitor them for any signs or symptoms that might develop. 

Common Health Problems of the Ficus Audrey    

The exotic tree plant is known to suffer from improper watering practices, wrong lighting practices, pests, and diseases, a few of which are;

  • Yellow Leaves
  • Brown tips
  • Leaf Drops 
  • Mealybugs
  • Scales
  • Aphids 
  • Root Rot
Frequently Asked Questions
Tula House

Frequently Asked Questions

How fast do ficus trees grow?

Ficus trees are fast growers, growing as tall as 26 inches each year

How can I speed up the growth of my ficus tree?

Ficus trees grow faster when provided with the right lighting, watering, and fertilizing conditions. 

Is Ficus Audrey rare?

The Ficus Audrey is a rare ficus genus that is sought after. It is regarded as a national tree by Indians. 

Is Ficus Audrey the same as fiddle-leaf fig?

They do belong to the same family and genus, but they are two different plant species.

Which ficus variety is the most popular?

The most popular of all ficus varieties is the Ficus Lyrata or the Fiddle-leaf fig.