Peanut Cactus: Nature's Curious Wonder

The stems of the Peanut cactus grow up to 6 inches in length with a diameter of a half inch each. The stems are covered in small, white bristles which feel soft but will prick the skin and cause irritation.

Light Requirements

Give the Peanut cactus bright sun exposure from a south or west-facing window. The cactus does not thrive in low lighting so avoid full shade or dark corners.

Water Needs

Allow the soil to become dry between waterings to avoid root rot. The fleshy stems store water making the Peanut cactus a drought-tolerant plant. Water until the soil is soaked and moisture runs out the pot’s drainage holes.

Peanut cacti do well in average household temperatures of around 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit ( 15.5 to 21 degrees Celsius). During the winter, proper Peanut cactus care requires moving the plant to a location with less sun and temperatures of around 50 degrees Fahrenheit ( 10 degrees Celsius).

Soil And Fertilizer

The Peanut cactus prefers a well-draining soil such as a cactus or succulent mixture. Potting soil is acceptable provided it is amended with coarse sand and perlite to improve drainage

Propagate your Peanut cactus in the fall once all blooming is finished. Allow the stem to sit for 12 to 24 hours. Fill a small pot with a succulent or cacti soil mixture and insert the cut end into the soil. Withhold water for two to three weeks until roots begin to form.

Is the Peanut Cactus Toxic?